Statistical presentation
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Prices and ConsumptionAndreas Strøander Pedersen
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These statistics provide annual figures with the yearly average of the prices of the North Sea oil sold, quoted in US dollars (USD).
Data description
These statistics presents the average price of North Sea oil.
Classification system
Not relevant for these statistics.
Sector coverage
Not relevant for these statistics.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Dated Brent: Dated Brent is mixed North Sea crude oil. Brent was originally an oil field in the North Sea, but now the term is used for a mixture of crude oil produced from the Fories, Oseberg, Ekofisk and Troll fields. At S&P Global Commodity Insights, Dated Brent is the term for a load of North Sea-Brent mixed crude oil that has been assigned a delivery date.
PCAAS00: A classification of Dated Brent from S&P Global Commodity Insights. PCAAS00 is used as a designation for the reference price for physical deliveries of North Sea oil, and is calculated on the basis of trades that have actually been made in the market with delivery 10 to 30 days ahead off Dated Brent. PCAAS00 reflects the tradeable value at 16:30 London time.
Statistical unit
Barrel of oil
Statistical population
Oil production in the Danish part of the North Sea
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics covers 2022 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistics
Unit of measure
US dollars (USD) per barrel of oil.
Reference period
Income year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Statistics Denmark is obliged to collect and publish these statistics as a result of the Hydrocarbon Tax Act § 20 J subsection 4.
Cost and burden
Price data is provided by S&P Global Commodity Insights, so there is no reporting burden in connection with the production of these statistics.
Further information can be found on the subject page for energy prices or by contacting Statistics Denmark.