Statistical presentation
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Personal Finances and WelfareSiri Dencker
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The statistic is an annual survey including a number of national impact- and background indicators which document and describe the quality of the municipal effort at the elderly area. The indicators consist of referral and provided home care, home nursing, nursing homes, exercise services, rehabilitation, preventative home visits as well as readmissions . Primarily, the indicators are targeted at the elderly area, however home care, exercise services, home nursing as well as nursing homes also include data for citizens under 67 years.
Data description
The statistics currently include 17indicators and a number of tables. It is possible to separate the 17 indicators into 7 effect indicators and 10 background indicators. The purpose of the indicators is to uncover the quality of the services that are provided to the elderly. You can read more about the indicators at our topic page for the Elderly Area. The 19 indicators and a description of the basis for these indicators are presented below:
Impact indicators - The quality of the help - The stability of the help - Number of helpers - Knowledge of free choice - Knowledge of flexible home care -The average number of hospital days (for people > 67-year-olds) -The number of readmissions (for people > 67-year-olds)
Background indicators - Number of hours of referred and provided home care to citizens covered of free choice (own home) - Number of referred hours of home care for citizens in nursing homes/nursing homes - Number of recipients of practical help/personal care who are subject to free choice - Number of nursing home places - Number of elderly people who receive rehabilitation/training – Number of completed preventative home visits - Proportion of home care recipients and proportion of first-time referred home care recipients who use a private contractor – Number of home care recipients who change supplier - Number of elderly people who use free housing for nursing home - The average waiting time for nursing homes
Referred home care: Consist of indicators on the number of referral hours of consistent home care and the number of recipients of personal help and practical care in own home and in nursing homes/nursing dwellings, number of recipients of home care who change contractor and first-time referred recipients who use private contractor. The indicators are based on the municipalities’ referrals concerning home care and consist of the referral help offered by the municipalities under the law of Social Service section 83 § 84 stk.2 and § 94. The officer from the municipality pays the citizen a visit to clarify the extent of care services needed. When the officer has made an assessment of the services needed, a decision about the extent of help will be made on the basis of the law, the quality standard in the municipality and a concrete individual assessment. The statistics illustrate the number of people who are referred to home care and the number of average weekly hours in a given month, to which the referral concerns. The indicators can be divided into the services: personal care and practical help and type of supplier - municipal or private contractor.
Provided home care (own choice): Consist of the indicators on the number of provided hours of permanent home care and number of recipients of personal care and practical help in own home and number of home visits that are implemented as planned. The indicator is based on the reported start and stop hours for each visit, and the indicator consist of the permanent personal help the citizen is provided from the municipality under the Law of Social Service section 83. Each time the citizen is paid a visit from a care worker, the visit is reported electronically. For some municipalities it is the planned start and stop hours for the visit that is reported and for others it is the actual provided hours. This depends on which IT supplier the municipality uses. The provided home care is based on these records. The indicators can be divided into the services: personal care and practical help and type of supplier – municipal or private contractor.
Rehabilitation: Includes the Rehabilitation indicator. The indicator illustrates the number of people who have received rehabilitation in accordance with Section 83a of the Social Service Law, where the municipality must offer a time-limited rehabilitation course to persons with disabilities if it is assessed that the functional capacity can be improved and thus reduce the need for assistance.
Provided home care in nursing home: Consists of the indicators of the number of citizens provided to practical help or personal care in nursing homes. The indicator is based on the municipalities’ report of residents in nursing homes covered by the Social Housing Act section 5, stk 2, and nursing homes covered by Law of Social Service section 192, and residents who is provided home care by Law of Social Service section 83.
Home nursing: Includes all services on delivered home nursing visits. The indicator highlights the number of people who have received home nursing according to §138 of the Health Act. For some municipalities, the planned home nursing services are reported and for other municipalities it is the actual services reported. This depends on which IT provider municipalities have.
Housing offers: Consist of indicators about the average waiting time for nursing homes for citizens who are covered by the home nursing guarantee as well as number of citizens of 67 years and above who take advantage of the free choice of nursing homes. The indicator highlights the amount of citizens, 67 years and above, who are provided one of the municipality’s nursing home offers, and who either wish to use their free choice of nursing homes, or is referred to the general waiting list. The general waiting list consists of citizens with no specific wishes expressed in accordance with the municipalities’ free choice of nursing homes. Furthermore, the average waiting time in days for citizens covered by the home nursing guarantee is illustrated. Elderly who choose the free choice are not included in the calculation of waiting time. This is also the case for younger people with varying reduced physical and mental capacity.
Preventative home visits: Consists of the indicator preventative home visits. The indicator illustrates the number of recipients of preventative home visits and number of persons who have received a visit under the Law of Social Service section 79a, where the municipality as a minimum must offer citizens aged 75 and older a visit. . The municipality is required to offer a minimum of one annual visit to citizens of 80 years and above.
