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Government Finances, Economic StatisticsMarianne Ahle Møller
+45 24 66 00 28
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The statistic is relevant for professionals and analysts. The statistic is included in the annual publication by OECD Education at a Glance and will be launch in OECD's database OECD Data Explorer along with Eurostat. Professionals and analysts use the statistics to get a detailed overview of the expenditure to education across education levels and the funding of those in Denmark.
User Needs
The purpose of the statistic is to contribute to an international comparable database concerning the education expenditures and funding of education. OECD uses the statistic as an input to the annual publication Education at a Glance and publish the data on their own database OECD.stat and Eurostat. Nationally, the statistic is used by professionals and analysts to get an overview of how education is financed along with which education levels demands most resources.
User Satisfaction
The statistics are carried out because of international needs and regulations. At present, no specific national needs have been identified.
Data completeness rate
The statistic fulfill the demands in the regulation made by EU. The publication of data in StatBank table UOE1 and UOE2 is identical to the detail level transmitted to Eurostat.
At the moment the funding from households and international sources are not fully covered in the statistic, but is expected to be implemented in the future. This implies, that the total funding form households and international sources will be underestimated.