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Timeliness and punctuality

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Personal Finances and Welfare
Birgitte Lundstrøm
+45 24 21 39 65

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Most of the information are collected for one single week in April depending on Easter. In some cases data are collected for the entire previous year. A Danish press release and a number of corresponding tables (RESI01, RESP01, RESDHJCE, RESMAD, RESANDHJ, RESPLEJV, RESPRVHJ, RESTAND) are published at the end of November then same year. The rest of the tables (RESFAMPL, RESHJMTR, RESLED, RESFDPJ, RESSBU2) are published in the Statbank at the end of March the following year. These statistics are normally published without delay, with reference to the announced time of publication in the release calendar.

Timeliness and time lag - final results

Only final figures are released.


These statistics are normally published without delay, with reference to the announced time of publication in the release calendar.