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The Danish sustainability indicators

The Danish sustainability indicators are a supplement to the “Global Goals for Sustainable Development”. They are the result of the project Our Goals, which put the UN Global Goals in a Danish context. The Danish indicators show what the Danes find important when it comes to social, economic and resource-related sustainability in Denmark.

Read the completion report: Make Global Goals Our Goals

Statistics Denmark and the 2030-Panel have published 197 new Danish indicators to translate the 17 UN Global Goals into a Danish context. The indicators are based on input from more than 6,000 Danish companies, organisations, researchers and dedicated citizens. Read the report and see the Danes’ approach to sustainable development in Denmark.

For questions and other requests for the Our Goals project as well as the completion report, write to:

Goal 1: No poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Homeless people

Homelessness in Denmark

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The data shows the trend in the number of homeless people in Denmark. Source: The Danish Center for Social Science Research (VIVE).
Last updated: 21-09-2024
Living below the absolute poverty line

Proportion living below the absolute poverty line

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The data shows the development of absolute poverty. This is defined as people with equivalised disposable income and net wealth that are below 50 percent of the median income in 2015 adjusted for CPI. Furthermore households with a student as the main breadwinner is excluded.

Last updated: 27-11-2024
Material wants

Proportion of population with material wants

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The data shows partly the proportion of the population (minimum 16 years) who stated that they could not afford: replace wornout clothing, meet with friends or Family, participate regurlarly in leisure activities or go to the dentist if needed, and partly the proportion of the population (regardless of age) whose household, for economic reasons, was not able to: do not have a car for private use, can not pay an unforeseen expense up to DKK 10,000, can not take at least one week's vacation annually.

Last updated: 14-02-2025
Persons in the low-income group

Proportion of persons in the low-income group

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The data shows the development in the proportion of persons in all age groups who have been living below the relative poverty line defined by having an equivalent disposable income of less than 50 per cent of the median income in the year in question, one, two, three and four years in a row.
Last updated: 17-01-2025
Social security benefits

Proportion of the working-age population on social security benefits

Proportion of the working-age population on social security benefits

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The data shows the development in the proportion of the population of working age (16-64 years) on public support (excluding the student allowance).
Last updated: 10-01-2025
Longterm social security benefits

Proportion of the population of working age on longterm social security benefits

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of the population of working age (16-64 years) on longterm social security benefits.
Last updated: 10-01-2025
Proportion of the net wealth

Proportion of the net wealth for population over the age of 18

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The data shows the trend in average net wealth for people over the age of 18 as well as the decile limits. The amounts are in current prices.

Last updated: 04-12-2024
Members of an unemployment insurance fund

Proportion of the population (18-64 years) who are members of an unemployment insurance fund

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The data shows the trend in proportion of the population (18-64 years) who are members of an unemployment insurance fund.
Last updated: 10-01-2025
Goal 2: Zero hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Underweight or overweight - sex

Proportion of the population that is underweight or overweight, by sex

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The data shows weight categories, by sex. The data is survey-based using a representative sample of the Danish population over the age of 16. Source: The Danish Health Authority. 
Last updated: 21-03-2023
Underweight or overweight - school children

Proportion of children in different weight categories, by school level

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The data shows weight groups for schoolchildren by school stage. Since it varies when individual schools measure and weigh the children, the figures for a birth cohort are not calculated until the birth cohort has completed a full school stage (i.e. the first years of primary level, intermediate level and the final years of schooling). This is done to obtain a full birth cohort, and the statistics thus include the last full birth cohort. Source: The National Children’s Database and the Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 24-09-2024
Dietary patterns

Dietary patterns, by sex

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The data shows dietary patterns, by sex. The categorisation is based on a number of survey questions on the dietary advice issued by the Danish Health Authority. The data include people over 16 years of age. Source: The Danish Health Authority.
Last updated: 24-09-2024
Poor physical health

Proportion of the population with poor physical health, by sex and age

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The data shows the proportion of the population with poor physical health, by sex and age. The categorisation is based on a number of survey questions based on SF-12, a so-called generic health status measure. The data includes people over 16 years of age. Source: The Danish Health Authority.
Last updated: 21-03-2023
Profit rate in agriculture

Profit rate in agriculture

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The data shows the development in the profit rate in agriculture for all full-time and part-time farms.
Last updated: 03-10-2024
Agricultural sustainability

Trends in agricultural sustainability

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The data shows the trends in agricultural sustainability, illustrated by seven subcomponents. The indicator is calculated on 1) production per unit of area (production); 2) greenhouse gas emissions (Greenhouse gases); 3) excess nitrogen (nitrogen, fields); 4) nitrogen, diffuse emissions (nitrogen, water); 5) (phosphorus, fields); 6) (phosphorus, water); and 7) (pesticides). The indicator is calculated as an index, 2015 = 100. Source: Statistics Denmark, NOVANA Report, Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Danish Centre for Environment and Energy and UN Environment and Development Convention.
Last updated: 05-10-2024
Animal welfare in agriculture

Proportion of registered pig and broiler hen producers, by the three levels of the animal welfare label

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The data shows the proportion of registered participating producers who meet the "Dyrevelværdsmærkets" standards for animal welfare within pig and broiler hen production. There are three levels of animal welfare standards and the requirements increase for each level. Pig producers have been able to register for the Animal Welfare Label since April 2017 – broiler hen producers from October 2018 and cattle producers from January 2020. Going forward, the statistics will also include cattle producers as they register to participate in the scheme. Source: The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark.
Last updated: 24-09-2024
Antibiotics in agriculture

Consumption of antibiotics in agricultural production of pigs , cattle and poultry (active ingredients)

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The data shows the trends in the use of antibiotics in the agricultural production of pigs, cattle and poultry, measured in 1,000 kg of active ingredients. Source: The Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark.
Last updated: 12-12-2024
Exploitation of genetic resources - number

Requests and distributions of genetic resources from NordGen

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The data shows the development in the number of requests and distributions of genetic resources from NordGen. Source: NordGen.
Last updated: 17-10-2024
Exploitation of genetic resources - per cent

Requests relative to distributions of genetic resources from NordGen

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The data shows the development in the relationship between requests and distributions of genetic resources from NordGen. Source: NordGen.
Last updated: 17-10-2024
Goal 3: Good health and well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
BMI among pregnant women

BMI among pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy

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The data shows the spread in pregnant women’s BMI at the start of pregnancy. Source: Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 10-01-2025
Birth weight

Birth weight for live-born babies

Birth weight for live-born babies

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The data shows the spread of birth weights for live-born babies, both single and multiple births.
Last updated: 10-07-2020
Pregnant women who are smokers

Proportion of pregnant women who are smokers

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The data shows the proportion of pregnant women who smoked, did not smoke and who stopped smoking during pregnancy. Source: Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 10-01-2025
Hospital-acquired infections

Number of hospital-acquired infections

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The data shows the development in the annual number of cases of bloodstream infections and urinary tract infections. The category ‘Other’ includes C. difficile infections – community onset; C. difficile infections – hospital onset, deep infections after planned total hip arthroplasty and deep infections after planned knee arthroplasty. Source: Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 16-01-2025
Influenza-related deaths

Proportion of influenza-related deaths

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The data shows the proportion of influenza-related deaths in Denmark out of all deaths in the flu season, which runs from week 40 to week 20 of the following year. Source: Statens Serum Institut.

Last updated: 21-03-2023
Persons who use psychotropic drugs

Number of persons per 1,000 inhabitants who use psychotropic drugs

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The data shows the number of people per 1,000 inhabitants who use psychotropic drugs, by sex and age. Source: Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 17-01-2025
Days of absence

Number of days of absence per full-time employee per year, by age group and sex

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The data shows the development in the average number of days of absence from work due to illness per full-time employee per year, by age group and sex.
Last updated: 04-12-2024
Cancer patients who survive cancer

Proportion of cancer patients who survive cancer

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The data shows the development in one, three, five and ten-year survival rates for all persons diagnosed with cancer, excluding basal cell carcinomas and other skin cancers other than malignant melanomas. Relative survival is the probability of surviving a cancer when adjusted for other causes of death. Relative survival is calculated as the ratio between the observed survival rate of cancer patients and their expected survival if they were not affected by cancer. Source: Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 17-01-2025
Consumation of illegal drugs

Proportion of 16-24-year-olds who tried one or more of the various illegal drugs within the past year

Proportion of 16-24-year-olds who tried one or more of the various illegal drugs within the past year

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The data shows the proportion of 16-24-year-olds who had consumed illegal drugs, where consumed means that the person had used one or more of the various illegal drugs within the past year. LSD stands for lysergic acid diethylamide, GHB stands for gamma hydroxybutyrate. Source: Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 07-02-2025
Treatment for substance abuse

Number of people who received treatment for substance abuse

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The data shows the trend in the number of people who received treatment for substance abuse, by sex.
Last updated: 13-06-2024
High-risk limit for alcohol intake

Proportion of the population that exceeds the Danish Health Authority's recommended high-risk limit for alcohol intake

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of the population over the age of 16 that exceeded the Danish Health Authority’s recommended high-risk limit for alcohol intake. The recommended high-risk limit for alcohol intake is 10 standard drinks per week. Source: Danish Health Authority.
Last updated: 17-01-2025
Age at alcohol debut

Age at alcohol debut

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The data shows the age of pupils when they have their first alcoholic drink, for boys and girls. Sources: The Danish Health and Behaviour in School Children steering group and the National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark.
Last updated: 08-12-2021
Chriminal decisions

Number of criminal decisions, by nature of the offence

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The data shows the number of criminal decisions under the Danish Road Traffic Act, by the nature of the offence.

