Job vacancies
How many job vacancies are there in a quarter? In which industries and regions are there the most vacancies? The statistics report the number of job vacancies and the job vacancy rate in the industries dominated by private companies.
Explainer on…
A job vacancy is defined as a paid post which at the reference day is newly created, unoccupied or soon to be vacated, and for which the employer is taking active steps to and is prepared to take further steps to fill with a suitable candidate outside the business concerned, and which the employer intend to fill either immediately or within a specified period of time.
Time series assessed on a monthly or quarterly basis are often affected by phenomena that appear at the same time every year. The time series are said to be subject to seasonal effects. When making a seasonal adjustment, you try to remove seasonal effects from the time series.
Selected statistics on Job vacancies
Developments in job vacancies
The statistics are compiled with an annual survey population of approximately 28,000 local units (defined as workplaces with at least one employee). Statistics Denmark's Central Business Register is used in selecting business units for the sample survey.
Job vacancies by region
The statistics are compiled with an annual survey population of approximately 28,000 local units (defined as workplaces with at least one employee). Statistics Denmark's Central Business Register is used in selecting business units for the sample survey.
Job vacancies by industry
The statistics are compiled with an annual survey population of approximately 28,000 local units (defined as workplaces with at least one employee). Statistics Denmark's Central Business Register is used in selecting business units for the sample survey.
On the statistics – documentation, sources and method
See the documentation of statistics to learn more:
The purpose of the statistics is to analyze the development in the number of job vacancies held by employers in the Danish labour market. The job vacancy statistics is an important labour market indicator as businesses typically reduce the number of job vacancies before they begin the dismissal of employees. Data on job vacancies is collected in accordance with similar guidelines by all EU Member States, which implies that the statistics are suitable for comparing the development in the number of job vacancies across the EU Member States.