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Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS)

The data collected in the CVTS surveys (CVTS = Continual Vocational Training Survey) describes the enterprises activities in relation to continuing vocational training in the enterprises. The variables are specified in The European Parliament and Council Regulation No 1552/2005. Primarily it concerns the various types of training artivities, time usage and costs involved in the activities as well as planning aspects. In relation to CVTS2006 some variables are not included in CVTS2011. A few variables have been removed in CVTS2016 and a few has been simplified when compared to CVTS2011. Special COVID-19 questions were included in CVTS2020.

Data description

The data collected are specified in The European Parliament and Council Regulation No 1552/2005 as follows:

a) training policy and training strategies of enterprises in developing the skills of their workforce;

b) management, organization and forms of continuing vocational training in enterprises;

c) the role of social partners in ensuring all aspects of continuing vocational training in the workplace;

d) access to continuing vocational training, its volume and content, especially in the context of economic activity and enterprise size;

e) specific continuing vocational training measures of enterprises to improve the ICT skills of their workforce;

f) chances for employees in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access continuing vocational training and to acquire new skills, and the particular needs of SMEs in the provision of training;

g) the effects of public measures on continuing vocational training in enterprises;

h) equal opportunities to access continuing vocational training in enterprises for all employees, with respect to gender and specific age groups in particular;

i) specific continuing vocational training measures for people with a disadvantage in the labour market;

j) continuing vocational training measures geared to different types of employment contract;

k) expenditure on continuing vocational training: funding levels and funding resources, incentives for continuing vocational training; and

l) evaluation and monitoring procedures of enterprises as regards continuing vocational training.

In relation to CVTS2006 some variables are not included in CVTS2011. A few variables have been removed in CVTS2016 and a few has been simplified when compared to CVTS2011. Special COVID-19 questions were included in CVTS2020.

Classification system

The statistic contain certain selected branches, 20 NACE categories (C-L) as well as three size categories of number of employees: 10-49, 50-249 and 250 or more.

Sector coverage

The statistic contain certain selected branches, 20 NACE categories (C-L) as well as three size categories of number of employees: 10-49, 50-249 and 250 or more.

  • I=NACE 20 Section
  • II=Section
  • III=Description NACE rev.2


  1. B B05-B09 = Mining and Quarrying
  2. C C10-C12 = Manufacturing of food, drink and tobacco
  3. C C13-C15 = Manufacturing of textiles, clothing, leather
  4. C C17-C18 = Manufacturing of paper and paper products
  5. C C19-C23 = Manufacturing of coke and refined petroleum products, chemical products, basic pharmaceutical products and -products, rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products
  6. C C24-C25 = Manufacturing of basic metals, fabricated metal products
  7. C C26-C28 + C33 = Manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products, electric equipment, rep. of machinery and equipment
  8. C C29-C30 = Manufacturing of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers and other transport equipment
  9. C C16 + C31-C32 = Manufacturing of wood products, furniture and other manufacturing
  10. D D-E = Electricity, gas, district heating, water, sewerage, waste collection and management
  11. F F = Construction activities
  12. G G45 = Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
  13. G G46 = Wholesale trade (except motor vehicles and motorcycles)
  14. G G47 = Retail trade (except of motor vehicles and motorcycles)
  15. I I = Accommodation and restaurants
  16. H H = Transport and handling of goods, warehousing and storage
  17. J J = Information and communication
  18. K K64-65 = Banking and finance, insurance, pension funding
  19. K K66 = Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities
  20. L L+M+N+R+S = Real estate activities, business- and scientific activities, engineering activities, administrative services, culture and recreation, sports and other services

Statistical concepts and definitions

Concepts: The surveys gather information about the employees participation in internal courses in the enterprise, external courses outside the enterprise, job rotation, job exchanges, job secondments, conferences and workshops, learning- or quality circles, self directed learning/e-learning

The number of participants is registered and the costs associated with the activities.

In addition :

  • Evaluation of skills and competences according to importance
  • Evaluation of skills and competences the enterprise want to promote
  • Apprentices
  • Reasons for no training activities (if no activities)

Statistical unit

Private enterprises.

Statistical population

Private enterprises, divided into three size categories and 20 branches groups according to the NACE nomenclature. :

Reference area


Time coverage

2006, 2011, 2016 and 2020.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure


Reference period

CVTS2020: 2020 CVTS2016: 2015 CVTS2011: 2010 CVTS2006: 2005

Frequency of dissemination

The survey will be conducted approx. once every five years.

Legal acts and other agreements

Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 of The European Parliament and of The Council of 7 September 2005 on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprises. Commission Regulation (EC) No 198/2006 of 3 February 2006 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1552/2005 of the European Parliament and the Council on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprises.

Since 2005, the CVTS is underpinned by a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistics relating to vocational training in enterprises. Implementing details were provided in the Commission Regulation No 198/2006 of 3 February 2006 which for CVTS4 has been amended by Commission Regulation No 822/2010 and for CVTS5 by Commission Regulation No 1153/2014.

Cost and burden

Danish enterprises have participated in the CVTS2006, CVTS2011, CVTS2016 and CVTS2020 on a voluntary basis. Therefore there is no estimate of the response burden. However, it is beyond any doubt that the burden was considerably for those companies who decided to answer.


For further information contact Statistics Denmark.