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Statistical processing

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Government Finances, Economic Statistics
Marianne Ahle Møller
+45 24 66 00 28

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Educational expenditure (UOE Finance)

Data for this statistics is collected annually from a number of both internal and external sources using data extracts and data deliveries. The collected data is validated on a macro level by controls of time series and different reasonableness checks. When data have been validated, the classification according to UOE2020 begins following by imposed distributions based on student data gather internally from Statistics Denmark. Lastly, data is integrated and complied into the final result.

Source data

The statistic is complied using a number of internal and external sources.

Internal sources

  • Data extracts from Statistics Denmark's internal database DIOR (database for integrated public accounts), which stores the accounting information from the central and local governments. This forms the primary data base.
  • Data from table RDCE01 and RDCE03 on expenditures and funding of research and development (R&D). Table FOND03 and FOND15 on funding of education from private funds.
  • Data deliveries from the office of Population and Education in Statistics Denmark on the number of students at different levels of education. Data from here are used to as distribution keys.
  • Data deliveries from the office of Science, Technology and Culture on the distribution of expenditures on research and development between short and long tertiary educations.

External sources

  • Data deliveries from Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science about the state's education support (SU) and adult education support (SVU).
  • Accounts from The National Agency for Education and Quality's accounting portal for the independent primary schools, post-secondary schools, private secondary schools and combination schools.
  • Data from publicly available annual reports from the private tertiary educational institutions.

Frequency of data collection

Data is collected annually.

Data collection

The majority of data is collected by data extractions from Statistics Denmark's internal database DIOR (database for integrated public accounts) and acquisition of data from Statbank. Data extractions from DIOR are conditioned on the UOE2020 definition of education expenditures. By an in depth examination of the central government accounts §19 Ministry of Higher Education and Science and §20 Ministry of Children and Education along with the local government accounts a code list have been prepared which determines all relevant expenditures from the public accounts within the scope of UOE2020. Furthermore, a part of data is collected from supplementary sources like annual accounts from the National Agency for Education and Quality and annual reports for private tertiary educational institutions.

Data validation

The public part of the statistic, which is gather form DIOR data is validated within the scope of the statistics General Government Finances. In addition data from external sources is validated on a macro level by controls of time series and different reasonableness checks.

Data compilation

When the collection of data is complete, data is classified according to the UOE2020 manual.

The classification of primary data is made through a number of processes: 1) data from general government finances are compared with previous years and all previous classifications are transferred to recent year. 2) New accounts are classified according to the UOE2020 manually. 3) Student distributions are the applied, which gives information about the distribution of students on ISCED-level. The reclassification will lead to changes for levels of education.

When the classification is finalized data is integrated, validated and transmitted.


No corrections are made to data beyond what has already been described under Data Validation and Data Compilation.