Statistical presentation
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Population and Education, Social StatisticsAsger Bromose Langgaard
+45 21 59 96 46
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The Statistics gives a complete picture of the populations participation in folk high school courses as well as courses from the independent prevocational schools. Data are collected on number of participants as well as full-time equivalents. In addition data is also collected on the length of the courses. For the latest year, data based on calendar year only contains data for half a year. This is because data is published on school years so that the second half will become available once the next school year is published
Data description
The statistics in relation to the folk high schools and the cooking and textile schools is part of the Statistic Denmark's register of courses. This register gives a complete description of the populations participation in courses/single courses related to adult education, i.e. formal, external educations financed, administered and organized by a public supplier and takes place outside ordinary working hours. The activity of the cooking and textile schools (now known as independent prevocational schools) have been registered since the beginning of the 1970-ties and the activity of the folk high schools was introduced from the 1980-ties. At first only the long courses of 12 weeks or more was registered, but from 2011-12 the courses shorter than 12 weeks were included too.
Classification system
The data is distributed according to education area. Like the main register of adult education, it is also classified according to Statistics Denmark's education classification DISCED-15, which is a Danish version of the "International Standard Classification of Education". For further description, see; about courses and adult education.
Long courses: courses that last 12 weeks or more. Short courses: courses that last less than 12 weeks.
Folk High Schools for Youths: folk high schools specifically targeted at student between 16 and 19 of age. Folk High Schools for the Elderly: folk high schools that have a special permission to only offer short courses. General and Grundtvigian Folk High Schools: Folk High Schools that do not belong in one of the two above categories. Independent prevocational high schools: boarding schools that are organized a lot like folk high schools except that their courses are more focused on vocational studies.
Sector coverage
The Statistic covers courses on folk high schools, within adult and continued education area.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Calendar year : A Calendar year last from 1. January to 31. December.
School year: A school year lasts from 1. august the year before to 31. July in the current year.
Statistical unit
Participants and full-time equivalents.
Statistical population
People who have participated in a folk high school course.
Reference area
Time coverage
Data is available from the school year 2005. Short courses are however first available from 2012
Base period
Not relevant for this statistics.
Unit of measure
Number of people
Reference period
01-08-2023 - 31-07-2024. For the latest year, data based on calendar year only contains data for half a year. This is because data is published on school years so that the second half will become available once data on the next school year is published.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark, §6.
The statistic is not based on an EU regulation.
Cost and burden
Minor response burden primarily due to the usage of administrative registers.
General information about continued education can be obtained here. Further information can be obtained by contacting Statistics Denmark.