Statistical presentation
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The economics of Danish feature films is an annual statement of the framework conditions for Danish feature films by type of financing (public support and private financing), country of financing (Denmark or abroad), target groups (eg. children / young people / families or adults), cost types (salary and other costs) and revenue type (cinema, video, TV) calculated in both mill. DKK and number of films.
Data description
The statistics detail the financing of and costs associated with the production of Danish feature films, ie. where the money comes from and what it has been used for, and thus provides an insight into the financial framework conditions for Danish feature films. Furthermore the statistics describes the revenue of Danish feature films. The type of financing describes how the feature films are financed, eg. whether the financing is public support or private financing. A distinction is also made between Danish and foreign funding, and you can see, for example, how much of the funding comes from abroad and how many films have received foreign funding. Costs describe how the financing has been used and distinguish between labor costs and other costs. The type of revenue describes where the revenue originates from, e.g. cinema, video/DVD/VOD, TV, foreign revenue and other revenue. The target group shows whether the films are targeted at children, young people and families or adults. Both financing, costs and revenue can be distributed to the target group.
Classification system
Type of financing in the statistics bank table FILMFIN1 Total financing, DK - Public financing excl. TV support, DK - Public TV support, DK - Private financing excl. sale of distribution rights, DK - Sale of distribution rights, private financing, DK - Total financing, abroad - Public funding, abroad - Private financing excl. sale of distribution rights, abroad
Type of financing in the statbank table FILMFIN2 - Sale of distribution rights, abroad - Public financing excl. TV support - Public television support - Private financing excl. sale of distribution rights - Sale of distribution rights
Type of revenue in the statbank table FILMIND1 - Revenue, total - Cinema revenue - Video, DVD, VOD revenue - TV revenue - Foreign country revenue - Other revenue
Target group: - Children / young people / family - Adults
Sector coverage
The culture sector.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Danish feature films: Films that meet the following three criteria: 1) Stand-alone fiction productions of a minimum duration of 75 minutes 2) Productions produced by the Danish main producer, ie. a producer who conducts business through Denmark by establishing a permanent place of business or equivalent 3) Feature films that have received production support from the Danish Film Institute either through Consultant or Market scheme.
Salary costs: The part of the financing that has been spent on the remuneration of the people who have been involved in the production of the film, eg. the director, the A-photographer, the costume designer and the editor.
Target group: The audience that the film is aimed at. It can be children, young people and families or adults.
Public funding excl. TV support: Funds from the Danish Film Institute, Danish and foreign public institutions and foundations (eg Nordic Film & TV Foundation and Eurimages) as well as funds from DR and TV2 for interest.
Public TV support: Pre-sale and sale of public service distribution rights (typically TV shows on DR and TV2).
Other costs: The part of the financing that has been spent on other than salaries. It covers i.a. costs for camera, sound and light equipment, raw films, decorative materials, masks and wigs, location rental and film development.
Private financing excl. sale of distribution rights: Funds from Danish and foreign producers and co-producers.
Sale of distribution rights: Advance leasing payments and sale of private TV shows. In rare cases, Danish feature films are awarded funds from foreign state-owned media houses. These subsidies are considered private financing, as the media houses are not subject to the same obligations as DR and TV2.
Advance leasing payments: Prepayment of rights to distribute films.
VOD: Video on Demand. A service that allows users to stream or download video content on demand, without being tied to fixed broadcast schedules.
Year: The year containing the date of the Danish cinema premiere; may in some cases be determined by an international premiere or premiere on other forms of distribution, eg. streaming services.
Statistical unit
Feature films
Statistical population
Danish feature films
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics cover the time period 2010 and onwards
Base period
Not relevant for this statistic.
Unit of measure
The following units of measurement are used: number of films, financing in million DKK, and costs in million kr.
Reference period
The statistics are compiled for films released during the calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Act on Statistics Denmark §6: Data comes from other public authorities and existing registers.
Cost and burden
The statistics are based on administrative registers. There is therefore no direct reporting burden in connection with the compilation of these statistics.
Other information can be found on the subject page about Cinemas and films or by inquiry to Statistics Denmark.