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Short term trends

The short term economic development in Denmark is illustrated by a number of indicators. This development is shown in percentage in relation to, the previous period (t-1), three months before (t-3), the same quarter of the previous year (t-4) or the same month of the previous year (t-12)

The numbers of the short term economic development are updated on a daily basis at 8.05 am.

National accounts  t/(t-1) 
Gross domestic product, real growth
(DKK billion, 2020-price level chain figures)
  Q3/24  672  0.9
StatBank tables: Demand and supply
Declaration: National Accounts
Household consumption expenditure, real growth
(DKK billion, 2020-price level chain figures)
  Q3/24  282  0.1
StatBank tables: Demand and supply
Declaration: National Accounts
NPISH consumption expenditure, real growth
(DKK billion, 2020-price level chain figures)
  Q3/24  9  0.0
StatBank tables: Demand and supply
Declaration: National Accounts
Government consumption, real growth
(DKK billion, 2020-price level chain figures)
  Q3/24  149  0.4
StatBank tables: Demand and supply
Declaration: National Accounts
Gross capital formation, real growth
(DKK million, 2020-price level chain figures)
  Q3/24  128,228  -5.4
StatBank tables: Gross capital formation
Declaration: National Accounts
Imports of goods and services, real growth
(DKK billion, 2020-price level chain figures)
  Q3/24  347  -0.2
StatBank tables: Demand and supply
Declaration: National Accounts
Exports of goods and services, real growth
(DKK billion, 2020-price level chain figures)
  Q3/24  444  0.8
StatBank tables: Demand and supply
Declaration: National Accounts
Employment. National accounts
  Q3/24  3,223,121  0.1
StatBank tables: Employment (10a3-grouping)
Declaration: Employment and Compensation of Employees in National Accounts
Labour market  t/(t-4) 
Jobs. WTA (number)  Q3/24  3,444,317  0.7
StatBank tables: Working Time Accounts (seasonal adjustment) (quarter)
Declaration: Working time accounts
Jobs. Hours worked, WTA (1000 hours)  Q3/24  1,060,738  0.5
StatBank tables: Working Time Accounts (seasonal adjustment) (quarter)
Declaration: Working time accounts
Indices of average earnings in Corporations and Organizations (1. qtr. 2005=100)  Q3/24  160.3  4.0
StatBank tables: Implicit index of average earnings in Corporations and Organizations
Declaration: Implicit index of average earnings
Indices og average earnings in the public sector, central government (1. qtr 2005=100)  Q3/24  162.6  6.7
StatBank tables: Implicit index of average earnings in the public sector, central government
Declaration: Implicit index of average earnings
Indices of average earnings in the public sector, local government (1. qtr. 2005=100)  Q3/24  162.6  5.4
StatBank tables: Implicit index of average earnings in the public sector, local government
Declaration: Implicit index of average earnings
Job vacancies  Q3/24  52,930  0.7
StatBank tables: Job vacancies
Declaration: Job Vacancies
Registered unemployment  t/(t-12) 
Gross unemployment (converted into full-time) per cent of the labour force 2)  Nov/24  2.9  0.1
StatBank tables: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted)
Declaration: Registered unemployment
Gross unemployment (converted into full-time)  Nov/24  88,332.3  3.3
StatBank tables: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted)
Declaration: Registered unemployment
Net unemployment (converted into full-time) per cent of the labour force 2)  Nov/24  2.6  0.1
StatBank tables: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted)
Declaration: Registered unemployment
Net unemployment (converted into full-time)  Nov/24  78,231.6  4.7
StatBank tables: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted)
Declaration: Registered unemployment
ILO unemployment  t/(t-3) 
ILO-unemployment rate 2)  Nov/24  6.7  0.7
StatBank tables: Labour force status
Declaration: The Monthly Labour Force Survey (LFS)
Consumption  t/(t-1) 
Retail trade index total (2021=100)  Dec/24  96.0  0.1
StatBank tables: Retail Trade Index
Declaration: Retail Trade Index
New registration of passenger cars (number)  Dec/24  15,308  2.0
StatBank tables: New registration of motor vehicles
Declaration: Car Register and Publications
Consumer confidence indicator  Jan/25  -11.7  ..
StatBank tables: Consumer confidence indicator
Declaration: Consumer Expectations Survey
Industries  t/(t-1) 
Number of persons employed in the construction industry total  Q4/24  197,503  0.3
StatBank tables: Number of persons employed in the construction industry
