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Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsCecilie Bryld Fjællegaard
+45 51 27 86 09
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The time series is comparable throughout the period. The statistics are partly comparable with Statistics Denmark's cinema statistics and can be compared with the Cultural Habits Survey's results regarding films and series. Internationally, the statistics can be compared with UNESCO's feature film statistics. There are no common European or international guidelines in the field, but there are a number of international and European sources for lighting the feature film field.
Comparability - geographical
There are no common European or international guidelines within the area, but there are a number of international and European sources for lighting the feature film area. One source for European film statistics is a report from the European Audiovisual Observatory.
Comparability over time
The time series is fully comparable throughout the period.
Coherence - cross domain
Statistics Denmark's Cinema Statistics highlights films that have had a Danish cinema premiere . Among other things, it provides opportunity to see how many tickets Danish feature films have sold in a given year, and how large the ticket revenue for the films has been.
The cinema statistics and the statistics on the economy of Danish feature films are not directly comparable. This is partly due to the fact that the cinema statistics have a different definition of land of origin and include all Danish feature films that have had a Danish cinema premiere, while the statistics on the economics of Danish feature films only include Danish feature films that have either received support through the Danish Film Institute's Consultant or Market Scheme and may also include Danish feature films that have not had a Danish cinema premiere.
The Cultural Habits Survey, which is a questionnaire survey, sheds light on the consumption of films and series. You can see, for example, what proportion of the population has seen films and series, broken down by gender, age and other background variables.
Coherence - internal
The statistics are partly based on Statistics Denmark's film register, which due to differences in sources and purposes in certain cases has a different delimitation of films than the other data material. In these cases, supplementary questions for data providers are supplemented.