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Personal Finances and WelfareSiri Dencker
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The statistics are published in News from Statistics Denmark under the topic 'Living conditions'. The figures are published in the StatBank Social benefits for senior citizens. See more on the topic page for the Social benefits for senior citizens.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
The statistics are published once a year in News from Statistics Denmark under the topic 'Living conditions' (in Danish only).
The statistics is included in the Statistical Yearbook until 2017.
On-line database
The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subjects Elderly care, Social services for elderly in the following tables:
Social benefits for the elderly
REHAB: Recipients of rehabilitation by area, time, age and gender
VH33: Providers of private home care by area and time
AED08: Recipients of rehabilitation/maintenance training by area, benefit type, age, gender and time
AED10: Recipients of preventive home visits, by area, home visit, age, gender and time
AED19A: Admissions and bed rest for persons aged 67 and over, by area, unit, diagnosis and time
AED20: Readmissions for people aged 67 and over, by area, unit, diagnosis and time
AED21: Service indicators (percentage of the population) by area, services and time
Referred help in own home - AED022: Home help, free choice (visited hours per week) by area, benefit type, age, gender and time
AED021: Home care, free choice (hours visited, weekly average per recipient) according to area, benefit type, age, gender and time
AED06: Recipients screened for home care, free choice, by area, benefit type, hours per week, age, gender and time
AED14: Recipients screened for home care, free choice, changing supplier according to area, benefit type, age, gender and time
AED12: Recipients registered for home care, free choice, who use a private supplier according to area, benefit type, age, gender and time
AED13: First-time referred, free choice, using private supplier by area, benefit type, age, gender and time
Provided care in own home - AED01: Home care, free choice (provided hours per week) after area, benefit type, age, gender and time
AED02: Home care, free choice (hours provided, weekly average) by area, benefit type, age, gender and time
AED023: Recipients of provided home care, free choice, by area, service type, hours per week, age, gender and time
AED012: Recipients of provided for home vare, free choice, who use private supplier by area, benefit type, age, gender and time
Housing for the elderly - AED16: Free choice of accommodation and average waiting time for nursing homes for people 67 years and above by unit, area and time
- AED07: Recipients of home care and nursing home, by area, age, gender and time
Micro-data access
Researchers and analysts from authorized research institutions can access Micro-data through Statistics Denmark's Research Scheme
Anonymized basic statistics of the statistics can be made against payment. Read more about costume-made solutions or get more information by contacting DST Consulting.
Confidentiality - policy
Data Privacy Policy in Statistics Denmark is followed.
Confidentiality - data treatment
For bed days and readmissions discretion have been made, where municipalities with fewer than 5 observations (ie 1-4 observations) are discretioned. Municipalities with 0 observations will not be discretioned. When calculating frequencies where the denominator is between 5-9 the frequency is discretioned, because a frequency based on a low denominator often will be incorrect. The number of regional and country-level landings and bed days is rounded up / down to the nearest 5, as they are included at lower aggregation levels in municipality tables and may make it possible to figure out how many people hide behind a discretioned number. For readmissions, there is also rounded up / down to the nearest 5. The remaining statistics are published at a level that does not require discretion.
Documentation on methodology
Description inclusive an example of how first-time referred citizens using a private supplier is calculated is to find in the note: calculation of first-time referred citizens using a private supplier
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.