Last updated: 25-03-2024
Road traffic accidents

Number of people killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents, by means of transport

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The data shows the development in the number of people killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents, by means of transport. The data are based on cases reported to and thus registered by the police. Statistics Denmark notes that there may be some underreporting of accidents resulting in injuries.
Last updated: 28-06-2024
Incidence of sexually transmitted diseases

Incidence of sexually transmitted diseases among 15-24-year-olds, by type and sex

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The figures show the development in the number of diagnosed sexually transmitted infections among young people aged 15-24, broken down by gender and type. The report includes sexually transmitted infections that are subject to mandatory individual notification. The data represent newly registered cases. An exception is the reporting of chlamydia prevalence, as figures for chlamydia are derived from a different source than the other sexually transmitted infections. It should be noted that data for the last quarter of 2024 is currently missing, which means that the figures cannot be directly compared at this time. The report will be updated as soon as the missing data becomes available. Source: Statens Serum Institut.

Last updated: 30-01-2025
Legal gender reassignment

Number of approved new civil registration numbers in relation to legal gender reassignment

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The data shows the development in the number of approved applications for legal gender reassignment. Source: Det Centrale Personregister.
Last updated: 30-01-2025
Women in Denmark at first birth giving

Average age of women in Denmark at first birth giving

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The data shows the development in age at first birth giving for women in Denmark.
Last updated: 11-02-2025
Induced abortions

Number of induced abortions by age group

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The data shows the development in the number of induced abortions by 5-year age intervals. Source: Danish Health Authority.
Last updated: 01-03-2025
Boys that received a vaccine against HPV - number

Number of boys that received a vaccine against HPV and the number of boys in the relevant target group

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The figures show the number of boys who have received the final HPV vaccine per birth cohort, as well as the total number of boys in these cohorts. Only birth cohorts that have had the opportunity to complete the vaccination program are included in the data. 

Last updated: 07-02-2025
Boys that received a vaccine against HPV - per cent

The proportion of boys that received a vaccine against HPV

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The data shows the proportion of boys in the relevant target group that received an HPV vaccine. Please note that the target group is defined as boys turn 12 on or after 1 July 2019. Source: Statens Serum Institut.
Last updated: 11-02-2025
Filled antibiotic prescriptions

Number of filled antibiotic prescriptions per 1,000 inhabitants

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The data shows the development in the number of filled prescriptions for antibiotics per 1,000 inhabitants, by sex. Source: Danish Health Data Authority.
Last updated: 28-01-2025
General practitioners

Number of general practitioners per 100,000 inhabitants

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The data shows the development in the number of general practitioners per 100,000 inhabitants, by region.
Last updated: 15-01-2025
Life expectancy at birth

Life expectancy at birth, by sex

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The data shows the trends in life expectancy at birth in Denmark.
Last updated: 11-02-2025
Occupational injuries due to poisoning

Number of reported occupational injuries due to poisoning, by age

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The figures show the development in the number of reported occupational accidents related to poisoning, broken down by age groups. According to the Danish Working Environment Authority, cases of COVID-19 are also registered as occupational accidents under the category of poisoning. Source: Danish Working Environment Authority.
Last updated: 28-01-2025
Premature deaths due to air pollution

Number of premature deaths due to air pollution

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The data shows the trend in the number of premature deaths due to air pollution. Source: Nordstrøm, C., Ellermann, T., Brandt, J., Christensen, J., Ketzel, M., Massling, A., Bossi, R., Frohn, L.M., Geels, C., Solvang Jensen, S., Nielsen, O-K., Winther, M., Poulsen, M.B., Sørensen, M. B., Skou Andersen, M., and Sigsgaard, T., 2024. Air Quality 2023. Status of the National Air Quality Monitoring. Aarhus University, DCE – National Centre for Environment and Energy, 158 pages. - Scientific Report No. 627.
Last updated: 27-02-2025
Tobacco smoking

The prevalence of tobacco smoking by sex and extent of smoking

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The data shows the proportion of people who smoke, by sex and the extent of smoking. Data are from the Danish Health Authority’s reports on the smoking habits of citizens in Denmark. The reports do not contain data on the proportion of former smokers or those who never smoked before 2017. Source: Danish Health Authority.
Last updated: 28-01-2025
Smokers who participate in a quit-smoking programme

Proportion of smokers who participate in a quit-smoking programme

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of smokers who participated in a quit-smoking programme. Source: The Smoking Cessation Database, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital.
Last updated: 28-01-2025
Persons vaccinated against seasonal influenza

Proportion of the population vaccinated against seasonal influenza

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The data shows the proportion of people over the age of 15 who have been vaccinated against seasonal influenza, by age group and sex. Source: Statens Serum Institut.
Last updated: 10-07-2023
Goal 4: Quality education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Completed education

Proportion of 18-year-olds who have completed lower secondary school and proportion of 25-year-olds who have completed upper secondary school or vocational education and training

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of 18-year-olds who completed lower school and the proportion of 25-year-olds who have completed upper secondary school or vocational education and training, by sex
Last updated: 07-05-2024
Subject-qualified teaching in school

Subject-qualified teaching in primary and lower secondary school

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The data shows the development in the proportion of appropriately subject-qualified teaching in the primary and lower secondary school system per school year. Subject-qualified teaching is defined as the proportion of planned teaching hours that are taught by teachers with the subject-qualification levels ’teaching qualified’ (gained through teacher training) and ’equivalent qualified’ (gained through professional development) relative to the total number of teaching hours. Source: Ministry of Children and Education.
Last updated: 03-08-2022
Well-being of students

Well-being of primary and lower secondary students

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The data shows the development in the degree of well-being experienced by students in primary and lower secondary school, disaggregated by various well-being indicators. Source: Ministry of Children and Education.
Last updated: 21-02-2025
Preschool personnel

Proportion of preschool personnel with a relevant qualification by job title

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The data shows the development in the proportion of early childhood personnel in municipal and independent preschool institutions that have an early childhood teaching qualification. For the purposes of the indicator, an early childhood teaching qualification is defined as an early childhood teaching assistant certificate or diploma; a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education; postgraduate qualifications in pedagogy/education. Proportion is calculated as full-time equivalent staff.
Last updated: 28-07-2023
Vocational qualification

Proportion of 35-year-olds with a vocational qualification

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of 35-year-olds who have a vocational qualification. A vocational qualification means all forms of formal post-secondary further education, including vocational education and training (VET), diplomas, bachelor’s and master’s degrees and PhDs.
Last updated: 07-05-2024
Drop out of a programme of study

Proportion of students who drop out of a programme of study within five years of commencing

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of students who commenced a programme of study but had discontinued it within five years. Switching between courses on the same level does not count as a dropout.
Last updated: 28-07-2023
Results from the ICILS survey of students

Results from the ICILS survey of 8th grade students

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The data shows the development in the distribution of results from the ICILS surveys conducted. The ICILS survey measures IT competencies among students in 8th grade. The survey is conducted every five years. Source: Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University.
Last updated: 03-12-2021
Adults in continuing education

Number of course participants and full-time students in adult and continuing education

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The data shows the trend in the number of course participants and full-time students in adult and continuing education.
Last updated: 31-01-2025
Vocational qualification

Proportion of 35-year-olds with a vocational qualification by parents' level of education

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The data shows the development in the proportion of 35-year-olds who have a vocational qualification according to parents’ highest completed level of education. The categories of highest levels of education of parents include: lower secondary school; upper secondary education; VET; shorter higher education course such as a diploma; bachelor’s degree or equivalent; master’s degree or PhD.
Last updated: 07-05-2024
Average grade in the 9th grade exam

The average grade in the national final 9th grade exam in physics and chemistry, biology, and geography

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The data shows the trend in the average grade for students who sat the annual national final exam in physics and chemistry, biology, and geography held at end of 9th grade, by sex. Source: Ministry of Children and Education.
Last updated: 03-08-2023
Students who feel lonely

Proportion of students in higher education who feel lonely

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The data shows the proportion of students in higher education who feel lonely. The response rate for each programme considered was, respectively: academic bachelor 32 per cent; vocational diploma 51 per cent; master’s degree 37 per cent; vocational bachelor 45 per cent. Data are from 2018, which was the first time the survey was conducted. Source: Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Last updated: 14-09-2022
Students who feel stressed

