Statistical presentation
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The statistics are an annual statement of the public and research libraries' activities, including lending, holdings, departures and increases in materials, as well as individual key financial figures. The statistics are compiled for all public and research libraries in Denmark and are divided according to activity and physical and electronic material type, etc. In the statistics, research libraries are divided into research libraries with special obligations and other research libraries.
Data description
The library statistic show the activity of public libraries in Denmark. The main information is stock, growth, lending, renewal of loans and interlibrary loans. The statistic shows stock of books calculated on internationally comparable categories of material types. The statistic shows loan of books at internationally comparable categories of material types. The statistics also show key figures for the libraries' finances, e.g. material costs. Data is published at municipal level for public library statistics and public school library statistics and for individual research libraries. It is the Ministry of Culture who categorizes the research libraries and sends the population to Statistics Denmark.
Classification system
Material type covers the different types of material that can be borrowed from the library, e.g. books. Activity is a collective term for various activities in libraries, e.g. exhibitions and events.
The Statbank table LABY42 is based on the table BIB8 which shows full time employees at public libraries. The population is subtracted from the table FOLK1A. The municipality groups of the LABY table can be found from the following path.
Sector coverage
Statistical concepts and definitions
Arrangement på biblioteket: En enkeltstående begivenhed organiseret af et bibliotek, typisk med et litterært, kulturelt eller uddannelsesmæssigt formål, uanset om adgangen er gratis eller der opkræves entré. Arrangementer omfatter ikke brugerundervisning.
Udstilling på biblioteket: En særlig præsentation af malerier, fotografier eller materialer mv. over en vis periode, arrangeret at et bibliotek, uanset om adgangen er gratis eller der opkræves entré.
Statistical unit
Public, public school and research libraries in Denmark
Statistical population
Public, public school and research libraries in Denmark.
Reference area
Time coverage
For information on the research libraries' stock and use of electronic resources, comparable information is available from 2014. For all other information, data from 2009. Individual-based library statistics are from the year 2020. The public school library statistics are from the year 2022.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Units of measurement are number of books or other physical material, number of loans and renewals and number of visits. For e-resources, the unit of measurement is number of views and number of searches. The financial information is calculated in Danish kroner.
Reference period
The statistics are calculated once a year for the calendar year.
Individual-based library statistics are calculated quarterly, four times a year.
Frequency of dissemination
Publication takes place once a year.
Individual-based library statistics are calculated quarterly, four times a year.
Legal acts and other agreements
Public and research libraries report to Statistics Denmark in accordance with §6 of the Danish Statistics Act. There is no EU regulation in this area.
Cost and burden
The statistic is not regarded as an significant burden because most of the gathered data are drawn from databases.
For further information, contact Denmark Statistics.