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Libraries 2024

The purpose of the statistics is to disseminate the activity in the area of public libraries in Denmark. The statistics are produced by Statistics Denmark on behalf of the Ministry of Culture. From 2000 and up to and including 2009 the statistics was produced by the Ministry of Culture.

Statistical presentation

The statistics are an annual statement of the public and research libraries' activities, including lending, holdings, departures and increases in materials, as well as individual key financial figures. The statistics are compiled for all public and research libraries in Denmark and are divided according to activity and physical and electronic material type, etc. In the statistics, research libraries are divided into research libraries with special obligations and other research libraries.

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Statistical processing

Data for these statistics is collected annually from the public and research libraries via an electronic questionnaire. Data from the individual public and research libraries is checked in relation to their reporting for previous years. Collection of data takes place at the same level of detail as that at which the finished statistics are published.

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The statistics are available for all who are interested in the library business such as politicians, media, students and NGOs. There has been no study of user satisfaction in this statistic. There is regular contact with the Danish Culture authority on the quality and relevance of the statistics.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistic includes all public libraries in Denmark. Uncertainty caused by incorrectly reported figures are sought minimized thorough massive inspection of the reported figures.

Quarterly data for the individual-based library statistics, which includes public libraries, eReolen and Filmstriben, is provisional until the fourth quarter and annual data for the given reference year are published. Therefore and in connection with the publication of the fourth quarter and annual data for a given reference year, minor adjustments are made to the first, second and third quarters data. Delays in data delivery to Statistics Denmark are in the origin of such adjustments. In addition, these minor adjustments are considered marginal and will not have an impact on the aggregate levels of the quarterly data.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistic is published 6 months after the end of the reference year, without delay. The individual-based library statistics are published quarterly, three months after the reference period.

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Use of standards within the library in Denmark reflects both concrete Danish needs but also the organization of the international standard work. Statistics on public libraries are thus comparable with international statistics to the extent they are based on the same international standards.

For the research library statistics, data is comparable from 2009 onwards. For 2016, the questionnaire has been reduced. No comparison of these statistics has been made with corresponding international or foreign statistics.

The public school library statistics were published for the first time in 2022.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published yearly in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under Public libraries and Research libraries. For more information go to the subject page for Libraries.

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