Proportion of students in higher education who feel stressed

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The data shows the proportion of students in higher education who feel stressed. The response rate for each programme considered was, respectively: academic bachelor 32 per cent; vocational diploma 51 per cent; master’s degree 37 per cent; vocational bachelor 45 per cent. Data are from 2018, which was the first time the survey was conducted. Source: Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Last updated: 14-09-2022
Well-being score for students

Average well-being score for students in upper secondary education

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The data shows the development in the proportion of students in the various forms of upper secondary education (higher preparatory, higher commercial, higher general and higher technical programmes and International Baccalaureate), who respond that they ‘completely agree’ or ‘agree’ to the question, ‘I am happy to go to school’. Student well-being surveys were first made compulsory when the latest upper secondary school reform was implemented and were carried out for the first time in 2018. Data before 2018 are therefore not available. Source: Ministry of Children and Education.
Last updated: 06-08-2022
School students who have been bullied

Proportion of primary and lower secondary school students who have been bullied in the current school year

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The data shows the development in the proportion of 4th to 9th grade students whose response in the Ministry of Children and Education’s well-being survey indicates that they have been bullied in the current school year. Source: Ministry of Children and Education.
Last updated: 06-08-2022
Students' use of IT for schoolwork

Students' use of IT for schoolwork, by purpose


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The data shows the proportion of pupils in 8th grade who respond that they often or always use IT in their schoolwork, by purpose. Data are from the 2018 ICILS survey. No reference point from the ICILS survey in 2013 has been included because a conflict with teachers in the spring of 2013 meant it was only possible to collect useful results from 107 of the required 120 schools for the survey. Therefore, Denmark is not considered a full participant of ICILS 2013. Source: University of Aarhus.
Last updated: 03-12-2021
Development aid spent on education

Proportion of development aid spent on education

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The data shows the trend in the share of Denmark’s total development aid used for education in the developing countries. Source: Danida Open Aid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
Last updated: 21-09-2021
Goal 5: Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Gender discrimination cases - number of cases

Gender discrimination cases upheld by the Board of Equal Treatment

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The data shows the development in the number of cases that has been heard by the Board of Equal Treatment concerning violations of provisions in the Equal Treatment Act on gender discrimination. Source: Board of Equal Treatment (Ligebehandlingsnævnet).
Last updated: 27-02-2025
Gender discrimination cases - per cent

Proportion of gender discrimination cases upheld by the Board of Equal Treatment

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The data shows the development in the proportion of cases concerning violations of provisions in the Equal Treatment Act on gender discrimination. Source: Board of Equal Treatment (Ligebehandlingsnævnet).
Last updated: 27-02-2025
Stays at a women's crisis shelter

Number of stays of at least one day at a women's crisis shelter, by country of ancestry

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The data shows the development in the number of stays of at least one day at Danish women’s crisis shelters during a calendar. Stays with children are included in the totals.
Last updated: 26-06-2024
Inquiries to women's crisis shelters

Number of inquiries to women's crisis shelters

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 The data shows the trend in the number of inquiries to women’s crisis shelters. Source: The National Board of Social Services.
Last updated: 05-04-2022
Harassment, physical violence and threats at the workplace

Proportion of persons having experienced sexual harassment, physical violence and/or threats at the workplace

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The data shows the development in the proportion of men and women over the age of 18 who report having experienced sexual harassment, threats or physical violence at the workplace. Data are from the NFA surveys of working conditions in Danish workplaces. It should be noted that data were collected in the first half of 2021 under unusual conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results must be read and interpreted in the light of the fact that restrictions and closure of parts of society may have had a significant impact on personal conditions, working conditions and the working environment. Source: The National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA).

Last updated: 13-01-2025
Victims of sexual offences and violent crimes

Number of victims of sexual offences and violent crimes per 100,000 population, by sex

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The data shows the development in the number of victims of offences against the person, including violent crimes and sexual offences per 100,000 population, by sex and type of crime.
Last updated: 21-03-2024
Women marrying and the family accepts

Proportion who fully or partly agrees that women should only marry a man that the family accepts

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The data shows the development in the proportion of the population of people with non-western origin and people with Danish origin over the age of 18 who fully or partially agrees that women should only marry a man that the family accepts. Immigrants are only included in the survey after a minimum of three years’ residence in Denmark. Source: The Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration.
Last updated: 21-09-2021
Maternity/paternity benefits

Average number of days that mothers and fathers receive maternity/paternity benefits

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The data shows the trend in the average number of days that maternity/paternity benefits are received by the mother and father, respectively, (only includes individuals who are entitled to maternity/ paternity benefits).
Last updated: 18-04-2024
Absent from work due to a child's illness

Average number of days absent from work due to a child's illness, per full-time equivalent

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The data shows the average number of days of absence from work per full-time equivalent employee per year due to a child’s illness, by sex. The survey only includes employees who have at least one child living at the address and thus has the possibility of having to be absent on the grounds of a child’s illness.
Last updated: 12-12-2024
Women in leading political roles etc.

Proportion of women in leading political roles and senior public service positions

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The data shows the development in the proportion of women in leading political roles and senior public service positions.

Last updated: 15-03-2019
Female senior executives and board members

Proportion of female senior executives and board members

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The data shows the development in the proportion of female senior executives and members of boards of directors. See more information for the base figures on 

Last updated: 30-01-2025
Female professors, associate professors and assistant professors

Proportion of female professors, associate professors and assistant professors

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The data shows the proportion of female professors, associate professors and assistant professors. Source: The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Last updated: 23-01-2025
Students enrolled in the Uge Sex programme - number

Number of school students enrolled in the Uge Sex programme

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The data shows the development in the number of school students enrolled in the Uge Sex programme. Uge Sex is a national campaign run by Sex & Samfund, and it provides teaching materials designed to meet the curriculum goals for the school subject health and sex education and family knowledge. The table consurns students in grade 0-9. There were technical problems with the registration module in 2023. Source: Sex & Samfund and Statistics Denmark.
Last updated: 23-01-2025
Students enrolled in the Uge Sex programme - per cent

Proportion of primary and lower secondary school students enrolled in the Uge Sex programme

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The data shows the development in the proportion of primary and lower secondary school students enrolled in the Uge Sex programme. Uge Sex is a national campaign run by Sex & Samfund, and it provides teaching materials designed to meet the curriculum goals for the primary and lower secondary school subject health and sex education and family knowledge. The proportion is calculated as the number of primary and lower secondary school students enrolled in the Uge Sex programme divided by the total number of students. Source: Sex & Samfund and Statistics Denmark.
Last updated: 23-01-2025
Pension wealth

Average total pension wealth, by sex

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The data shows the trends in average pension wealth, by sex. Pension wealth is made up of the sum of the assets in all the pension schemes that a person has. For schemes that are taxed at the time they are withdrawn, the amount is reduced by 40 per cent in order to better compare them with schemes that are taxed in advance (when savings are deposited). For civil servant pension wealth, the estimated value of the accrued pension rights is used.
Last updated: 04-12-2024

Proportion of self-employed relative to total workers, by sex

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of the self-employed relative to the total number of employed persons in the age group 16-64 years.
Last updated: 15-01-2025
ICT specialists and basic digital skills

Distribution of ICT specialists, by sex and proportion of the population between 16 and 74 years of age with basic digital skills

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The data shows the development of the gender distribution among information, communication and technology (ICT) specialists and the proportion of the population between 16 and 74 years of age with basic digital skills. Digital skills are assessed on the basis of activities carried out on the internet in four areas: information, communication, problem solving and content creation.

