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Personal Finances and Welfare
Birgitte Lundstrøm
+45 24 21 39 65

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The survey goes back to 1972. However, due to yearly changes the version used in 1972 has little in common with the one used today. Furthermore, due to the municipal reform there was a break in times series in 2006 and 2007. The totals for the country as a whole are, however, comparable before and after the reform.

Comparability - geographical

International comparisons should be made with caution as all concepts in the survey are based entirely on Danish legislation. The statistics are not based on EU regulation.

Comparability over time

The content of the statistics have changed over time. Changes in legislation implies that the content of the statistics has been adapted to the changes in legislation. Further more the content of the statistics has been adapted to user needs over time. The consequence of this is breaks in the time series. Areas that was previously included in the statistics have further more been transferred to the so call documentations projects where data are now collected individually instead of on an aggregated level for each municipality. Examples of areas that have been transferred to the documentation projects are areas of elderly, disabled, women shelters etc. Due to the municipal reform there was a break in times series in 2006 and 2007.

The decline in 2020 in the number of clients with visitation (RESDHJCE) is caused by the shut down of the special day-care institutions due to COVID19. In 2021 a smaller number of clients is caused by a reduce activity due to COVID19.

From 2020 clients in dwellings to temporarily stay/respite are no longer included in the registration of clients in nursing dwellings and dwellings for the elderly. This is due to the fact, that a number of municipalities have not been able to report this information. Compared to 2019 number of clients might differ for some municipalities due to this change. In the long term, comparability between municipalities is expected to be increased. From 2020 dwellings for senile dementia are no longer reported separately but are reported together with permanent dwellings. This is due to the fact that all dwelling should be suitable for people with senile dementia.

In 2018 and 2019 a number of municipalities have changed systems. This has had the impact that it in some cases has been difficult to get the correct information. In some cases the information reported have deviated from previously reported information.. Larger deviations might occur in the information from some municipalities compared to previous years.

The municipality of Copenhagen has in 2019 reported an increase in the number of nursing homes although this category is being phased out. This increase corresponds to a increase in protected dwellings which is also phased out. An explanation might be that protected dwellings are converted to nursing homes as soon as the residents move out. Another explanation might be that the protected dwellings have not been registered correctly in the systems but are now registered correctly as nursing homes.

Information on special institutions for children and juveniles are from 2019 collected directly from then municipalities. Previously then information were collected from the relevant institutions. Consequently the information for 2019 are not comparable to previous information on special institutions for children and juveniles. The former table RESSBU is replaced by RESSBU2.

Coherence - cross domain

Not relevant for these statistics.

Coherence - internal

Data are internal coherent.