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Population and EducationNare Hakhverdyan
+45 23 72 80 07
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The survey results are mainly of interest to persons engaged in the educational sector, educational institutions, ministries and business organizations.
User Needs
Users of the results from the surveys in all participating countries will in the first hand be the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission in monitoring and analyzing the development of Lifelong Learning among the adult population (25-64 years) in the European Union.
Results of the surveys is also expected to be used by the government bodies and the social partners for evaluation and possibly for defining new political initiatives in the area of continual vocational training within their own countries.
Besides, data from all countries will be available for researchers for further analysis.
User Satisfaction
No user satisfaction survey has taken place.
Data completeness rate
Data fulfill the demands in the EU-Regulation and in the manuals delivered by Eurostat for the survey.