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Statistical processing

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Cecilie Bryld Fjællegaard
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The economics of Danish feature films

Data for the statistics are collected by the Danish Film Institute for use in the administration of film support. It is examined whether the number of feature films in the data received matches the number of feature films supported through the Consultant or Market Scheme. Then various sum checks are made for the individual films. In the event of irregularities or questions, the Danish Film Institute is contacted and data edited if necessary. Data is then enriched with information about the target group from Statistics Denmark's Film Register. Finally, data is aggregated to the final tables.

Source data

The statistics are based on administrative data from the Danish Film Institute and data from Statistics Denmark's Film Register.

Data from the Danish Film Institute is accounting and budget information on individual films that are used in connection with the distribution of and follow-up on the payment of support through Consultant and the Market scheme.

The film projects that are supported under the Consultancy Scheme must have cinematic and artistic qualities. There are no special requirements for genre or audience appeal, and the Consultancy Scheme supports films of all budget sizes. Every year, production support is granted for 10-12 feature films under the Consultancy Scheme.

The film projects that are supported under the Market Scheme must be expected to sell more than an average Danish feature film in cinema tickets in Danish cinemas. Production support is given for 7 - 9 films a year.

As part of the application for support for the two schemes, the producer must submit a financing plan showing how the film will be financed and what the funds will be used for. The financing plan must have an uncertainty margin of at least 5 per cent. and may not exceed 10 per cent. of the budgeted production costs excl. a subset of the other costs. A commitment to support can only be made when the beneficiary has documented that the budget, including any margin of uncertainty, is fully funded. The beneficiary must submit the film's production accounts to the Danish Film Institute for approval within three months of the film's commercial world premiere.

Data from the Danish Film Institute is enriched with information on the target group from Statistics Denmark's Film Register, which contains information on all films that have premiered in at least one Danish cinema since 1976. Reference is made to [cinema statistics] ( / en / Statistics / documentation / statistical documentation / cinemas-and-movies) for further information.

Frequency of data collection

Data is collected continuously.

Data collection

Data are submitted to Statistics Denmark directly from the Danish Film Institute's administrative registers through a system-to-system solution.

Data validation

First, it is examined whether there is a correspondence between the number of feature films in the data received and the number of relevant feature films on the Danish Film Institute's official list of grant recipients. The year of the feature films is basically determined on the basis of the date of the Danish cinema premiere, but may in some cases be determined by international premieres or premieres of other forms of distribution, eg. streaming services.

Then various sum checks are made for the individual films: For example, it is examined whether the financing items add up to the production accounts and whether the production accounts are equal to the total costs.

In the event of irregularities and / or questions of doubt, the Film Institute will be contacted and data adjusted if necessary.

Data compilation

Accounting and financing information from the Danish Film Institute is consolidated and supplemented with information on foreign sales of distribution rights. Data are validated and linked with metadata from Statistics Denmark's Film Register. In rare cases, there are films that have not been shown in Danish cinemas, and which are therefore not found in the Film Register. In these cases, the target group is assessed on the basis of the film description in Filmdatabasen. Finally, data is aggregated to the final tables.


No corrections are made, other than what has already been described under Data Validation and Data Compilation.