Statistical presentation
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The statistics describes the background of the participants at Danish folk high schools. In addition the background of the participants is described in terms of age, gender, ancestry, education and income in actual number of participants as well as in full-time student equivalents. Course lengths are short, medium and long. The statistic results are presented in school years and calendar years.
Data description
The statistics supplement Statistics Denmark's accounts on the extent and nature of activity in folk high schools by describing the background of the participants in terms of geography, ancestry and in relation to educational status and income. The participants are stated in actual numbers as well as in full-time student equivalents, and results are presented in school years and calendar years. The participants are allocated according to the length of the courses, which distinguishes between short, medium and long courses. The statistics are calculated for both the school year and for the calendar year. Educational and income information for the short courses are linked to the participants personally, while for the medium and long courses total family income and the highest completed education of any family member are used to describe the courses of the participants' economic and educational background, respectively. This is because mid-term and long-term participants are primarily young people who have often not yet completed anything other than a youth education nor established themselves in the labor market. Therefore, family income and educational status will often be more descriptive of the participants' background than the person's actual income and educational status. In contrast, for the short courses, which are largely aimed at older participants , the personal income and educational conditions are considered adequate for a background description. The statistics are based on the coordination of several of Statistics Denmark's registers.
The statistics is based on the Statistic Denmark's register of courses. This register gives a complete description of the populations participation in courses/single courses related to adult education, i.e. formal, external educations financed, administered and organized by a public supplier and takes place outside ordinary working hours. The statistics also take part in the register of the Danish population, education and income to describe the background of the students on the folk high schools.
Classification system
Type of course:
- Short course: Course on12 weeks or more
- Medium course: Course from 2 weeks and under 12 weeks
- Long course: Course under 2 weeks
In the tables FOHOJ02A and FOHOJ02B the medium and long courses are summed.
- Folk high schools for youths: Folk high schools exclusively for participants aged 16 to 19.
- Folk high schools for the elderly: Folk high schools exclusively licensed to short term courses.
- Folk high schools: All other folk high schools than those exclusively dedicated to persons aged 16-19 or short term courses.
- Persons of Danish origin
- Immigrants from western countries
- Immigrants from non-western countries
- Descendants from western countries
- Descendants from non-western countries
- Not stated
Person of Danish origin: A person – regardless place of birth – where at least one parent is Danish citizen and also born in Denmark. Descendant: A descendant is defined as a person born in Denmark whose parents (or one of them if there is no available information on the other parent) are either immigrants or descendants with foreign citizenship. If there is no available information on either of the parents and the person in question is a foreign citizen, the person is also defined as a descendant.
Immigrant: An immigrant is defined as a person born abroad whose parents are both (or one of them if there is no available information on the other parent) foreign citizens or were both born abroad. If there is no available information on either of the parents and the person was born abroad, the person is also defined as an immigrant. See Immigrants and descendants
Highest education completed: Highest education completed are classified on Statistics Denmark's education classification DISCED 2015 and include: Primary school, Primary education, Upper secondary education, Vocational education and Training (VET), Qualifying educational programs, Short cycle higher education, Vocational bachelor education, Bachelor programs, Master programs, PhD programs and Not stated.
Educational attainment in the family: Highest education completed in family are classified on Statistics Denmark's education classification DISCED 2015 and include: Primary school, Primary education, Upper secon and include: Basic school 8-10 grade, Upper secondary school, Vocational education, Short-cycle higher education, Medium-cycle higher education, Bachelor, Long-cycle higher education and Not stated.
Sector coverage
Not relevant for this statistics.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Full-time equivalents (Folk High Schools): Full-time equivalents: The students' participation in a course converted to a proportion of a full year course, equivalent to 40 weeks of full-time study activities.
Folk High School participants: Persons who have attended a course at a folk high school. One person will appear once for each course they have attended.
Calendar year: The calendar year last from 1st of January to 31st of December.
School year (Folk High Schools): A school year lasts from 1st of August the previous year before to the 31st of July in the current year.
Statistical unit
Participants and full-time equivalents.
Statistical population
People who have participated in a folk high school course.
Reference area
Time coverage
Data is available from the school 2015/2016 and calendar year 2016.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistics.
Unit of measure
Number of people
Reference period
01-08-2023 - 31-07-2024. The statistics are based on the school year. The latest calendar year of information is 2023, while the 2024 calendar year will only contain information when the 2024/2025 school year is published.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark, §6. The statistic is not based on an EU regulation.
Cost and burden
There is no response burden as data are drawn from administrative registers.
Further information can be obtained by contacting Statistics Denmark.