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How many people are called...?

Search on names and see how many people in Denmark have the same name as you. You can also see a top 20 of the most common first names and last names in Denmark.

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About the name statistics
The name statistics include first name and last name – so no middle names. If your full name is Dorthe Høst Larsen, for example, you will be registered as Dorthe Larsen. Last names with a hyphen (such as Høst-Larsen) count as one last name. For reasons of discretion, the exact number is not shown in case of names and combinations of names held by just one or two people.

The statistics are a compilation of names for the whole population living in Denmark at the beginning of January each year. Data from the civil registration system (CPR) constitutes the basis of these statistics. The statistics are published each year in mid-January.


Top 20 first and last names


On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:


Statistics on names covers first names and surnames in the Danish population and was established in 1995, initially as a project for the Department of Name Research at Copenhagen University.


Dorthe Larsen
Phone: +45 23 49 83 26