Statistical processing
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Population and EducationNare Hakhverdyan
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Various procedures were conducted for data controlling and high quality. To assure consistency, answers which were not logic were checked and corrected by follow up by contact to the responding enterprises if necessary. Furthermore, an imputation on core variables was applied, the variables specified by Eurostat. A weighting procedure on 60 cells was applied (20 NACE categories and 3 size groups) in such a way that the sample was representative for the universe..
Source data
CVTS2006, CVTS2011, CVTS2016 and CVTS 2020: Data is mainly collected by a common European questionnaire translated into Danish and sent to a sample of Danish private enterprises. In addition to the data based on the questionnaire a small part of data has been collected from existing data registers of enterprises in Statistics Denmark.
The register of enterprises was used as basis for the sampling in relation to main branch (20 branches specified in NACE) and number of employments specifying three groups: 10-49, 50-249 and 250 or more employees.
For CVTS2006 2.819 enterprises were sampled as representative of the 19.295 enterprises representing the specified branches, which were registered in the register of enterprises the second quarter of 2005 with more than 10 employees. The response rate was 31 corresponding to 884 enterprises.
For CVTS2011 3.036 enterprises were contacted leading to a response rate of 41 pct. corresponding to 1.242 enterprises.
For CVTS2016 3.001 enterprises were contacted leading to a response rate of 50 pct. corresponding to 1.511 enterprises.
For CVTS2020 3.432 enterprises were contacted leading to a response rate of 47 pct. corresponding to 1.616 enterprises.
In order to have representative data for all all enterprises a weighting procedure has been carried out based on information from the register of enterprises.
Frequency of data collection
Every 5th year. However, the frequency of the statistics included in the program of life long learning are being re-considered.
Data collection
- CVTS2006: Mail interviews
- CVTS2011: Web- or telephone interviews
- CVTS2016: Web- or telephone interviews
- CVTS2020: Web- or telephone interviews
Data validation
Data were controlled for consistency concerning the answers to the questions related to persons, hours spent and costs for educational activities in the enterprises. Not logical answers and inconsistencies in the answers were always or as far as possible corrected.
Data compilation
Imputation was conducted on specific variables (so called core variables) specified by Eurostat. A weighting procedure was applied on 60 sampling cells (20 business categories and 3 size groups).
No further corrections apart from what is mentioned in Data Validation and Data Processing are conducted.