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Business Dynamics, Business Statistics
Emil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 24 67 85 25

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Temporary Employment Agencies and Other Human Provision Services

The statistics has been compiled since 1996. The questionnaire, sampling method and calculation has been adjusted a couple of times, in 2013 where data from 2012 was recalculated with a new method and from the reference year 2023, where the statistics only covers enterprises with at least 20 employees. The statistics is produced according to the guidelines in the European Business Statistics Manual, and it is thus comparable to the similar statistics in other EU countries.

Comparability - geographical

To Eurostat the data are provided only for enterprises with less 20 person employed (according to EU's regulation). In the Statistics Database of Eurostat the distributions of the turnover by services and residence of client are published on EUROSTAT's homepage. It is considered that there are good comparability across countries, because the statistics should be produced by common guidelines and principles.

Comparability over time

The statistics is comparable from 2023 and onwards, where it only covers enterprises with at least 20 employees. The questionnaire used for the current timeseries is directly comparable to the one used between 2012 and 2022.The survey was conducted for the first time in 1996. The questionnaire has been changed for the reference year 2006 in accordance with the Eurostat questionnaire. The years 2006 and 2007 are not comparable because of a shift to NACE Rev. 2 activity classification and a change in the sample. From the reference year 2007 the sample changes from consisting all enterprises with or over 10 employees to consisting of all enterprises with 20 or more employees, a part of enterprises with 5-19 employees and no enterprises with 1-4 employees.

From the reference year 2013 the method is changed so the enumeration is based on a new data from the Central Business Register. Data are back calculated for 2012. Which means that the results before the year 2012 are not directly comparable to the results from 2012 onwards.

In Statistics Bank the data can be found back to 1996. Due to the differences in methods and units the data for the earlier years can't be expected to compare with the pervious data beginning with year 2012 or the current one starting with 2023.

Coherence - cross domain

At national level the data for the survey are grossed up to the provisional turnover from the Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector. At European level the data for the statistics are grossed up to the level for the final version of the Danish Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.