Last updated: 13-02-2025
Bills that have been relevance tested and gender equality assessed

Share of bills that have been relevance tested and gender equality assessed

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The data shows the development in the share of the total number of bills in a parliamentary year that has been relevance tested and gender equality assessed. Source: The Danish Parliament.
Last updated: 13-01-2025
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Expenditure on water and wastewater

Households' average annual expenditure on water and wastewater as a share of household income

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The data shows the trend in households’ average annual expenditure on water and wastewater as a share of household income.
Last updated: 08-02-2024
Quality of the drinking water

Quality of the drinking water

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The data shows the trends in the quality of drinking water. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 27-01-2024
Samples from the extraction wells that exceed regulated safety limits

Proportion of samples from the extraction wells that exceed regulated safety limits for pesticides and nirate

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The figures show the development in the share of extraction intakes performed by waterworks that exceed the safety requirement values for drinking water for nitrate and pesticides. The development in the share of exceeded values for pesticides is primarily due to changes in the number of substances examined. From 2020, pesticide data is calculated for the individual waterworks intakes instead of (as before) at borehole level. Source: GEUS and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 08-01-2024
Proportion of type 3-treated drinking water

Proportion of type 3-treated drinking water

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of drinking water that was type 3 treated. Before 2017, the calculation is based on figures for all water companies with a total annual debited water volume of more than 200,000 m3. After 2017, the calculation is only based on figures for water companies with an annual debited water volume of more than 800,000 m3. Source: Danish Competition and Consumer Authority.
Last updated: 26-01-2024
Clean toilet facilities in primary and lower secondary school

Proportion of students in primary and lower secondary school responding that toilet facilities are clean

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The data shows the trends in students’ assessments of the state of toilets in primary and lower secondary schools. The students in kindergarten class to third-grade level responded to the question ’Are the toilets at the school clean?’. The students in fourth to ninth grade responded to the statement ’I think the toilets at school are neat and clean’. National Agency for IT and Learning.
Last updated: 20-01-2023
Nutrients discharged from wastewater treatment plants

Amount of nutrients discharged from wastewater treatment plants

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The data shows the trends in the amount of nutrients discharged from wastewater treatment plants, in 1,000 tonnes. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 08-12-2023
Pesticide use in agriculture, forestry and horticulture

Pesticide use in agriculture, forestry and horticulture

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The data shows the trend in the use of pesticides in agriculture, forestry and horticulture measured by the PLI. PLI is an indicator that shows the total environmental and health impact of pesticide use regardless of changes in the cultivated area. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 11-12-2023
Pesticide use by households

Pesticide use by households

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The data shows the trend in the use of pesticides by households with and without moss killer. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 11-12-2023
Pesticide use by the public sector

Pesticide use by the public sector

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The data shows the trends in pesticide use by the public sector. Contrary to past procedure, several government units are not included in the 2016 survey, for example Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG), the Ministry of the Danish Church and the universities. The survey is published every three years. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 18-01-2024
Water consumption

Water consumption by supply source

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The data shows the development in the total water consumption by the source of supply.
Last updated: 26-11-2024
Water loss in the water supply system

Trend in water loss in the water supply system

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The data shows the trend in water loss. Water loss in the figure is based on two different methods. Water loss (DANVA) is based on the Danish Water and Wastewater Association’s (DANVA) estimation, which covers approximately 52 per cent of the drinking water sold in Denmark. Water loss (Danish Environmental Protection Agency) is based on the Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s performance benchmarking, which covers 87 per cent of the total production of Danish drinking water. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s performance benchmarking includes water companies that supply at least 200,000 m3 of water per year. Water loss (Danish Environmental Protection Agency) data were not collected until 2017. Sources: Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening (DANVA) and Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 09-02-2024
Nitrogen and phosphorus discharged into Danish waters

Amount of nitrogen and phosphorus discharged into Danish waters

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The data shows the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus discharged into the Danish waters. Source: Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University.
Last updated: 09-01-2024
Area of section 3-protected habitats

Area of section 3-protected habitats, by type

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The data shows the development in the area of protected habitats. During this period, new hectares of section 3-protected habitats amounting to approximately 12 per cent were added, some of which are clarifications of actual location and delimitation of the natural habitats. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 11-01-2024
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Homes heated with oil-fired central heating

Proportion of homes heated with oil-fired central heating

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of homes that use oil-fired central heating as the primary heating source.
Last updated: 28-07-2023
Renewable energy

Share of total energy consumption of renewable energy, by sector

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The data shows the share of the total energy consumption of households, the industrial sector, the transport sector and the public sector that is from renewable energy sources.
Last updated: 28-07-2023
Total energy consumption from renewable energy sources

Share of total energy consumption from renewable energy sources, by purpose

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The data shows the share of renewable energy in energy consumption by purpose. Heating and cooling are combined as separate data are not publicly available. Source: Eurostat.
Last updated: 11-12-2023
CO2 emissions per kilowatt hour

CO2 emissions per kilowatt hour

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The data shows the trends in CO2 emissions per kilowatt hour for electricity, district heating and gas. Source: Danish Energy Agency and Energinet.
Last updated: 12-01-2024
Final energy consumption

Final energy consumption compared with gross energy consumption

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The data shows the trend in final energy consumption compared with gross energy consumption. Climate-adjusted consumption is used. Source: Danish Energy Agency.
Last updated: 11-01-2024
Climate and energy research

Private funds used for climate and energy research

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The data shows the amount of private funds used for research and development within climate and energy research.
Last updated: 17-02-2024
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Labour productivity

Growth in labour productivity in Denmark, total economy

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The data shows the trend in the annual growth rate of labour productivity as a percentage (2010 prices, chained values). The growth rates for labour productivity are based on real gross value added (GVA) per hour worked.
Last updated: 28-06-2024
Real disposable GNI

Real disposable GNI per capita

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The data shows the trend in real disposable GNI per capita, in 2020 prices.
Last updated: 18-01-2025
Real disposable NNI

Real disposable NNI per capita

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The data shows the trend in real disposable NNI per capita, in 2020 prices.
Last updated: 18-01-2025

Proportion of start-ups still operating after two years

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The data describe the development in the share of start-ups still operating after two years. The data for the respective years show the proportion of the enterprises that were established two years before and that were still in existence two years later.
Last updated: 27-02-2025
Entry and exit of firms

Rate of entry and exit of firms

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The data shows the trend in the share of the total number of enterprises at year end that were newly started during the year, called the entry rate, as well as the share of enterprise closures during the year relative to the total number of enterprises at the beginning of the year.
Last updated: 28-07-2023
Business climate in Denmark

Ranking of the business climate in Denmark based on the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Score

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The data shows the trend in Denmark’s rank relative to the business climate of 189 of the world’s economies. The score of 4 means that Denmark ranks 4th out of the 189 countries when it comes to ease of doing business. Source: World Bank.
Last updated: 15-12-2021
Denmark's business climate score

Denmark's business climate score, selected areas

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The data shows the trend in Denmark’s score relative to almost all countries in the world for a selection of the different areas that are included in the overall assessment. By aggregating all scores for each country, the total ranking in the overall index is achieved. Source: World Bank.
Last updated: 15-12-2021
High-growth start-ups

Proportion of high-growth start-ups by region

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of high-growth start-ups distributed by the regions in Denmark. High-growth startups are defined as market-oriented private enterprises up to five years old that had an average annual growth of more than 10 per cent over a three-year period and five or more employees at the start of the growth period. The data are the number of high-growth start-ups as the percentage of total active enterprises with at least five employees and the same start year. Source: Danish Business Authority.
Last updated: 20-01-2023
High-growth enterprises

Proportion of high-growth enterprises by region

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of high growth enterprises. High-growth enterprises are defined as enterprises in the non-agricultural private sector that have had average annual growth in the number of employees of at least 10 per cent over a three-year period, and that had at least 10 employees at the beginning of the growth period. The proportion is calculated as the number of high growth enterprises as a percentage of the total population of active enterprises with at least 10 employees. Source: Danish Business Authority.
Last updated: 20-01-2023
Area consumed (ecological footprint) in global hectares per capita

Area consumed (ecological footprint) in global hectares per capita

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The data shows the development in Denmark’s ecological footprint, i.e. its consumption converted to area, measured in global hectares per capita. Source: Global Footprint Network.
Last updated: 29-01-2025
Per capita area consumed and available (ecological footprint and biocapacity)

Per capita area consumed and available (ecological footprint and biocapacity)

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The data shows the trends in Denmark’s ecological footprint, i.e. its consumption converted to area measured in global hectares per capita as well as Danish and global biocapacity, i.e. the available biologically productive area. Source: Global Footprint Network.
Last updated: 22-01-2025
Employers with employees in supported employment

Proportion of employers with employees in supported employment, by organisation sector and size

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of organisations with supported employees by employer size. ‘+100’ indicates that the enterprise or public sector entity has more than 100 employees. ‘Public all entities’ and ‘total private’ indicate the proportion of total supported employment regardless of size.
Last updated: 15-01-2025
Employment rate

Employment rate

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The data shows the trends in the employment rate, by sex and ancestry.

Last updated: 28-10-2024
Unemployed recent graduates

Proportion of unemployed recent graduates, by type of education

Proportion of unemployed recent graduates, by type of education

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The data shows the development in graduate unemployment in the second year (4-7 quarters) after graduation. Sources: Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Statistics Denmark.
Last updated: 27-01-2025
Occupational accidents, by sector

Total number of occupational accidents per 100 full-time equivalent employees, by sector

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The data shows the trend in the number of occupational accidents per 100 full-time equivalent employees, by sector. An accident at work is defined as an occupational injury reported to the employer that results in a minimum of one day’s sick leave. Sources: Statistics Denmark and The Danish Working Environment Authority.