Declaration: Number of Persons Employed in the Construction Industry
Domestic sales by VAT registered firms (DKK million)  Nov/24  282,692  -0.3
StatBank tables: Purchases and sales
Declaration: Purchases and sales by enterprises
Industrial production index (2021=100)  Nov/24  133.1  -3.6
StatBank tables: Industrial production index
Declaration: Production and Turnover in Manufacturing Industries
New registration of van and lorries (number) 1)  Dec/24  2,759  -9.9
StatBank tables: New registration of motor vehicles
Declaration: Car Register and Publications
Bankruptcies (number)  Dec/24  463  -4.5
StatBank tables: Bankruptcies (historical summary)
Declaration: Bankruptcies
Tendency Surveys   
Sentiment indicators for construction 1)  Jan/25  104.8  ..
StatBank tables: Sentiment indicators for businesses
Declaration: Business tendency surveys
Sentiment indicators for industry 1)  Jan/25  105.3  ..
StatBank tables: Sentiment indicators for businesses
Declaration: Business tendency surveys
Sentiment indicators for service sector 1)  Jan/25  104.5  ..
StatBank tables: Sentiment indicators for businesses
Declaration: Business tendency surveys
Sentiment indicators for retail trade 1)  Jan/25  94.6  ..
StatBank tables: Sentiment indicators for businesses
Declaration: Business tendency surveys
Property Market  t/(t-1) 
Construction Cost Index for residential buildings (2021=100) 1)  Q3/24  116.6  -0.4
StatBank tables: Construction cost index for residential buildings
Declaration: Construction cost index for residential buildings
Price index for one-family houses (2022=100)  Q3/24  100.4  -0.1
StatBank tables: Seasonally adjusted sales of property
Declaration: Sales of real property
Forced sales of real property (number)  Dec/24  124.0  13.8
StatBank tables: Announcements of forced sales of real property
Declaration: Announcements of forced sales of real property
External Trade and Balance of Payments  t/(t-1) 
Import of goods (DKK milllion) 1)  Nov/24  75,486.5  0.6
StatBank tables: Value of imports and exports (DKK 1.000)
Declaration: International Trade in Goods
Export of goods (DKK million) 1)  Nov/24  79,984.1  -5.7
StatBank tables: Value of imports and exports (DKK 1.000)
Declaration: International Trade in Goods
Import of services (DKK milllion)  Q3/24  205,860.3  1.8
StatBank tables: External trade quarterly
Declaration: Balance of Payments
Export of services (DKK milllion)  Q3/24  224,903.7  5.5
StatBank tables: External trade quarterly
Declaration: Balance of Payments
Balance of payments, surplus (DKK million) 3)  Nov/24  46,900.3  93.8
StatBank tables: Balance of payments monthly
Declaration: Balance of Payments
Prices  t/(t-12) 
Consumer price index (2015=100)  Dec/24  118.9  1.9
StatBank tables: Consumer price index
Declaration: Consumer Price Index
Price index for Domestic Supply (2015=100)  Dec/24  128.3  0.5
StatBank: Price index for Domestic Supply
Declaration: Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities
Price index for domestic supply (2015=100) - Mineral fuels, mineraloil and distilery products thereof  Dec/24  173.0  -3.6
StatBank: Price index for Domestic Supply
Declaration: Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities
Producer price index for commodity (2015=100)  Dec/24  167.9  14.9
StatBank tables: Producer price index for commodities
Declaration: Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities
Import price index for commodity (2015=100)  Dec/24  127.3  0.3
StatBank: Import price index for commodities
Declaration: Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities
Government net lending  t/(t-1) 
Government net lending (DKK million)  Q3/24  20,936  -42.2
StatBank tables: General government, expenditure and income
Declaration: Government Finance Statistics
Interest and share rates  t/(t-1) 
Share index OMXC20 (july 3rd 1989=100)  Dec/24  2,102  -11.9
StatBank tables: Share index
Declaration: Interest and Share Price Indices
Exchange rate, nominal effective Krone rate, monthly average (1980=100)  Dec/24  104.3  -0.3
StatBank: Monthly exchange rates
Short interest rate, 3 month CIBOR (pct. p.a.) 2)  Dec/24  ..  ..
StatBank tables: Interest rates, by type
Declaration: Interest and Share Price Indices
Long interest rate, 10-years central government bond (pct. p.a.) 2)  Dec/24  1.8  0.1
StatBank tables: Interest rates, by type
Declaration: Interest and Share Price Indices

1) Not seasonally adjusted
2) Development in percentage point
3) Development in DKK million


Søren Kühl Andersen
Phone: +45 22 26 04 36