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Folk high school

How many people in Denmark enroll in a folk high school? Which types of folk high schools and courses are the most popular? And what is the age distribution of the people enrolled in the various courses? This set of statistics provides an overview of the interest in Danish folk high schools and the duration and types of courses available.

Selected statistics on Folk high schools

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Folk high schools. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Participation in short supplementary courses

This figure shows the yearly participants in short folk high school courses (less than 12 weeks).
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Approved providers of adult education and training in the form of folk high school courses. All Danish folk high schools which are part of the list published by the folk high school association are included in the statistic.

Participation in long folk high school courses

This figure shows the yearly participants in long folk high school courses (more than 12 weeks).
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Approved providers of adult education and training in the form of folk high school courses. All Danish folk high schools which are part of the list published by the folk high school association are included in the statistic.

Participation in short folk high school courses by age

This figure shows the number of participants in short folk high school courses by age intervals.
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Source data

Approved providers of adult education and training in the form of folk high school courses. All Danish folk high schools which are part of the list published by the folk high school association are included in the statistic.

Participation in long folk high school courses by age

This figure shows the number of participants in long folk high school courses by age intervals.
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Source data

Approved providers of adult education and training in the form of folk high school courses. All Danish folk high schools which are part of the list published by the folk high school association are included in the statistic.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Adult education and continuing training

The purpose of the statistics is to provide a picture of the people's participation in courses and adult education i.e. formal courses which are financed, planned and controlled by a public provider.
The data collection on course activities has stated at different times for the different course types, and the first ones are registered from 1970's.

Folk high school courses

The purpose is to describe the participation of the population in adult education in the sense of folk high schools and independent prevocational schools. Courses fulfilling the requirements outlined in the Danish Folk high school law are included, but also non-financed courses of a general folk high school nature. The data is a part of Statistic Denmark's register of adult education and continuing training.

Participation at folk high schools

The statistics describes the participants at the Danish folk high schools according to age, gender, ancestry, education, income, area of residence by course length and school type. The statistics describes the students, which can be found in the statistics about supplementary courses - Folk High Schools, which gives a comprehensive description of the students participation in courses in folk high schools and free vocational schools.

Need more data on Folk high schools?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find more detailed figures, e.g. about the types of folk high schools, sex and field of education.


Klaus Rasmussen
Phone: +45 29 67 80 47