Contact info
Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsCecilie Bryld Fjællegaard
+45 51 27 86 09
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The statistics are relevant for industry professionals, researchers, analysts and others with a special or general interest in the economic aspects of Danish film production. It can be used to support analyzes of the development in Danish feature film production and / or be a starting point for political debates and decisions. It can also provide an insight into the framework conditions for Danish feature films for other interested parties.
User Needs
The overall user need is to create more knowledge about the financial framework conditions for Danish feature films, which can facilitate more fact-based debates and decisions.
Professionals have for a long time demanded statistics that shed light on the economy and cash flows in the audiovisual industry. In collaboration with the industry, the Danish Film Institute and the Ministry of Culture, Statistics Denmark has investigated the possibilities of meeting this demand.
The statistics on the economy of Danish feature films are the result of the collaborative project. At present, the statistics cover the financing of, costs associated with and revenue to Danish feature film production.
The economy in Danish feature films is one of many dimensions in the audiovisual industry, and there is a demand for more lighting. At present, it is being investigated whether a statistic can be established that sheds light on fiction (series).
User Satisfaction
The statistics have been developed in collaboration with the industry, the Danish Film Institute and the Ministry of Culture to ensure user satisfaction.
Data completeness rate
Not relevant for this statistic.