Folk high school courses
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Population and Education, Social StatisticsAsger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46
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Folk high school courses 2023
Folk high school courses 2021
Courses and Adult Education - Folk High Schools 2020
Courses and Adult Education - Folk High Schools 2019
Courses and Adult Education - Folk High Schools 2018
Courses and Adult Education - Folk High Schools 2017
Courses and Adult Education - Folk High Schools 2016
Courses and Adult Education - Folk High Schools 2015
Courses and Adult Education - Folk High Schools 2014
The purpose is to describe the participation of the population in adult education in the sense of folk high schools and independent prevocational schools. Courses fulfilling the requirements outlined in the Danish Folk high school law are included, but also non-financed courses of a general folk high school nature. The data is a part of Statistic Denmark's register of adult education and continuing training.
Statistical presentation
The Statistics gives a complete picture of the populations participation in folk high school courses as well as courses from the independent prevocational schools. Data are collected on number of participants as well as full-time equivalents. In addition data is also collected on the length of the courses. For the latest year, data based on calendar year only contains data for half a year. This is because data is published on school years so that the second half will become available once the next school year is published
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Statistical processing
Data are collected annually from the schools administrative systems and by manual reporting. Collected data are validated for institution, type of education, course length and personal ID number. In addition it is determined if pupils has been reported several times. After data has been validated it is divided into: type of folk high school, education area and courses length. annual equivalents are calculated based on the course length and number of participants.
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The statistics are widely used by municipalities, counties, government departments, non-government organizations, the news media and private enterprises. No user satisfaction data has been collected.
Accuracy and reliability
The most important source of inaccuracy is insufficient registrations by the administrations of the folk high schools. Various control procedures catches up with this as far as possible. In addition there are small differences in the material delivered by the folk high schools. We are currently working on solving this issue.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistic is issued once a year, usually in the first quarter of the year including data from approx. 6 months after the end of the collection period.
In general the statistic is published in accordance with the announced time.
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There are statistics on folk high schools in Denmark dating back to 1901, but the statistics are in their present form comparable from 2005 to the present. However, the short courses, under 12 weeks, are only included from 2012. There is no common international standard for statistics on folk high schools, but similar statistics can be found for Norway and Sweden. There are other statistics on folk high schools in Denmark, but there may be differences between definitions (e.g. the school year) and calculation methods (e.g. calculation on the basis of grants or actual activity) which may mean that there is no direct comparability.
Accessibility and clarity
The results are put into the Stat Bank: See under Education and knowledge
Researchers can get access to the detailed data of the register of adult education and continuing training by agreement with Statistics Denmark. Special analyses can be conducted by the Service Department of Statistics Denmark.