Last updated: 17-12-2024
Occupational accidents, by sex

Total number of occupational accidents per 100 full-time equivalent employees, by sex

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The data shows the trend in the number of occupational accidents per 100 full-time equivalent employees, by sex. An accident at work is defined as an occupational injury reported to the employer that results in a minimum of one day’s sick leave. Sources: Statistics Denmark and The Danish Working Environment Authority.
Last updated: 17-12-2024
Employees' assessment of the working environment

Employees' assessment of the prioritisation of the working environment by the workplace

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The data shows employees’ assessment of the prioritisation of the working environment by the workplace. Source: Danish Working Environment Authority.
Last updated: 15-12-2021
Stress experienced

Frequency of stress experienced in the past two weeks

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The data shows the proportion of respondents that felt stressed due to work in the past two weeks. Source: Danish Working Environment Authority.
Last updated: 13-02-2025
Main sources of stress

Main sources of stress for those who 'always' feel stressed

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The figures show the development of sources of stress among individuals who reported feeling "always" stressed in 2014, 2016 and 2018. In 2021 and 2023, the group was expanded to also include respondents who stated that they feel stressed "often" or "always" Source: Arbejdstilsynet
Last updated: 13-02-2025
Hotels and resorts with Green Key certification - number

Number of hotels and resorts with Green Key certification

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The data shows the development in the number of hotels and resorts with Green Key certification for each month.
Last updated: 22-10-2024
Hotels and resorts with Green Key certification - per cent

Proportion of hotels and resorts with Green Key certification

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The data shows the development in the proportion of hotels and resorts with Green Key certification for each month.
Last updated: 21-01-2025
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Total electricity generation

Total electricity generation, by fuel type

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The data shows the total electricity generation, by type of fuel used. Source: Danish Energy Agency.
Last updated: 12-01-2024
Punctuality of long-distance, regional and local trains

Punctuality of long-distance, regional and local trains

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The data shows the trend in the achievement of punctuality of three train operators measured as arrival within three minutes of the scheduled time. Punctuality is calculated by taking an average of data calculated on a monthly basis. Source: Rail Net Denmark.
Last updated: 06-01-2024
Experienced quality and efficiency of the infrastructure in Denmark

Experienced quality and efficiency of the infrastructure in Denmark

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The data shows the perceived quality and efficiency of the infrastructure in Denmark. Data are based on a survey of business leaders across industries. The scale goes from 0 to 7, where 0 is the worst and 7 is the best. Source: World Economic Forum.
Last updated: 15-12-2021
Employed in businesses

Proportion employed in businesses by sector

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The data shows the development in the proportion of persons employed in businesses, i.e. both those with main jobs and various side jobs, calculated as full-time equivalent employees, by sector, in Denmark.
Last updated: 11-01-2024
People employed in green goods and services

Proportion of people employed in green goods and services

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The data shows the development in the proportion of employees producing or delivering green goods and services. Green goods and services are products or services that have a direct environmental or resource-saving purpose, for example, wastewater treatment and production of wind turbines, as well as products that are clean and/or resource-efficient, so that they pollute and/or consume less than other products with the same main purpose, for example, production of low-energy houses.
Last updated: 11-01-2024
SMEs, applied for finance

Proportion of SMEs that have applied for finance according to types of finance and outcome

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The data shows the development in the proportion of SMEs that applied for and obtained different types of financing. Loan finance includes, for example, loans from commercial, savings and mortgage banks or from the enterprise owner(s). Equity finance is funds or other assets that are given in return for part ownership or shares in the enterprise. Other finance includes overdrafts, lines of credit, and leasing and trade credits from suppliers. SMEs are defined as enterprises with fewer than 250 full-time employees.
Last updated: 31-10-2019
Emissions of CO2e

Emissions of CO2e relative to gross value added, excluding burning of biomass, by sector

Emissions of CO2e relative to gross value added, excluding burning of biomass, by sector

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The data shows the development in CO2e emissions relative to gross value added in tonnes per DKKm, disaggregated by business sector. CO2e emissions are exclusive of burning of biomass.
Last updated: 01-08-2023
Emissions of CO2e from transport

Annual emissions of CO2e from transport

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The data shows the development in annual emissions of CO2e. The figure shows the development in annual emissions of CO2e in the transport sector disaggregated by different types of transport. The figures are exclusive of biomass. The tables shows - in addition to the data from the figure - also the development in annual CO2e emissions from the total transport sector and from the international transport by Danish ships, aircraft and land vehicles as well as the total CO2e emissions.

Last updated: 13-09-2024
Business sector expenditure on research

Development in business sector expenditure on own research and development, by sector

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The data shows the development in expenditure by the business sector on own research and development in DKKm, by sector, based on Statistics Denmark’s industry codes.
Last updated: 15-09-2023
Innovative enterprises

Proportion of innovative enterprises, by sector

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The data shows, for the business sectors, the proportion of enterprises that were innovative, either product-only innovative, process-only innovative or both.
Last updated: 14-12-2023
Specialisation in environment-related technologies

Denmark's relative specialisation in environment-related technologies

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The data shows the trend in Denmark’s relative specialisation within environment-related technologies. This is calculated as follows: (number of environment-related patents in Denmark / number of technology patents in total in Denmark) / (number of environment-related patents in the world / number of technology patents in total in the world). Source: OECD.
Last updated: 17-01-2024
Broadband coverage in Denmark

Broadband coverage in Denmark

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The data shows the trend in broadband coverage in Denmark. The coverage of broadband is mapped by comparing addresses and coverage areas with housing types – dwellings and holiday homes – using the Danish building and housing register. A distinction is made between broadband connections offered to private and business customers. If several speeds are registered, the highest speed is used. Source: Danish Energy Agency.
Last updated: 08-12-2023
Online stores with an e-mark certificatio

Number of online stores with an e-mark certification

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The data shows the trend in the number of online stores with an e-mark certification. Source: e-mærket.
Last updated: 09-01-2024
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries
The Palma ratio

Trends in the Palma ratio and the average equivalent disposable income, by deciles for the whole population

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The data shows the trends in the Palma ratio based on equivalent disposable income.
Last updated: 17-01-2025
Candidates for elections - sex

Proportion of nominated and elected candidates for parliamentary, municipal and regional elections, by sex

Proportion of nominated and elected candidates for parliamentary, municipal and regional elections, by sex

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The data shows the development in nominated and elected candidates for the parliamentary elections and for the municipal and regional elections, by sex.
Last updated: 10-01-2023
Candidates for elections - ancestry

Proportion of nominated and elected candidates and composition of the population, by ancestry

Proportion of nominated and elected candidates and composition of the population, by ancestry

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The data shows the development in nominated and elected candidates for the parliamentary elections and for the municipal and regional elections, by persons of Danish origin, immigrants and descendants. The figure also shows the development in the composition of the population by ancestry.
Last updated: 10-01-2023
Candidates for elections - education

Distribution of candidates nominated for the Danish Parliament and the population aged over 15, by highest completed level of education

Distribution of candidates nominated for the Danish Parliament and the population aged over 15, by highest completed level of education

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The data shows the distribution of candidates nominated for the Danish Parliamentary elections, by highest completed level of education, and the distribution in the population in general.
Last updated: 10-01-2023
Members of a voluntary association

Proportion of the population being a member of a voluntary association, by ancestry

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of people with Danish ancestry, immigrants and descendants of immigrants who responded that they belonged to an association or a club. The question was: ‘There are many associations in Denmark, for example trade unions, sports clubs, social clubs, residents’ associations, cultural and religious associations, consumer associations such as Coop and charitable associations such as the Red Cross. Are you a member of an association?’ The population groups descendants of immigrants and immigrants were put together in one category in 2016, which is why the proportion is the same for these two groups in 2016. Source: Ministry of Immigration and Integration.
Last updated: 21-09-2021
Income as child and adult

Relationship between income decile in the childhood home and income decile for 35-year-olds

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The data shows the distribution of income deciles for 35-year-olds according to the income decile of their childhood home at age 10. The figure shows only the most recent year. The x-axis of the figure shows the persons the income decile as 35-year-old while the values on the y-axis shows the persons as a 10-year-old.

