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Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsSøren Østerballe
+45 23 42 32 97
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The folk high schools are often debated in the media, but there is limited knowledge of the participants' background. The statistics shed light on the folk high school area with a focus on the participants' background in addition to the existing statistics about folk high schools, which focus on the participants' course activity. The statistics are relevant for supporting educational and cultural policy debates and can be used by individuals, journalists, authorities and interest groups, as well as the providers of the basic statistical data.
User Needs
The statistics meet a need of more detailed knowledge of participants at the folk high schools, for use in educational and cultural policy debate, public and private planning purposes, research, education, and marketing etc.
User Satisfaction
The statistics have been compiled in collaboration with a follow-up group with representatives of The Association of Folk High Schools, the Ministry of Culture and the Danish Institute for Non-Formal Education.
Data completeness rate
Not relevant for this statistic.