Statistical processing
Contact info
Business DynamicsAlina Grecu
+45 30 55 18 24
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The statistics is annual and questionnaire-based. Information is reported digitally. Validation includes checks and supporting information built into the digital form, combined with subsequent checks and recontact to reporting enterprises. The published results are grossed up to population level. Stratification is based on activity, enterprise size class and subpopulations ( high-growth enterprises, high-growth new enterprises and other enterprises).
Source data
The survey is questionnaire based.
Frequency of data collection
The statistics is an annual statistics referring to 2018. Surveys covering the periods 2007, 2009/2010 and 2014 have previously been carried out.
Data collection
Online survey
Data validation
A number of checks and validation mechanisms are built into the digital questionnaire. This includes filter and routing (e.g. so that information cannot be reported in fields, where the enterprise should not provide any information). Once data is received by Statistics Denmark a number of additional checks are performed. These include logical controls and correction of logical inconsistencies (for example, if an enterprises has not sought to obtain loan finance and states that this is due to no need for finance, but the enterprise later in the questionnaire then states that it has sought to obtain other forms of finance). In addition, reporting enterprises have the opportunity to provide supplementary or explanatory remarks in the digital form. All remarks have been read and taken into account for possibly correcting the provided information. Finally, information on ownership of the enterprise has been treated trough linking with Statistics Denmark's register on enterprise groups in Denmark, combined with information from the Danish central business register (CVR-register), annual reports etc. For enterprises found not to be owned by another active enterprise or belonging to a group of enterprises not containing at least one other active enterprise, the enterprise is recorded as not being owned by another enterprise.
Data compilation
The published results are raised to the level of the population. A stratified random sampling is used on the basis of the activity of the enterprise, size class (the number of employees) and subpopulation. By grossing up a reweighting and calibration using regression techniques is applied to the weight of the individual enterprise. Imputation is not used, neither in the case of partially lacking information in the individual record (item non-response), nor in the case of completely lacking reporting from an enterprise (unit non-response). The latter, instead, is handling through reweighting as part of the grossing up procedure.
No further corrections are undertaken than those already described under validation and treatment.