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Business Dynamics
Alina Grecu
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SME Access to Finance

The statistics sheds light on small and medium-sized enterprises' access to finance, covering loan finance, equity finance and other types of finance. Results are published in a NYT from Statistics Denmark and related tables in the Statbank.

Data description

The statistics covers small and medium-sized enterprises' access to finance, specifically loan finance, equity finance and other types of finance. Results are produced by enterprise type of activity, by size class, and for subpopulations of high-growth enterprises, high-growth new enterprises and other enterprises.

Classification system

Results are produced for enterprises by type of activity, size class and for subpopulations of high-growth enterprises, high-growth new enterprises and other enterprises. In addition, a distinction is made between enterprises that are owned by another enterprise, and enterprises that are not owned by another enterprise. The applied activity nomenclature is Danish Industrial Classification 2007 (DB07), internationally NACE Rev.2. Groups of high-growth enterprises, new high-growth enterprises and other enterprises was taken into account in both stratification for sample and raising data to total population level. New high-growth enterprises are enterprises that were new in 2012 or 2013, which had a growth in the number of employees of minimum 72,8 per cent in the period 2014-2017, and which had 5 or more employees in 2014. High-growth enterprises are enterprises that were not new in 2012 or 2013, but which otherwise meet the same criteria as the new high-growth enterprises. Enterprises not fulfilling the criteria are categorised as other enterprises.

Sector coverage

The survey covers private, non-financial enterprises, excluding primary activities such as agriculture, forestry and fishing, mining and quarrying.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Types of finance: The statistics distinguishes between three types of finance. Loan finance refers to debt that it so be paid back, covering for example loans from banks and mortgage-credit institutes or the owner(s) of a company. Equity finance refers to money or other assets given against part ownership or shares in the company. Other forms of finance include for example bank overdraft or credit line as well as leasing and trade credits (by suppliers).

Outcome of sought finance: The survey distinguishes between three outcomes from seeking to obtain finance: Fully obtained, partially obtained, and not obtained. By fully obtained is understood that the sought finance is obtained entirely and at the terms and conditions requested. By partially obtained is understood that the sought finance is not obtained entirely or obtained at the terms and conditions different from those requested. By not obtained is understood that finance is not obtained.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The target population is small and medium-sized enterprises, specifically enterprises with 5 to 249 employees in 2014 which had 5 or more employees at the end of 2017. The population is further defined as private, market-based enterprises within selected industries (NACE Rev.2 sections B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M and N).

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics refers to 2018 and is an ad hoc survey. Survey covering the periods 2007, 2009/2010 and 2014 have previously been carried out.

Base period

Not relevant for this statistics.

Unit of measure

Per cent of enterprises.

Reference period

01-01-2018 - 31-12-2018

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics is an annual statistics referring to 2018. Surveys covering the periods 2007, 2009/2010 and 2014 have previously been carried out.

Legal acts and other agreements

Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik). The survey for 2007 and 2009/2010 was carried out as part of a European survey under the flexible module of the regulation on structural business statistics, Commission Regulation no. 97/2009 of February 2, 2009.

Cost and burden

The respondent burden has not been calculated. The survey is a mandatory ad hoc survey with relatively few, qualitative questions.


SME Access to finance