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Accounts and budgets of municipalities

How large are the municipal budgets, and what is the money spent on? This statistic illuminates the municipal current and capital expenditure and their financing.

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Gross expenses minus income from operation and reimbursement from central government

Prices or price level that applies to goods and services in the current period. The opposite of current prices is fixed prices.

Selected statistics on Accounts and budgets of municipalities

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Accounts and budgets of municipalities. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Development in the current expenditure of the municipalities

Here you can see how the current expenditure of the municipalities has developed since the most recent municipal reform in 2008.
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Source data

Data is delivered from the financial management systems of the municipalities and regions.

Current expenditure of the municipalities

Here you can find the current expenditure of the municipalities (main account 0-8). Mark the map to see the name and expenditure of the municipality in question.
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Source data

Data is delivered from the financial management systems of the municipalities and regions.

Distribution in the municipalities' budgets

Here you can see how the municipalities’ budgeted current expenditure is distributed across different areas, also known as main accounts 0-6. Click on the different parts of the chart to see the expenditure in 1,000 DKK.
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Source data

Data is delivered from the financial management systems of the municipalities and regions.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Budgets and accounts of municipalities and regions

The budgets and the accounts of municipalities and regions inform for the economic situation in municipalities and regions. The statistics show how the funds of the municipalities and regions have been used, how they are budgeted and a status of the economic situation. The tables goes back to 2007, where the latest municipal reform came into force.

Financial assets and liabilities of local government

The purpose of the statistics is to analyze the financial assets and liabilities of the municipalities and regions, including especially the liquid assets and long term debt.

Key Figures for Municipalities Accounts

The purpose of these statistics is to present selected key figures from the annual accounts of the municipalities, which is of particular interest, in a way that makes it easy to compare across municipalities. Key figures are comparable since 2008.

The figures should be interpreted with caution due to varying accounting methods across municipalities as well as over time. Also, adjustments are made continuously to the municipal accounting system.

Need more data on Accounts and budgets of municipalities?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find more detailed information, e.g. current expenditure per inhabitant, current expenditure for each function, along with the municipalities’ balances, liquid assets, long-term debt, etc.


Jeppe Føge Jensen
Phone: +45 40 22 58 23