Educational expenditure (UOE Finance)
Contact info
Government Finances, Economic StatisticsMarianne Ahle Møller
+45 24 66 00 28
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The purpose of the statistics is to show how education expenditures are distributed across source of funding, expenditure type, type of institution along with the level of education. The statistic is based on international standards for education expenditures by the manual UOE data collection on formal education (UOE2020) , which is developed by UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat. The statistic is used as an input to OECD's publication Education at a Glance, which compares educational systems across countries. The statistics are developed from finance year 2016 and onwards. Data is consistent and comparable throughout the entire period.
Statistical presentation
The statistic is an annually two-dimensional publication of education expenditures, which shows the consumption of education seen from the perspective of both sources of funding and educational institutions. The statistic is calculated in DKK millions and divided across financing sources, expenditure type, type of institutions and education level.
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Statistical processing
Data for this statistics is collected annually from a number of both internal and external sources using data extracts and data deliveries. The collected data is validated on a macro level by controls of time series and different reasonableness checks. When data have been validated, the classification according to UOE2020 begins following by imposed distributions based on student data gather internally from Statistics Denmark. Lastly, data is integrated and complied into the final result.
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The statistic is relevant for professionals and analysts. The statistic is included in the annual publication by OECD Education at a Glance and will be launch in OECD's database OECD Data Explorer along with Eurostat. Professionals and analysts use the statistics to get a detailed overview of the expenditure to education across education levels and the funding of those in Denmark.
Accuracy and reliability
The overall accurancy of the statistics i considered to be high, as the primary data sources is contributed by the general government finances. However, there are uncertainty associated with the funding of households and international sources to education. Moreover, misclassifications can occur as it can be difficult to determined whether some areas are within the scope of UOE2020. The detail level from annual reports used for private tertiary educations are fraught with uncertainty because of the overall coding.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published 11 months after the end of the reference period and are published without delays in relation to planned release times.
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The statistic follow common European guidelines in the manual UOE data collection on formal education (UOE2020). The statistic is fully comparable across time and countries for the entire published time period. Previously the reporting burden to UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat was acquired from the National Agency of IT and Learning under the Ministry of Children and Education.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistic is published in New from Statistics Denmark and in the StatBank under Education expenditures. For more information see the subject page. In addition, the figures are included in OECD's annual publication Education at a Glance. Moreover, data is published by OECD and Eurostat.