Social protection expenditure, v1:2019
Name: ,
, Description: , Social benefits are classified by function, i.e. expenditure associated with social protection. Social protection expenditures refers to a society's social arrangements and benefits, where the purpose is to ease the financial burden of individuals or households in connection with one or more defined risks or needs, e.g. illness or unemployment. The classification is based on the concepts that are defined in the , European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS) classification, ., Valid from: ,
January 1, 2019
, Office: ,
Government finances
, Contact: ,
Louise Mathilde Justesen, ,, , ph. +45 40 26 47 43
, Codes and categories, Open hierarchy, Download , CSV, DDI, 1: Sickness and health care, 1.1: Public health insurance, 1.2: Hospitals, 1.3: Municipal health care benefits, 1.4: Employers expenses to sickness benefits, 1.5: Sickness benefits, 1.6: Voluntary sickness insurance, 1.7: Care allowances to relatives (sickness) and other expenses, 1.8: Municipal expenses to rehabilitation, 2: Disability, 2.1: Care and accomodation to disabled people as well as other help, 2.2: Special day-care facilities for children in special need for assistance, 2.3: Support to activities for disabled people, 2.4: Unemployment benefits for unemployed persons with limited working capacities, 2.5: Early retirement (including supplements), 2.6: Disability payouts from insurance companies and pension funds, 2.7: Cash allowances to disabled people in work or selfemployed (engaged in economic activities), 2.8: Other benefits to disabled persons, 2.9: Care allowances to relatives (disability), 2.10: Occupational injuries insurance, 2.11: Senior pension, 3: Old age, 3.1: Care and accommodation for elderly and other help, 3.2: Old age pensions including supplements, 3.3: Civil servant pensions, 3.4: Obligatory labor market pensions, 3.5: Anticipated old age pension, 3.6: Labour market supplementary pension, 4: Survivors, 4.1: Other benefits to survivors, 4.2: Survivors pensions, 4.3: Funeral expenses, 5: Family and children, 5.1: Child day care, 5.2: Supportive measures for families, 5.3: Maternity leave benefits, 5.4: Family allowances, 5.5: Child support paid by the municipality, 6: Unemployment, 6.1: Municipal employment measures, 6.2: Active employment measures, 6.3: Unemployment insurance benefits; unemployed people not joining training programmes, 6.4: Unemployment insurance benefits and other income substitution for unemployed people in training programmes, 7: Housing, 7.1: Housing benefit (families), 7.2: Housing benefit (pensioners), 8: Other social benefits, 8.1: Residential institutions for people with special social problems, 8.2: Treatment and other assistance to people with special social problems (alcohol/drugs), 8.3: Asylum applicants - various costs, 8.4: Immigrants - various costs, 8.5: Various support through private organisations, 8.6: Other social benefits, 8.7: Subsistence income for people outside the labourmarket, 8.8: Asylum applicants and immigrants; subsistence income and cash benefits, 8.9: Benefits from the Wage Earners Guarantee Fund, 8.10: Compensations for increased duties on energy, 8.11: Compulsory pension scheme for recipients of transfer payments, 9: Administration costs, All versions, Name, Valid from, Valid to, Social protection expenditure, v1:2019, January 1, 2019, Still valid, Social protection expenditure (ESSPROS), v1:2016, January 1, 2016, December 31, 2018