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Health care expenditure

How big is the Danish health care expenditure? Is the majority related to hospitals or medical practices? And how much is financed by the public sector and private health insurance schemes? The statistics show which health care functions we consume — for example, medicine and treatment — where we consume them and how we finance them.

Selected statistics on Health care expenditure

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Health care expenditure. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Development in the Danish health care expenditure

Here you can see how the total health care expenditure has developed over the last 10 years. The expenditure is in current prices, which means that it is not adjusted for inflation.
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Source data

The statistics is compiled using a number of internal and external sources.

Internal sources

  • Data extracts from Statistics Denmark's internal database DIOR (database for integrated public accounts), which stores the accounting information from the central and local governments.
  • Data deliveries from the office of National Accounts in Statistics Denmark about the final consumption expenditure of households on health care goods and services. Data from this is published in Statbank's table NAHC23 for year t-3 in jun.
  • Data from the Household Budget Survey are used as weights to split between general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists etc.
  • Data from table AED022 and AED03 on the number of visited hours for personal and practical help in own home and nursing homes, respectively along with table SYGUS2 on public expenditures to psychiatry. Data from table AED022 and AED03 are used to calculate a distribution key.

External sources

  • Data deliveries from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DRG-grouped National Patient Register to split expenses in somatic hospitals between inpatient and outpatient curative care. In addition, data from the Register of Pharmaceutical sales are also provided.
  • Data from publicly available annual reports from the patient organizations: Danish Cancer Society, Gigtforeningen, Hjerteforeningen samt Health Insurance ”danmark” and Statens Serum Institut.
  • Key figures from F&P concerning health insurance schemes.
  • Data delivery from the JRCC Joint Rescue Center regarding the cost of ambulance flights.
  • Extraordinary for 2020-2022, COVID-19-related information have been collected from the local governments and Statens Serum Institut. In addition, specific delivery is received for the treatment costs of COVID-19 patients from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DGR-grouped LPR3 data. From 2023 specific information on COVID-19-related activities is no longer collected, as COVID-19 no longer is considered a socially critical disease thus included as a part of 'normal' health activity.

Expenditure on selected health care functions

Here you can see how expenditure on pharmaceuticals, COVID-19 and social long-term care has developed in the last couple of years.  Social long-term care is not included in total health care expenditure. Social long-term care covers practical help such as cleaning and grocery shopping.
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Source data

The statistics is compiled using a number of internal and external sources.

Internal sources

  • Data extracts from Statistics Denmark's internal database DIOR (database for integrated public accounts), which stores the accounting information from the central and local governments.
  • Data deliveries from the office of National Accounts in Statistics Denmark about the final consumption expenditure of households on health care goods and services. Data from this is published in Statbank's table NAHC23 for year t-3 in jun.
  • Data from the Household Budget Survey are used as weights to split between general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists etc.
  • Data from table AED022 and AED03 on the number of visited hours for personal and practical help in own home and nursing homes, respectively along with table SYGUS2 on public expenditures to psychiatry. Data from table AED022 and AED03 are used to calculate a distribution key.

External sources

  • Data deliveries from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DRG-grouped National Patient Register to split expenses in somatic hospitals between inpatient and outpatient curative care. In addition, data from the Register of Pharmaceutical sales are also provided.
  • Data from publicly available annual reports from the patient organizations: Danish Cancer Society, Gigtforeningen, Hjerteforeningen samt Health Insurance ”danmark” and Statens Serum Institut.
  • Key figures from F&P concerning health insurance schemes.
  • Data delivery from the JRCC Joint Rescue Center regarding the cost of ambulance flights.
  • Extraordinary for 2020-2022, COVID-19-related information have been collected from the local governments and Statens Serum Institut. In addition, specific delivery is received for the treatment costs of COVID-19 patients from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DGR-grouped LPR3 data. From 2023 specific information on COVID-19-related activities is no longer collected, as COVID-19 no longer is considered a socially critical disease thus included as a part of 'normal' health activity.

Financing of health care expenditure

Here you can see how the total health care expenditure is financed. Government health insurance is the combined financing from central and local government. Private healthcare insurance schemes are taken out by private individuals.
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Source data

The statistics is compiled using a number of internal and external sources.

Internal sources

  • Data extracts from Statistics Denmark's internal database DIOR (database for integrated public accounts), which stores the accounting information from the central and local governments.
  • Data deliveries from the office of National Accounts in Statistics Denmark about the final consumption expenditure of households on health care goods and services. Data from this is published in Statbank's table NAHC23 for year t-3 in jun.
  • Data from the Household Budget Survey are used as weights to split between general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists etc.
  • Data from table AED022 and AED03 on the number of visited hours for personal and practical help in own home and nursing homes, respectively along with table SYGUS2 on public expenditures to psychiatry. Data from table AED022 and AED03 are used to calculate a distribution key.

