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Science, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics
Trine Jensen
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Use of standards within the library in Denmark reflects both concrete Danish needs but also the organization of the international standard work. Statistics on public libraries are thus comparable with international statistics to the extent they are based on the same international standards.

For the research library statistics, data is comparable from 2009 onwards. For 2016, the questionnaire has been reduced. No comparison of these statistics has been made with corresponding international or foreign statistics.

The public school library statistics were published for the first time in 2022.

Comparability - geographical

The public and research library statistics are based on the quality standard for libraries (DS/ISO 2789). They are thus comparable to other international statistics for library activity.

Comparability over time

The public library statistics are comparable to previous publications, and at an overall level and for the municipalities that existed before the municipal reform in 2007. For information on public libraries' stock and use of electronic resources, comparable information is available from 2014. The individual-based library statistics were published for the first time in 2020. For the research library statistics, data is comparable from 2009 onwards. For 2016, the questionnaire has been reduced. Central variables such as lending and stock can still be traced back to 2009. The public school library statistics were published for the first time in 2022.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics are based on the DS/ISO 2789 standard, which is the international standard for compiling library statistics, and are thus comparable to other statistics for library activity. Statistics Denmark also compiles and publishes statistics on public libraries. The research library statistics and the public library statistics are published separately.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant