Accuracy and reliability
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Business Dynamics, Business StatisticsEmil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
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Temporary Employment Agencies and Other Human Provision Services
All enterprises within the population are required to submit to the statistics and the submitted turnover is subject to adjustments against the turnover from Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural private sector, which consists of a large sample, administrative sources and XBRL reports from the Danish Business Authority. Therefore, the statistics accurately reflect the turnover and its distributions on the various services.
Overall accuracy
For the reference year 2023 there are 248enterprises in the statistics and a useful response rate of 82 pct., covering 96 pct. of the total turnover of the population. The lapse are due to wrong industry code and closure of the enterprises and non-responded questionnaires. The usable data from the enterprises grossed up to the total level (the target population) of the 6-digit industries within the sector for Computer Services by using preliminary turnover from the Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector.
Sampling error
The sampling error is equal to zero, as it is a total count.
Non-sampling error
The population is defined by the industry concerned, which the enterprises are registered within the Business Register by themselves. Errors of classification of the industries will be expected. This means that there may be enterprises in the population that really should not be classified within the concerned industry, but also companies in the concerned industry can be classified with the wrong industry. In the context of fault tracing and quality assurance of the statistics, a number of these errors are continuously found and corrected. Companies that are incorrectly classified within the concerned industry incorrectly increases the number of included enterprises. On the other hand there will be less enterprises in the population if they are classified entirely outside the concerned industry, even though they should properly be classified within the concerned industry, which can be difficult difficult to detect, but can be found also. The significance of these coverage problems are generally small because the volume is estimated to be small. Uncertainty due to lapse, incorrectly reported numbers and misunderstandings has sought to minimize by repeated reminders by non-reporting, as well as by substantial verification of the reported figures. Generally the services in the questionnaire are based on Statistical Classification of Products by Activity CPA CPA 2008, with an adjustment to Danish conditions. It can be an uncertainty in the distribution of turnover and export by services when the services CPA 2008 are not quite commensurate with the classification of products of the firms. There were 204 useable questionnaires within the population of 248.
Quality management
Statistics Denmark follows the recommendations on organisation and management of quality given in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and the implementation guidelines given in the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF). A Working Group on Quality and a central quality assurance function have been established to continuously carry through control of products and processes.
Quality assurance
Statistics Denmark follows the principles in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and uses the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF) for the implementation of the principles. This involves continuous decentralized and central control of products and processes based on documentation following international standards. The central quality assurance function reports to the Working Group on Quality. Reports include suggestions for improvement that are assessed, decided and subsequently implemented.
Quality assessment
In general, the quality of the statistics is rated highly, with a few reservations. It can be problems in comparing figures over time. The survey was conducted for the first time in 1996. The questionnaire has been changed for the reference year 2006 in accordance with the Eurostat questionnaire. The years 2006 and 2007 are not comparable because of a shift to NACE Rev. 2 activity classification and a change in the sample. From the reference year 2007 the sample changes from consisting all enterprises with or over 10 employees to consisting of all enterprises with 20 or more employees, a part of enterprises with 5-19 employees and no enterprises with 1-4 employees.
From the reference year 2013 the method is changed so the enumeration is based on a new data from the Central Business Register. Data are back calculated for 2012. Which means that the results before the year 2012 are not directly comparable to the results from 2012 onwards.
For the reference year 2022 there are 321 enterprises in the sample, covering approx. 97 per cent of the total turnover in the FRAME population for Temporary employment agencies and other human provision services. 272 enterprises answered the questionnaire, i.e. the response rate is 85 percent. The usable questionnaires are from 271 enterprises. There is a lapse of 16 per cent. The lapse are due to wrong industry code and closure of the enterprises and non-responded questionnaires.
The usable data from 271 enterprises grossed up to the total level (the target population) of the 6-digit industries within the sector for Temporary employment agencies and other human provision services by using preliminary turnover from the Business Register. Each company is assigned a weight, that corresponds to the ratio of population and responses in a given size group and industry. The enumeration is made by ratio estimation.
As the survey is random, the figures can be associated with some statistical uncertainty in the form of random variation. The sampling error is calculated for all services in the form of variance, 95 pct. confidence interval and coefficient of variation Uncertainty estimates can be seen in the attached document usikkerhedsestimater_VIKAR.
The figures for 2022 are preliminary and will not revised in the national publishing. For delivery to EU the figures are calculated (revised) based on Accounts Statistics.
Data revision - policy
Statistics Denmark revises published figures in accordance with the Revision Policy for Statistics Denmark. The common procedures and principles of the Revision Policy are for some statistics supplemented by a specific revision practice.
Data revision practice
The publication is not revised, since the statistics is published once a year.