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Statistical processing

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Personal Finances and Welfare
Birgitte Lundstrøm
+45 24 21 39 65

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Social resources

Data are collected yearly from municipalities from six questionnaires. Data are validated against previously collected information and controlled for large variances over time. Further more data are checked for inconsistency and validated against legal developments at the area. Some data concerning age distribution are imputed where municipalities have only registered total data.

Source data

The data for the statistics social resources are collected by questionnaires that are distributed to municipalities. Data are collected by six questionnaires and the following topics are covered:

  • All categories of homes for the elderly, day centers and care centers.
  • Private helper for people with disabilities and food service
  • Integrated services
  • Dental care
  • Foster families, special institutions for children and juveniles, home training for children and juveniles
  • Wage supplement for care in connection with death of next of kin.

Frequency of data collection

Data are collected on a yearly basis.

Data collection

Data is collected digitally by questionnaires. The questionnaires are available at the homepage in danish.

Data validation

Data are compared to data from previous years and large deviations from previous years are investigated. Furthermore data are checked for inconsistency. For instance reported capacity is compared to reported recipients. If data from a municipality are stable over time but still not correct will not be investigated and errors will not be detected.

Concerning validation of places in social measures and clients in nursing dwellings and dwellings for the elderly, data are checked for large deviations between number of places and number of clients. If number of places are reported and number of clients are missing, number of clients are in some cases estimated as number of places. In cases of missing response from municipalities values from last year are in some cases used. If municipalities are not able to distribute clients by age groups the age distribution is calculated based on national data or data from the previous year.

Data are furthermore checked for inconsistency with legal changes. An example is if the municipality reports an increase in the number of a type of home for the elderly which are being faced out.

A number of municipalities are contacted to clarify if data are correct and to get corrected data. If errors are detected further back than one year, data for the previous years are corrected as well if it is possible for the municipality to get updated information back in time. It happens that some municipalities change their way of reporting data to Statistics Denmark or realize that previous data have not been reported correctly. Further more change of systems in the municipalities might cause changes in the reported data. This might cause fluctuations in data over time for certain municipalities.

If many misunderstandings are reported with some of the variables in the questionnaire , this feedback is incorporated in the survey the following year. Greater attention is focused on new variables with which municipalities have no previous experience reporting.

Data compilation

Data from all questionnaires received from municipalities are validated. If data deviate considerable from previous years, in cases of inconsistency in data or inconsistency compared to the legislation are observed, the municipality is contacted. Errors are corrected. If it is not possible to get the correct data, data for the previous year are in few cases registered in agreement with the municipality. In some cases it is not possible for the municipality to divide data by age groups. In these cases the division by age groups is imputed based on data from the country as a whole or based on the division of the previous year.


No further adjustments are made other than what is already described under Data validation and Data compilation.