Last updated: 17-01-2025
Hourly earnings

Average, standard hourly earnings, by sex

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The data shows the trends in average standard hourly earnings, by sex. The standard hourly wage indicates approximately the wage that has been agreed or the wage that the worker receives for each normal hour he or she works. The standard hourly earnings are independent of the number of hours of absence and overtime hours.
Last updated: 28-11-2024
Immigration - work

Number of persons who immigrate to Denmark annually to work, by type of work permit and sex

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The data shows the development in the number of people who immigrate to Denmark annually to work, by sex. Data are disaggregated by ’EU/EEA, permit’, which includes EU citizens working in Denmark, and ’Work permit’, which includes all non-EU citizens who hold a visa permitting them to live and work in Denmark.
Last updated: 22-03-2024
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Financial burden of the cost of housing

Perceived financial burden of the cost of housing

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The data shows the development in the proportion of the population that perceives cost of housing to be a heavy burden, somewhat of a burden or no problem, by income groups divided into five quintiles. Only one adult per household was interviewed. Answers are assumed to cover all household members. The figures are based on a sample and thus subject to some statistical uncertainty.
Last updated: 18-12-2024
Financial burden of housing

Financial burden of housing

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The data shows the trend in the financial burden of the cost of housing for homeowners in Denmark. The financial burden of housing is calculated as the ratio between housing costs and disposable income. The housing costs include interest expenses and taxes, but not repayments of the principal part of home loans. The data are for private individuals who live in dwellings (houses and apartments) that they personally own and occupy.
Last updated: 05-01-2024
Price of selected public transport services

Relative price of selected public transport services

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The data shows the trend in prices for selected public transport services relative to the general price trend. The base year is 2015.
Last updated: 10-02-2025
People who can easily use bus and train services

Proportion of people who can easily use bus and train services, even when there are many passengers

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The data shows the development in the perception of how accessible public transport is for people with physical and mental disabilities compared with the perception of people without disabilities. Source: The Danish Centre for Social Science Research (VIVE).
Last updated: 20-01-2023
DGNB-certified buildings and urban areas

Number of DGNB-certified buildings and urban areas in Denmark by property type

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The data shows the development in the number of buildings in Denmark that are certified under the DGNB scheme, by property type and certification level. Source: Green Building Council Denmark.
Last updated: 14-01-2024
Energy labels

Average labels across building categories

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The data shows the trends in the index score for the statutory energy labelling, by building categories. The indexed score is calculated by taking the average of the indexed energy label from 1 to 7, (labelled A to G in Denmark), where A = 7 (best), and G = 1 (worst). Source: Danish Energy Agency.
Last updated: 19-01-2024
Green spaces

Green spaces calculated as a proportion of the total area, by region

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The data shows the development in the proportion of green space in the country’s five regions.
Last updated: 16-01-2023
Listed buildings

Number of listed buildings nationwide and in the five regions

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The data shows the development in the number of listed buildings in Denmark, in total and by region.
Last updated: 06-05-2024
Quantity of household waste per capita

Quantity of household waste per capita, by region

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The data shows the development in the distribution of the quantity of household waste in tonnes per capita for the five regions and for the whole country. Household waste is defined as the following waste materials: organic waste, paper and cardboard, glass, plastic, metal and wood waste. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency and Statistics Denmark.
Last updated: 15-01-2024
Recycled household waste

Proportion of recycled household waste relative to the total amount of household waste, by region

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The data shows the development in the proportion of recycled household waste relative to the total amount of household waste for the five regions and for the whole country. Household waste is defined as the following materials: organic waste, paper and cardboard, glass, plastic, metal and wood waste. Source: Danish Environmental Agency.
Last updated: 15-01-2024
Waste, by type of disposal

Proportion of waste, by type of disposal in Denmark

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The data shows the development in the proportion of waste, by type of disposal, relative to the total amount of recycled waste. The proportion is calculated based on the weight of the waste.
Last updated: 05-01-2024
Electric passenger cars and buses

Number of electric passenger cars and buses relative to the total number of passenger cars and buses in Denmark

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The data shows the trends in the total number of passenger cars and buses and the proportion of electric passenger cars and buses.
Last updated: 20-02-2025
Electric cars and goods vans, by sector

Proportion of public-sector newly registered cars and goods vans that run on electricity, by municipal, regional and central governments

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of newly registered public-sector passenger cars and goods vans that run on electricity, by municipal, regional and central governments.
Last updated: 20-02-2025
Perceived safety of public spaces

Perceived safety of public spaces

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The data shows the development in the proportion of the population that feels safe, neither safe nor unsafe, unsafe or does not know/has not answered in public spaces. Source: Danish Police.
Last updated: 21-12-2023
Perceived safety of public spaces - vulnerable residential areas

Perceived safety of public spaces in particularly vulnerable residential areas

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The data shows the development in the population that feels safe, neither safe nor unsafe, unsafe, or does not know or unanswered in particularly vulnerable housing areas. Source: Danish Police.
Last updated: 22-12-2023
Study places

Proportion of higher education study places located outside Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg, by level of education

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The data shows the development in the proportion of higher education places outside the major cities of Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Aalborg out of the total number of higher education places, by education level.
Last updated: 09-02-2024
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Foodstuffs exceeding maximum residue levels of substances that pose health risks

Proportion of foodstuffs exceeding maximum residue levels of substances that pose health risks

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of inspected foodstuffs that exceeds the maximum residue levels. The proportion is calculated as the average of the proportion that exceeds the MRL for organic and non-organic fruit, vegetables, cereals (grains, rice and maize), baby food, processed plant-based foods and animal foods. The main emphasis of the inspections is on analysis of fruit and vegetables, which means that most of the foods inspected are within the groups where the likelihood of finding residues is greatest and where the residual content contributes significantly to the population’s exposure to pesticide residues through the diet. Source: The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
Last updated: 02-07-2022
Organic and zero tillage farming

Proportion of Danish agricultural land used for organic and zero tillage farming

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of the Danish agricultural land area used for organic and zero or low tillage farming.
Last updated: 04-02-2025
The food production industry's emissions of CO2e

The food production industry's emissions of CO2e per DKKm of market value

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The data shows the trend in the food production industry’s total emissions of greenhouse gases, including CO2 from burning biomass, per DKKm of market value. The total greenhouse gas emissions are calculated in CO2 equivalents (CO2e). This is done by converting emissions of other greenhouse gases, including, for example, methane gas, to the same unit as CO2 using conversion factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The indicator covers emissions from Danish production and shows both emissions from the direct and indirect production of food.
Last updated: 05-10-2023
Earths that the citizens in Denmark consume in one year

Number of earths that the citizens in Denmark consume in one year

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The data shows the trend in the number of earths it would require to support the entire world’s consumption and standard of living, including greenhouse gas emissions, if everyone in the world lived like the average citizen in Denmark. The date when Denmark exceeded the consumption that the earth could support in one year if everyone lived like the average citizen in Denmark are calculated to be 25. March in 2015, 28. March in 2016, 11. April in 2017, 28. March in 2018, 29. March in 2019, 28. Martchs in 2020, 26. March in 2021 and 26. March in 2022. Source: WWF and Global Footprint Network.

Last updated: 21-02-2024
Food waste per person per week

Average food waste per person per week for single family homes and apartments

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The data shows the development in the average amount of food waste in kilograms per week for single-family homes and apartments. Source: The Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 09-01-2024
Food waste in Danish sectors

Food waste in Danish sectors

Food waste in Danish sectors

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The data shows the amount of food waste in selected sectors. Figures are estimates for different periodes: Households: 2021,  Retail trade and other food distribution: 2019 and Primary production, Processing and manufacturing sector as well as Restaurant service: 2018 . Source: the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 01-03-2025
Exported hazardous waste that is not processed correctly

Proportion of exported hazardous waste that is not processed correctly

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of exported hazardous waste that was not processed correctly. Source: The Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 14-09-2022
Waste generated

Waste generated, by sectors

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The data shows the trends in the amount of waste generated by households and business and other services. The group ‘business and other services’ includes agriculture, forestry and fisheries, raw material extraction, manufacturing, utilities, construction, trade and transport, information and communication, financial and insurance services, real estate activities, business services, public administration, education and health as well as art, leisure and other services. The trend for business and other services is described in more detail in the figure below.
Last updated: 04-02-2025
Waste treatment

Total amount of recycling, incineration and landfill waste

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The data shows the trend in the amount of waste, by disposal methods (recycling, incineration and landfill).
Last updated: 18-09-2024
Supply of packaging

Supply of packaging, by type of material

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The data shows the trends in the supply of packaging, by material types (glass, plastic, paper and cardboard, iron and metal, wood and other). Today, the consumption of packaging and thus the packaging in the waste system is not measured; instead, the supply of packaging is estimated for a given year, i.e., the amount of packaging that firms market. The supply of packaging is an approximation of the consumption of packaging. Source: The Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 22-01-2025
Green jobs

Number of green jobs

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The data shows the trend in the number of green jobs in private sector firms that produce goods or services with environmental protection and/or resource saving purposes. The statistics thus do not include green jobs in the public sector.
Last updated: 22-11-2024
Expenditure on organic food and beverages

Proportion of expenditure on organic food and beverages relative to total expenditure on food service in the public sector

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The data shows the trend in expenditure on organic beverages and food relative to the total expenditure on food service in the public sector. The public sector includes the central, regional and municipal governments, social security funds and foundations.
Last updated: 16-01-2025
Residual waste in total household waste

Proportion of residual waste in total household waste

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The data shows the trend in the share of residual waste relative to total household waste generation. Sorted waste includes organic waste, including garden waste; paper and cardboard; wood, including packaging and impregnation; glass, including packaging; iron and metal, including packaging; plastic and tyres; and electronics, batteries, etc. Residual waste is calculated as mixed municipal waste and similar, waste suitable for incineration and other waste.
Last updated: 04-02-2025
Goal 13: Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Expected property damage costs of more than DKK 250 million from coastal flooding and erosion

Number of municipalities with expected property damage costs of more than DKK 250 million from coastal flooding and erosion in 50 years

