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Statistical presentation

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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Monica Wiese Christensen
+45 21 73 34 69

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Job Vacancies

The statistics shows the quarterly development in the real number of job vacancies and job vacancy rates in relation to the sum of job vacancies and occupied posts in the Danish labour market. The statistics are broken into economic activity and size, which makes it possible to monitor and analyse the scope and structure of the demand for labour by industry and size level of the workplaces. Furthermore, the number of job vacancies and job vacancy rates at regional level are estimated.

Data description

The statistics show the quarterly development in the real number of job vacancies and job vacancy rates in relation to the sum of job vacancies and occupied posts in the Danish labour market. The statistics are broken into economic activity and size, which makes it possible to monitor and analyse the scope and structure of the demand for labour by industry and size level of the workplaces. Furthermore, the number of job vacancies and job vacancy rates at regional level are estimated.

Classification system

The standard grouping comprising ten sectors indicated by a 1-digit code and a general text is used in the Danish statistics. Statistical data are published for the following industries:

  • (2) Manufacturing, mining and quarrying, electricity, gas and water supply
  • (3) Construction
  • (4) Wholesale and retail trade, transport, etc.
  • (5) Information and communication services
  • (6-7) Financial intermediation, insurance and real estate
  • (8) Business activities

Data are not published for the following industries:

  • (1) Agriculture, forestry and fishing
  • (9) Public administration, education and health
  • (10) Culturel, leisure time and other activities

A complete description of the industrial classification is available in the publication Dansk Branchekode 2007 (Danish Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 2007).

Sector coverage

Business Units belonging to section B-N primarily covered by the private sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Job Vacancy Rate: The job vacancy rate measures the percentage of job vacancies in relation to the total sum of job vacancies and occupied posts.

Local Unit: A local unit is defined as an organizational defined part of a company that is located at a given address and produces one or predominantly one kind of goods and services.

Occupied Posts: The number of employees is defined as all persons who at the reference day receive pay from the workplace concerned irrespective of the number of hours worked.

Job Vacancies: A job vacancy is defined as a paid post which at the reference day is newly created, unoccupied or soon to be vacated, and for which the employer is taking active steps to and is prepared to take further steps to fill with a suitable candidate outside the business concerned, and which the employer intend to fill either immediately or within a specified period of time.

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is the local unit defined as workplaces with at least one employee. On the basis of the workplace number, the workplaces are extracted from the Central Business Register of Statistics Denmark.

Fictitious workplaces: The population also comprises fictitious workplaces, i.e. workplaces to which employees without a physical workplace are grouped, e.g. salesmen, sailors and bicycle messengers.

Statistical population

The population consists of workplaces in the private sector associated in Sections B to N (defined by NACE Rev. 2), which has at least one employee. The population also comprises fictitious workplaces, i.e. workplaces to which employees without a physical workplace are grouped, e.g. salesmen, sailors and bicycle messengers.

Reference area

The statistics covers job vacancies in Denmark

Time coverage

The Job Vacancy Statistics have been produced since 1st quarter 2010.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Data is shown as number of job vacancies and as a job vacancy rate.

Reference period

Statistics are compiled quarterly, but data are collected monthly. The sample is divided into three groups, with the 1st group reporting data for the 1st month of the quarter. The second group provides data for the second month of the quarter and the third group provides data for the third month of the quarter. The aim is to cover vacancies for the whole quarter and to avoid fluctuations due to, for example. holiday periods.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Data are collected according to section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark. The job vacancy data must be reported digitally by using the Telephone data entry system or on the Internet ( by using a digital signature. The reporting of data is governed by Regulation (EC) No 453/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on quarterly statistics on Community job vacancies and the related implementing regulations, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1062/2008 of 28 October 2008 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 19/2009 of 13 January 2009.

Cost and burden

The response burden is estimated to DKK 1,665,000 total.


Subject page for Job vacancies.