External sources

  • Data deliveries from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DRG-grouped National Patient Register to split expenses in somatic hospitals between inpatient and outpatient curative care. In addition, data from the Register of Pharmaceutical sales are also provided.
  • Data from publicly available annual reports from the patient organizations: Danish Cancer Society, Gigtforeningen, Hjerteforeningen samt Health Insurance ”danmark” and Statens Serum Institut.
  • Key figures from F&P concerning health insurance schemes.
  • Data delivery from the JRCC Joint Rescue Center regarding the cost of ambulance flights.
  • Extraordinary for 2020-2022, COVID-19-related information have been collected from the local governments and Statens Serum Institut. In addition, specific delivery is received for the treatment costs of COVID-19 patients from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DGR-grouped LPR3 data. From 2023 specific information on COVID-19-related activities is no longer collected, as COVID-19 no longer is considered a socially critical disease thus included as a part of 'normal' health activity.

Expenditure broken down by selected health care providers

Here you can see how the expenditure is distributed across the selected health care providers. ‘Providers of ambulatory health care’ cover medical practitioners, dentists, other practitioners such as chiropractors, etc. ‘Providers of preventive care’ consist of health authorities, for example The Danish Health Authority.
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Source data

The statistics is compiled using a number of internal and external sources.

Internal sources

  • Data extracts from Statistics Denmark's internal database DIOR (database for integrated public accounts), which stores the accounting information from the central and local governments.
  • Data deliveries from the office of National Accounts in Statistics Denmark about the final consumption expenditure of households on health care goods and services. Data from this is published in Statbank's table NAHC23 for year t-3 in jun.
  • Data from the Household Budget Survey are used as weights to split between general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists etc.
  • Data from table AED022 and AED03 on the number of visited hours for personal and practical help in own home and nursing homes, respectively along with table SYGUS2 on public expenditures to psychiatry. Data from table AED022 and AED03 are used to calculate a distribution key.

External sources

  • Data deliveries from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DRG-grouped National Patient Register to split expenses in somatic hospitals between inpatient and outpatient curative care. In addition, data from the Register of Pharmaceutical sales are also provided.
  • Data from publicly available annual reports from the patient organizations: Danish Cancer Society, Gigtforeningen, Hjerteforeningen samt Health Insurance ”danmark” and Statens Serum Institut.
  • Key figures from F&P concerning health insurance schemes.
  • Data delivery from the JRCC Joint Rescue Center regarding the cost of ambulance flights.
  • Extraordinary for 2020-2022, COVID-19-related information have been collected from the local governments and Statens Serum Institut. In addition, specific delivery is received for the treatment costs of COVID-19 patients from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DGR-grouped LPR3 data. From 2023 specific information on COVID-19-related activities is no longer collected, as COVID-19 no longer is considered a socially critical disease thus included as a part of 'normal' health activity.

Health care functions

Here you can see which health care functions that selected health care providers provide, and the expenditure they account for. ‘Preventive care’ covers for example immunisation programmes, information campaigns and screenings.
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Source data

The statistics is compiled using a number of internal and external sources.

Internal sources

  • Data extracts from Statistics Denmark's internal database DIOR (database for integrated public accounts), which stores the accounting information from the central and local governments.
  • Data deliveries from the office of National Accounts in Statistics Denmark about the final consumption expenditure of households on health care goods and services. Data from this is published in Statbank's table NAHC23 for year t-3 in jun.
  • Data from the Household Budget Survey are used as weights to split between general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists etc.
  • Data from table AED022 and AED03 on the number of visited hours for personal and practical help in own home and nursing homes, respectively along with table SYGUS2 on public expenditures to psychiatry. Data from table AED022 and AED03 are used to calculate a distribution key.

External sources

  • Data deliveries from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DRG-grouped National Patient Register to split expenses in somatic hospitals between inpatient and outpatient curative care. In addition, data from the Register of Pharmaceutical sales are also provided.
  • Data from publicly available annual reports from the patient organizations: Danish Cancer Society, Gigtforeningen, Hjerteforeningen samt Health Insurance ”danmark” and Statens Serum Institut.
  • Key figures from F&P concerning health insurance schemes.
  • Data delivery from the JRCC Joint Rescue Center regarding the cost of ambulance flights.
  • Extraordinary for 2020-2022, COVID-19-related information have been collected from the local governments and Statens Serum Institut. In addition, specific delivery is received for the treatment costs of COVID-19 patients from the Danish Health Data Authority based on DGR-grouped LPR3 data. From 2023 specific information on COVID-19-related activities is no longer collected, as COVID-19 no longer is considered a socially critical disease thus included as a part of 'normal' health activity.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Health care expenditures (SHA)

The statistics shows consumption expenditures on health care goods and services distributed across function, provider and financing scheme. The statistics follow the international manual System of Health Accounts (SHA2011), which is made in collaboration between OECD, Eurostat and WHO. The statistics are included in OECD's annual publication Health at a Glance. Data are consistent and comparable for the entire time period.

Need more data on Health care expenditure?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find more detailed figures, e.g. how much of the expenditure on hospitals and health care functions that households pay out of pocket. 


Marianne Ahle Møller
Phone: +45 24 66 00 28