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The data shows the number of municipalities with expected material damage costs of more than DKK 250 million from coastal floods and erosion in 2065. The total property damage consists of damage to buildings, contents, infrastructure, crops and livestock, and to businesses. Source: Danish Coastal Authority.
Last updated: 16-12-2021
Claims paid out for damage resulting from extreme weather

Number of claims paid out for damage resulting from extreme weather

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The data shows the trends in the number of claims for damage caused by extreme weather. Source: Insurance & Pension Denmark.
Last updated: 05-10-2024
Amount paid out by insurance companies for damage resulting from extreme weather

Amount paid out by insurance companies for damage resulting from extreme weather

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The data shows the trends in the amount of compensation paid out by insurance companies for damage caused by extreme weather. Source: Insurance & Pension Denmark.
Last updated: 05-10-2024
Score for the accuracy of extreme weather warnings

DMI's symmetric extreme dependency score for the accuracy of extreme weather warnings

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The data shows the trend in DMI’s score according to SEDS. The score is based on the accuracy of DMI’s predictions of a number of different extreme weather phenomena during the year. Examples of weather phenomena are hurricanes, storms, gales, heavy rain, dense fog and elevated water levels. The accuracy of extreme weather warnings is scored on a scale ranging from 0 to 100. Source: Danish Meteorological Institute.
Last updated: 04-07-2023
Gas emissions

Denmark's total CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions

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The data shows the trend in Denmark’s total greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2 from burning biomass. The total greenhouse gas emissions are calculated in CO2 equivalents (CO2e). This is done by converting emissions of other greenhouse gases, including, for example, methane gas, to the same unit as CO2 using conversion factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Last updated: 13-09-2024
The population's attitude to and actions associated with the climate

Trends in the population's attitude to and actions associated with the climate

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The data shows the trend in the population’s concern about the consequences of climate change and the population’s initiatives to reduce their own contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, to the survey question: ‘How worried are you that climate change will harm you personally?’ the proportion that answered ‘To a large extent’ and ‘To some extent’ are combined and shown in the figure. To the question: ‘Have you done anything to reduce your own contribution to greenhouse gas emissions?’ the figure shows the proportion who answered ‘Yes’. Source: CONCITO.
Last updated: 04-07-2023
The evolution of greenhouse gas emissions

The evolution of greenhouse gas emissions and the path to the goal of a reduction of 70 per cent compared to 1990

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The figures show the development of CO2 equivalents in Denmark as well as the reduction target of 70 percent compared to 1990. The total emission of greenhouse gases is measured in CO2 equivalents (CO2e). This is done by converting the emissions of other greenhouse gases, including methane and nitrous oxide, into the same unit as CO2 using conversion factors from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The measurement follows the guidelines of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the underlying Kyoto Protocol. The Danish greenhouse gas emission inventories include all sources described in the IPCC guidelines. The figures do not include international shipping and aviation, Danish companies' activities abroad, or the combustion of biomass.
Source: Denmark’s reporting to the UNFCCC.
Last updated: 11-02-2025
Goal 14: Life below water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Nitrogen and phosphorus in fjords, coastal waters and open inner waters

Levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in fjords, coastal waters and open inner waters

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The data shows the trends in the annual average value of nitrogen and phosphorus in  fjords, coastal waters and open inner waters. Nitrogen is inorganic nitrogen, which forms nitrate, nitrite and ammonium, which can be absorbed by plants for primary production. Phosphorus is dissolved inorganic phosphorus, i.e. phosphate that can be taken up by plants for primary production. Source: Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University.
Last updated: 22-01-2025
Silicon in fjords, coastal waters and open inner waters

Levels of silicon in fjords, coastal waters and open inner waters

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The data shows the trends in the annual average value of silicon in  fjords, coastal waters and open inner waters. Silicon is dissolved inorganic silicon, i.e. silicate that diatoms use to build their shells. Source: Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University.
Last updated: 22-01-2025
Tyres sold in Denmark

Tyres sold in Denmark

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The data shows the trend in the number of tyres sold. The statistics include all tyres sold in Denmark, including new tyres and re-tread tyres for passenger cars, motorcycles, vans, trucks, agricultural machinery and construction machinery. Source: Danish Tyretrade Environmental Foundation.
Last updated: 29-01-2025
Metals in marine sediment

Concentration of metals in marine sediment

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The data shows the concentration of metals calculated as the average between 2004 and 2012. Accumulation of metals in sediment is a long-term process and can vary from year to year, which is why measurements of metals in sediment are made as an average over a multi-year period. Sources: Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University and Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 27-01-2025
Oxygen depletion in inner Danish waters

The extent of oxygen depletion in inner Danish waters

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The data show the development of oxygen depletion in the inner Danish waters. Oxygen depletion occurs when the oxygen concentration in the water is 4 mg/L or lower, and it is classified as severe when it falls below 2 mg/L. Moderate oxygen depletion (2-4 mg/L) causes fish and mobile seabed animals to move away. This phenomenon mainly occurs from July to November, with data provided for the month of September. The most extensive severe oxygen depletion was recorded in 2002, covering 4,341 km², while moderate oxygen depletion extended over 8,634 km². The average for the period 1989-2009 was 996 km² for severe oxygen depletion and 2,899 km² for moderate oxygen depletion. Source: National Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University.

Last updated: 07-02-2025
Eelgrass in inner Danish waters

Depth limit of eelgrass in inner Danish waters

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The data shows the concentration of metals calculated as the average between 2004 and 2012. Accumulation of metals in sediment is a long-term process and can vary from year to year, which is why measurements of metals in sediment are made as an average over a multi-year period. Sources: Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University.
Last updated: 27-02-2025
Bathing-water quality

Trend in bathing-water quality

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The data shows the trend in bathing-water quality, calculated using a bathing-water index. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency collects the municipalities’ bathing-water tests annually. In 2019, 9,422 tests were collected from 1,022 bathing-water locations. The tests screen for faecal coliform bacteria that are harmful to humans. Based on the tests, the bathing waters are classified as excellent (4), good (3), sufficient (2), poor (1) or not classified (0), and an average score in the interval 0-4 is computed from these classification scores. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 13-02-2025
MSC-certified catch in Danish waters

Proportion of MSC-certified catch in Danish waters

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of MSC-certified fish caught. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) was founded by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and Unilever in 1996 and became an independent NGO in 1999. The MSC certifies sustainable fisheries in the oceans. Source: Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
Last updated: 15-10-2021
Fishing vessels by length

Proportion of fishing vessels by length relative to the total fleet of fishing vessels

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of registered fishing vessels in each size category relative to the total fishing fleet.
Source: Danish Fisheries Agency.
Last updated: 22-01-2025
Goal 15: Life on land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Natura 2000 areas

Proportion of Natura 2000 areas relative to Denmark's total areal

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The data shows the trends in the proportion of Natura 2000 areas relative to Denmark’s total area, disaggregated by land area and marine area. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 08-07-2022
Fulfilment of targets for lakes and watercourses

Fulfilment of targets for lakes and watercourses

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The data shows the status of the fulfilment of the targets for watercourses and lakes. The data for the targets are from individual evaluations for the water area districts of Jutland and Funen, Zealand, Bornholm and international. The category ‘international’ is a cross-border water district consisting of the Danish part of the watercourse catchments that extend across the Danish-German land border. The condition of the watercourses is assessed on the basis of the quality elements small animals, plants and fish. The condition of the lakes is assessed on the basis of the quality elements phytoplankton, chlorophyll, macrophytes (aquatic plants) in cases where it is not possible to use phytoplankton and fish. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 14-09-2022
Total forest and protected forest areas

Total forest and protected forest areas in Denmark

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The data shows the trends in the total forested area and area of protected forests in Denmark, measured in 1,000 hectares. Source: Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen.
Last updated: 08-07-2022
Area of sustainability-certified forests

Area of sustainability-certified forests in Denmark

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The data shows PEFC- and FSC-certified forest areas in Denmark. The area is stated in 1,000 hectares. Source: Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen.
Last updated: 08-07-2022
Common Danish breeding birds

Number of common Danish breeding birds

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The data shows the trend in the number of breeding birds within 133 species (common Danish breeding birds). 2010 = 100. Monitoring of the common Danish birds is part of a cooperative agreement between the Danish Ornithological Society and the Ministry of the Environment and Food of Denmark. Source: Danish Ornithological Society (Birdlife Denmark).
Last updated: 14-09-2022
The Red List Index

The Danish Red List Index

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The data shows the trend in the Red List Index. A Red List Index value of 1 means that all species are attributed to the category viable, while an index value of 0 means that all species have disappeared from Denmark. Source: Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University.
Last updated: 22-07-2022
Area virgin forest and biodiversity forest

