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Energy prices

Here you can see how much private consumers and businesses are paying for electricity and natural gas, and how prices have developed. The statistics also highlight the price differences of normal and high consumption.

Selected statistics on Energy prices

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Energy prices. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Development in prices of electricity for households by consumption

The development in prices is shown for three different levels of consumption.
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Source data

Data on the basic energy prices is collected from all enterprises selling electricity and natural gas about amounts and connected values, broken down by customers by amount of use. Based on the data, the paid average prices on the energy are calculated. The date covers almost all customers in Denmark. Data are collected for all types of contracts (fixed or variable prices), so average prices can be compiled. However, for households only app. 75 per cent of consumption is covered using a product basket

Information on prices on distribution, on tariffs etc. are based on public available data from The Danish Utility Regulator, see Elpriser og Gaspriser Further data from Energinet is used Energinet-tariffer.

Actual level of taxes and schemes for re-coverage are mainly based the Tax Authority (SKAT) The taxes in question are Co2-tax, NOX-tax, electricity tax, PSO-tax, energy saving fee and VAT

Regarding compensation in 2022 to households for high energy prices information from Danish Energy Agency is used.

Development in prices of natural gas for households by consumption

The development in prices is shown for three levels of consumption.
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Source data

Data on the basic energy prices is collected from all enterprises selling electricity and natural gas about amounts and connected values, broken down by customers by amount of use. Based on the data, the paid average prices on the energy are calculated. The date covers almost all customers in Denmark. Data are collected for all types of contracts (fixed or variable prices), so average prices can be compiled. However, for households only app. 75 per cent of consumption is covered using a product basket

Information on prices on distribution, on tariffs etc. are based on public available data from The Danish Utility Regulator, see Elpriser og Gaspriser Further data from Energinet is used Energinet-tariffer.

Actual level of taxes and schemes for re-coverage are mainly based the Tax Authority (SKAT) The taxes in question are Co2-tax, NOX-tax, electricity tax, PSO-tax, energy saving fee and VAT

Regarding compensation in 2022 to households for high energy prices information from Danish Energy Agency is used.

Development in prices of electricity for non-households by consumption

The price development is shown for three levels of consumption. The prices are including non-recoverable taxes.
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Source data

Data on the basic energy prices is collected from all enterprises selling electricity and natural gas about amounts and connected values, broken down by customers by amount of use. Based on the data, the paid average prices on the energy are calculated. The date covers almost all customers in Denmark. Data are collected for all types of contracts (fixed or variable prices), so average prices can be compiled. However, for households only app. 75 per cent of consumption is covered using a product basket

Information on prices on distribution, on tariffs etc. are based on public available data from The Danish Utility Regulator, see Elpriser og Gaspriser Further data from Energinet is used Energinet-tariffer.

Actual level of taxes and schemes for re-coverage are mainly based the Tax Authority (SKAT) The taxes in question are Co2-tax, NOX-tax, electricity tax, PSO-tax, energy saving fee and VAT

Regarding compensation in 2022 to households for high energy prices information from Danish Energy Agency is used.

Development in prices of natural gas for non-households by consumption

The prices are shown for three levels of consumption. The prices are including non-recoverable taxes.
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Source data

Data on the basic energy prices is collected from all enterprises selling electricity and natural gas about amounts and connected values, broken down by customers by amount of use. Based on the data, the paid average prices on the energy are calculated. The date covers almost all customers in Denmark. Data are collected for all types of contracts (fixed or variable prices), so average prices can be compiled. However, for households only app. 75 per cent of consumption is covered using a product basket

Information on prices on distribution, on tariffs etc. are based on public available data from The Danish Utility Regulator, see Elpriser og Gaspriser Further data from Energinet is used Energinet-tariffer.

Actual level of taxes and schemes for re-coverage are mainly based the Tax Authority (SKAT) The taxes in question are Co2-tax, NOX-tax, electricity tax, PSO-tax, energy saving fee and VAT

Regarding compensation in 2022 to households for high energy prices information from Danish Energy Agency is used.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Electricity and natural gas prices

The statistics shows prices of natural gas and electricity, within break downs into size groups of consumers, business and household respectively. Prices are shown, without and with taxes and VAT. The prices are to be comparable across EU countries for the benefit of a well functioning single market. The statistics has been compiled since 2007 in the present way.

Price of North Sea oil

These statistics show an average price for North Sea oil sold, that reflects the characteristics applied to oil production in the Danish part of the North Sea. These statistics are produced and disseminated as part of the Hydrocarbon Tax Act and were first published in 2023 with figures for 2022.

4 ways of measuring electricity and natural gas prices

The prices of electricity and natural gas are compiled using 4 definitions:

0: Price payable to the energy company,

1: Price incl. network cots, 

2: Price incl. non-recoverable taxes,

3: Price including paid taxes and VAT.

Need more data on Energy prices?

In Statbank Denmark, you can find the price payable to the energy company, the price incl. network costs, the price incl. non-recoverable taxes and the price incl. paid taxes and VAT. The price of North Sea oil is also available.


Ole Olsen
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