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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Monica Wiese Christensen
+45 21 73 34 69

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Job Vacancies

From the third quarter of 2012 a new more updated population is used in the enumeration process. The population is drawn from the ESR-register and contains information on the number of occupied posts, which are only three quarters old compared to the former population which was based on a less updated register. The changed enumeration process is estimated to have impact on the number of job vacancies, but not on the JVR (Job Vacancy Rate), which means that the number of job vacancies are not comparable historically in contrast to the JVR.

Comparability - geographical

Every quarter figures are submitted to the statistical office of EU, Eurostat. Data for all EU countries can be found in the Eurostat database. Data are collected in accordance with similar guidelines by all EU Member States. Consequently, data on job vacancy rate (JVR) in EU contexts can be directly compared with other EU Member States.

Comparability over time

At present, only data series going back to the 1st quarter of 2010 are available.

Coherence - cross domain

Data are collected in accordance with similar guidelines by all EU Member States. Consequently, data on job vacancy rate (JVR) in EU contexts can be directly compared with other EU Member States.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.