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Prices and ConsumptionAndreas Strøander Pedersen
+45 23 25 00 78
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These statistics will be published for the first time in 2023, and the statistics are prospectively comparable to previous years. The representativeness of the collected price data is continuously assessed by Statistics Denmark and an expert group consisting of the Nordsøfonden and the Energy Agency.
Comparability - geographical
Norway and Great Britain also publish a price for North Sea oil. The statistics are not identical and there may be methodological or source differences in the statistics. These statistics can be found at the following links:
- Norway: Petroleum Price Board and the norm prices -
- Great Britain: Statutory market values for oil - GOV.UK (
Comparability over time
In connection with the selection of the collected North Sea oil price from S&P Global Commodity Insights, PCAAS00, Statistics Denmark has collaborated with an expert group consisting of members from the Nordsøfonden (the Danish State Subsurface Resource Company) and the the Danish Energy Agency, to ensure that PCAAS00 is representative of the price of oil in the Danish part of the North Sea. The expert group is consulted annually to ensure continued representativeness of the selected award. It has been assessed by the expert group that the incorporation of WTI Midland in June 2023 does not make PCAAS00 less representative; rather, it enhances its representativeness. Therefore, PCAAS00 remains comparable to previous years.
Coherence - cross domain
Not relevant for these statistics.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.