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Statistical processing

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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Asger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46

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Folk high school courses

Data are collected annually from the schools administrative systems and by manual reporting. Collected data are validated for institution, type of education, course length and personal ID number. In addition it is determined if pupils has been reported several times. After data has been validated it is divided into: type of folk high school, education area and courses length. annual equivalents are calculated based on the course length and number of participants.

Source data

Approved providers of adult education and training in the form of folk high school courses. All Danish folk high schools which are part of the list published by the folk high school association are included in the statistic.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Reporting is either done through the folk high school's administrative system by a system-to-system solution or manually written excel sheets.

Data validation

Data is checked as regards correct institution ID, valid dates/period specifications, valid codes for type of course and personal ID number (CPR identification number). CPR number is checked against the CPR register, and CPR numbers are corrected as far as possible. In case the folk high school operates a system-to-system solution, certain filters are build to assure, that errors are corrected before data reach Statistics Denmark. In addition the numbers for the current year are compared to the last three years. This is done both as a total for each school, but also distributed on course weeks and education type. Finally, it is investigated if the same pupil has been reported several times to attend the same course at the same time. If this is found to be true then we remove the excess reporting.

Data compilation

Apart from data cleaning data are grouped together for various types of folk high schools: Full-time equivalents are calculated as the total amount of weeks, the pupils have attended school divided by 40.


No additional corrections are made apart from what is described in data validation and data treatment.