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The statistics is comparable with Statistics Denmark's statistics on activity at folk high schools. There are also statistics on the activity at participants in Sweden and Norway. There are statistics covering activities at folk high schools back to 1901, but this statistic on the background of participants are comparable from 2016 onwards.
Comparability - geographical
No comparable statistics on the background of participants in folk high school courses are assumed to exist. Eurostat and OECD do not have any statistics on folk high schools, but Statistics Sweden and Statistics Norway publish statistics on participation in folk high school courser. The results from these statistics are not directly comparable to the Danish statistics because of varying definitions of eg. course length. In Sweden, however, statistics about participants are found by origin, gender, geography and age.
Comparability over time
There are statistics on students at folk high schools dating back to 1901, but the current statistics on participants are comparable back to 2005. The statistics of the participants background are comparable from 2016 and onwards.
Statistics on folk high school students have been available since 1901; see Statistical Yearbook 1902. The current statistics on folk high school courses are comparable from 2005 onwards. The statistics on participation at folk high school, which include information on students' backgrounds, are comparable from 2016 onwards.
Coherence - cross domain
Comparability between adult education, fulltime education and folk high schools: Participants at folk high school courses are published in the Statistics Denmark's register of adult education and continuing training.
The statistics are based on Statistics Denmark's course register and are therefore comparable to statbank tables for the total adult and continuing education area. The total number of participants full-time equivalents can be compared with the sum of participants in VEUHOJ11 and in VEUHOJ21. However, small discrepancies may occur due to rounding of decimals when calculating the number of full-time equivalents. There may be marginal deviations with regard to gender, which is due to continuous revision of the source registers. As the definition of short-medium and long course differs from the above-mentioned tables, the results cannot be compared separately. VEUHOJ11 and VEUHOJ21 base the length of the stay on the number of reported course weeks and do not use the category medium courses, which is merged with short courses. In addition, the tables are based on different value sets and variables, so a comparison based on individual excerpts distributed among variables is not possible.
VEU20 uses a different definition of the school year, so this statistic cannot be compared with data from VEU20 in terms of the school year, whereas there is good consistency when using the calendar year. When updating with a new reference year, this statistic will be revised two years retrospectively. The update accounts for any adjustments and corrections in the student register. Additionally, the update of a new school year (reference year) will also include the publication of the previous calendar year.
The distribution of age among the participants is not directly compared with the tables VEUHOJ11 and VEUHOJ21. The difference is because these statistics describe the age of participants at folk high schools at the beginning of their college stay, whereas the age of VEUHOJ11 and VEUHOJ21 is fixed from the cut-off date of September 30 of the reference year in which the participants completed their folk high school course. When comparing the statistics, the participants will typically have a higher age in VEUHOJ11 and VEUHOJ21 compared with these tables.
Coherence - internal
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