Area virgin forest and biodiversity forest

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The data shows the area of virgin forest and biodiversity forest disaggregated by state and private ownership. There are no total figures for private biodiversity forest. Areas of virgin forest and biodiversity forest are not systematically calculated annually. This suggested Danish indicator presupposes that data will be collected and made available at reasonably regular intervals in the future. Source: Danish Nature Agency.
Last updated: 04-07-2023
CITES inspections leading to confiscation of one or more items

Number of CITES inspections leading to confiscation of one or more items

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The data shows the trend in the number of CITES inspections where one or more items were confiscated. The number of inspections is affected by the activity of the customs service; that is, there may be a blitz on CITES or on travellers from selected destinations for a period of time, which may result in more reported infringements being detected than would have been the case without such a periodic blitz. Source: Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark and WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature.
Last updated: 14-09-2022
Invasive species

Number of invasive species

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The data shows the number of invasive plant and animal species. Source: Danish Environmental Protection Agency.
Last updated: 11-01-2023
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Victims of reported violent crimes

Number of victims of reported violent crimes

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The data shows the trend in the number of victims of reported violent crimes. Violent crimes include violence and the like against a public authority, homicide and attempted homicide, common assault, assault causing actual bodily harm, assault causing grievous bodily harm, crime against life and limb, and crime against personal liberty. Victims of all ages are included.
Last updated: 18-03-2024
Former prisoners

Proportion of former prisoners who are convicted of new violent crime

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The data shows the trend in the proportion of previously imprisoned persons convicted of new violent crimes. Violent crimes include violence and the like against a public authority, homicide and attempted homicide, common assault, assault causing actual bodily harm, assault causing grievous bodily harm, crime against life and limb, and crime against personal liberty.
Last updated: 11-02-2025
Number of notifications

Number of notification(s) per 1,000 children aged 0-17 years

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The figures show the development in the number of children with notification(s) per 1,000 children aged 0-17. In the statistics, children with notification are counted, where the reason for the notification has been either abuse against a child/youth, for example sexual or violent, other form of neglect of a child/youth, high level of conflict or violence in the home between adults or insufficient care from parents. Children with multiple notifications count only once.

Last updated: 17-12-2024
Reports of force on children and adolescents

Number of reports of force on children and adolescents

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The data shows the trend in the number of reports of the use of force in interventions on children and adolescents. Source: National Board of Social Services.
Last updated: 25-10-2024
Number of cases received at the district courts

Number of cases received at the district courts

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The data shows the trend in the number of cases received by the district courts. Source: Courts of Denmark.
Last updated: 25-10-2024
Average case-processing time at the district courts

Average case-processing time at the district courts

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The data shows the average case-processing time measured in number of months. The data includes a simple average of cases within criminal, civil, enforcement, deceased estates and insolvency proceedings. Source: Courts of Denmark.
Last updated: 18-12-2021
Number of long-term pre-trial detentions in total

Number of long-term pre-trial detentions in total

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The figures show the total number of long-term pre-trial detentions lasting more than 90 days. During the period, the method of calculation was changed, leading to a data break. Previously, the duration of pre-trial detention was recorded until sentencing or case dismissal, but now the duration is counted until release, which typically extends the period. Additionally, interrupted cases are counted as two separate cases from 2018 onwards, whereas they were previously treated as a single case. Therefore, figures prior to 2018 cannot be directly compared with data from 2018 and onwards. Source: Director of Public Prosecutions and the Ministry of Justice.
Last updated: 26-10-2024
Proportion of long-term pre-trial detentions

Proportion of long-term pre-trial detentions

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The figures show the proportion of pre-trial detentions that are long-term. Long-term pre-trial detentions are defined as detentions lasting more than 90 days. During the period, the method of calculation was changed, resulting in a data break. Previously, the duration of pre-trial detentions was recorded up to sentencing or case dismissal, but it is now counted until release, which typically extends the period. Additionally, interrupted cases are counted as two separate cases from 2018 onwards, whereas they were previously treated as a single case. Therefore, proportions prior to 2018 cannot be directly compared with data from 2018 and beyond. Source: Director of Public Prosecutions and the Ministry of Justice.
Last updated: 26-10-2024
Solitary confinement placements

Number of solitary confinement placements

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The data shows the trend in the number of solitary confinement placements in the form of isolation alone in a cell and away from the rest of the prison community. Source: The Prison and Probation Service.
Last updated: 25-10-2024
Money Laundering Secretariat notifications

Number of Money Laundering Secretariat notifications

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The data shows the trend in the number of notifications to the Money Laundering Secretariat at the State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime about suspected money laundering. Source: Money Laundering Secretariat.
Last updated: 25-10-2024
Denmark's Corruption Perceptions Index score

Denmark's Corruption Perceptions Index score

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The data shows the trend in Denmark’s score on the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index. The index goes from 0 to 100, where 100 is the lowest level for perceived corruption. Source: Transparency International.
Last updated: 20-02-2025
The population that is satisfied with and trust Danish institutions

Proportion of the population that is satisfied with and trust Danish institutions

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The data shows the proportion of the population that states that they are satisfied and have confidence in the national government and institutions. Source: OECD.
Last updated: 20-01-2023

Proportion of eligible citizens who voted in the Danish parliamentary, European parliamentary, regional and municipal elections.

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The data shows the development in the proportion of eligible voters in the population who participated in the European parliamentary, Danish parliamentary, regional and municipal elections.
Last updated: 26-10-2024
Verdicts - the hate speech section

Number of verdicts handed down in accordance with section 266 b of the criminal code, the hate speech section

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The data shows the number of verdicts handed down in accordance with section 266 b of the criminal code, the hate speech section. This includes both primary and secondary alleged offences, but the latter only constitutes a minority share. The cases are disaggregated by decision types.
Last updated: 14-02-2025
Cases heard by the Equal Treatment Board

Number of cases heard by the Equal Treatment Board by type of case

Number of cases heard by the Equal Treatment Board by type of case

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The data shows the development in the number of cases that the Board of Equal Treatment dealt with. The cases are disaggregated by type of case. Source: The National Social Appeals Board.
Last updated: 12-11-2024
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Foreign direct investment to least developed countries and other developing countries

Foreign direct investment to least developed countries and other developing countries as a share of total foreign direct investment to developing countries

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The data shows foreign direct investment from Denmark to the least developed countries and to other developing countries  as a share of the total foreign direct investment to all developing countries calculated as a percentage. The figures are for Danish outward direct investments excl. pass through investments (stock). The country is the first counterparty country. Countries are categorized according to the OECD's list of developing countries, see The DAC list of ODA Recipients 2025. Source: Danmarks Nationalbank.
Last updated: 14-02-2025
Total direct investment to developing countries

Total foreign direct investment to developing countries

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Total foreign direct investment from Denmark to developing countries. Countries are categorized according to the OECD's list of developing countries, see The DAC list of ODA Recipients 2025. Source: Danmarks Nationalbank.
Last updated: 14-02-2025
Migrant remittances out of Denmark

Migrant remittances out of Denmark

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The data shows the development in migrant remittances out of Denmark in DKK. Data are estimated in USD and are converted to DKK using the annual average exchange rate from Danmarks Nationalbank. Source: The World Bank.
Last updated: 13-02-2025
The debt and wealth of private households

The debt and wealth of private households in Denmark

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The data shows the trends in real and financial assets and the debt share in total wealth.
Last updated: 25-02-2025
Student exchange

Number of foreign student exchange stays in Denmark and number of Danish student exchange stays abroad

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The data shows the trends in number of foreign student exchange stays in Denmark and number of Danish student exchange stays abroad. The same student can have several stays and, thereby, be counted several times.



Last updated: 27-08-2024
Imported goods from developing countries

Proportion of imported goods from developing and least developed countries out of total Danish imports of goods

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The data shows the development in the share of imported goods from developing countries by country group out of the total imports of goods.
Last updated: 01-08-2023
Denmark's ranking on the Commitment to Development Index

Denmark¿s Ranking on the Commitment to Development Index (Ranking Closer to 1 Indicates Greater Engagement)

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The numbers represent Denmark's score across the various categories of the Commitment to Development Index. The index assesses the extent to which a developed country’s policies collectively contribute to development in developing countries. Each category is scored on a scale from 0 to 100.

The first assessment was conducted in 2003. In 2019, the scoring system was revised, meaning that data from 2003-2019 is not included, as it is not directly comparable to the new scoring values for the different categories.

Source: Center for Global Development

Last updated: 20-02-2025
Danish members of the UN Global Compact

Number of Danish members of the UN Global Compact by type of organisation

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The data shows the trend in the number of Danish organisations that are members of the UN Global Compact by type of organisation. SMEs are defined as enterprises with fewer than 250 full-time employees. Source: UN Global Compact Network Denmark.
Last updated: 31-01-2025
The universities' research collaboration agreements

Proportion of the universities' research collaboration agreements by type of collaboration partner

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The data shows the development in the universities’ research collaboration agreements by type of collaboration partner. Source: Ministry of Higher Education and Science.
Last updated: 13-01-2025