Training and Maintenance Training: Consist of the indicator of number of elderly recipients who receives rehabilitation and maintenance rehabilitation. The indicator illustrates recipients who have received rehabilitation and/or maintenance rehabilitation under the Law of Social Service section 86, part 1 and 2. Thus, the indicator does not include rehabilitation under the Law of Health section 140.
Clinical pathways and readmissions: Consist of the indicators clinical pathways and readmissions plus length of stay for persons aged 67 and older at selected groups of diagnoses.
Quality of service: Every second year the Ministry of Health is responsible for making a qualitative survey, where home care recipients on 67 years and above are asked about their satisfaction of the help they are receiving to personal care and practical help after Law of Social Service section 83. The qualitative service indicators include five indicators about user satisfaction. The survey is a sample, which is representative to the proportion of home care recipients who is 67 years or older.
Classification system
Municipality, region and country total: If there are multiple municipalities who lacked to report the data or have not confirmed their data, the data for the municipalities is not summarized to region and country total for the individual indicator. This concerns following indicators: Rehabilitation, Home nursing and House offers.
Following indicators are included calculated region and/or country total: Preventative home visits, Referral and provided home care, Provided home care in nursing homes and Training.
There are data for region and the whole country for Quality of service
Sector coverage
Covers the municipal sector, except from admissions, length of stay and readmissions covered by region.
Statistical concepts and definitions
First-time referred that choose private home care: First-time referred that choose a private home help, is stated as share in percent of all first-time referred. If a citizen both gets private and municipal help, the citizens are calculated under private home care.
Recipients that choose private home care: Recipients that choose private home care is stated in percent of all recipients. At nursing home/nursing dwellings the share of citizens that has chosen free choice (in contrast to general waiting lists) compared to all places at nursing homes.
Statistical unit
Services and recipients of services.
Statistical population
Recipients of benefits following the following clauses in the Law of Social Service (SEL), Social Housing Act (ALM) and the Health Act (SUL): - Preventive home visits, SEL § 79 a - Referred and provided care, § 83 in a private home - Referred care on temporary stays after § 84, 2 - Referred care delivered after § 94 - Rehabilitation, SEL § 83A - Training, SEL § 86 p. 1 and 2 - Home nursing, SUL § 138, - General housing for the elderly, ALM § 5 - Nursing home SEL§ 192 - Procedures and re-admissions: Persons in Citizens over the age of 67 who have undergone a hospital course or have been re-admitted. - Nursing home SEL§ 192 - Admissions and re-admissions: Citizens aged 67 or more who have been admitted or re-admitted to hospital care.
Reference area
Time coverage
· Referral home care: Data from 2008 and forward. For some of the underlying indicators there are data later then 2008. -Provided home care in own home: Data from 2011 and forward. -Regularly home care according to plan: Data from 2012 and forward -Referred home care in nursing home: Data from 2008 -Training and maintenance training and preventative home visits: Data from 2008 and forward. -Free choice of housing: Data from 2009 and forward. -Readmissions: Data from 2007 and forward. -Quality of service: Data for 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2013. The survey will be made every second year. -Rehabilitation: Data from 2017 and forward. -Home nursing: Data from 2016 and forward.
All indicators that Statistics Denmark is responsible for are published.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The unit of measurement is number. Recipients, hours and share are published.
Reference period
01-01-2023 - 31-12-2023
Frequency of dissemination
All indicators are yearly.
Legal acts and other agreements
Data from the municipalities' care systems (EOJ) is collected in accordance with the Law on Statistics Denmark § 6. There is no relevant EU regulation.
Cost and burden
- Information from the municipalities care system: Most of the information is already in the municipalities care systems. Though, some of the municipalities have to implement specific care system modules to fulfil Statistics Denmark’s demand of giving the information. In connection with Statistics Denmark's detection for errors the municipalities spent time to correct data and re-sent it. The information is used to create the indicators about home care, average waiting time, readmissions and preventative home visits.
- Information from Statens Seruminstitut (a public enterprise under the Danish Ministry of Health: The respondent burden is zero, as the information is already collected by Statens Seruminstitut. The information is used to create indicators about clinical pathways and readmissions.
- Information from the Ministry of Social Affairs: The respondent burden is zero. The information is used to create indicators about quality of service.
NY - ** Information from the municipalities’ care systems (EOJ) : Most of the information is already available in the municipals’ care systems. However, some of the municipalities have to implement specific EOJ-modules in order to fulfill Statistics Denmark's requirements of reporting information. In connection with Statistics Denmark's detection for errors, the municipalities spent time correcting data and re-transmitting. The information is used to create indicators dealing with home care, waiting time, readmissions and preventative home visits. - ** Information from The Danish Health Data Authority: The burden of the respondent is equal zero, as the information is already collected by SSI (Statens Serum Institut). The information is used to create indicators of clinical pathways and readmissions. - ** Information from the Ministry of Health**: The burden of the respondent is equal zero. Information is used to create indicators of quality of service.
More information concerning the basis of the indicators used at the elderly area, is to be found at the elderly documentation website.