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Statistical processing

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Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults

The municipalities that refer persons to the selected services report data to Statistics Denmark. For the majority of the municipalities this is done monthly where data are reported automatically via the the administrative systems used by the municipalities. However, some municipalities report all or a part of the data via Statistics Denmark's online reporting service. The reported data are validated by the municipalities and they have to approve that their data can be used for statistics and publication. Before the statistics are published, Statistics Denmark removes invalid data and adjusts different varieties of overlapping courses.

Source data

Data primarily originate from the administrative systems used in the municipalities to manage the services. These data are transferred automatically and directly to Statistics Denmark through system-to-system solutions. The automatic reporting is developed and maintained by the municipalities' IT providers. Other municipalities report data manually via an online reporting service, made available by Statistics Denmark. With the online reporting service, they maintain their data concurrently with their regular administration of the services, typically because their administrative IT systems cannot report directly to Statistics Denmark.

Data on the services are reported by the municipality which has referred the recipient to the service. In this connection, it should be noted that a few municipalities have entered into administrative cooperation in which a municipality, in addition to reporting on its own behalf, also reports on behalf of another municipality. The municipality of Ishøj reported data on behalf of Vallensbæk, except for §§ 95 and 96. Consequently, Vallensbæk's data are included in the reported data for Ishøj (except for §§ 95 and 96). However the administrative cooperation ended at the end of 2021, and each of the municipalities has therefore reported its own data from 2022.

Likewise, the municipality of Tårnby reports data on behalf of Dragør. Consequently, Dragør's data are included in the report from Tårnby.

Frequency of data collection

Data are reported monthly.

Data collection

Data are mainly reported directly from the administrative systems used by the municipalities through system-to-system solutions. Alternatively, data can be reported manually via an online reporting service provided by Statistics Denmark.

Data validation

Statistics Denmark performs a number of data checks. For instance, data are checked for invalid codes for services and target groups. The reported data are presented in a report sent to the individual municipality. The municipality will be alerted to any errors that need to be corrected. When the number of errors is minimized, Statistics Denmark asks whether the municipality can approve that the data are used for statistics and publication.

Statistics Denmark has in the last couple of years added some measures to the data validation. The data of each municipality is checked for sizeable percentage fluctuations over time. One part of this is to check the data for fluctuations in the number of services from one quarter to another. There are colour markings in the report if:

  • The number of persons within a quarter is larger than 20 and there is an increase/decrease of 20 pct. or more between to consecutive quarters or
  • The number of persons within a quarter is 20 or smaller and there is an increase of 1,000 pct. or more or a decrease of 500 pct. or more between to consecutive quarters .

Another part is to check for fluctuations in the number of services during the period: 2022Q1-2023Q4 using the relative standard deviation. The relative standard deviation is calculated by dividing the standard deviation of the values for the period by the mean for the period and multiplying by 100. (Previously, the term 'Percentage Change' was used, which showed the percentage change from the first to the last quarter in the period: 2015Q1-2022Q4). There are colour markings in the report if:

  • The relative standard deviation for the number of citizens per quarter for a given service from 2022Q1 – 2023Q4 is greater than 50 pct.

This marking indicates that the number of citizens receiving the given service has fluctuated greatly during the specified period.

The municipalities have been asked to comment on these colour markings and provide a written explanation for the cause(s) of these fluctuations.

Based on the validation process described above, some municipalities can only approve data for some quarters and/or services. Quarters and services that have not been approved are not a part of the numbers that can be found in StatBank Denmark. Periods that have not been approved are however included in the micro-data schemes that are used by researchers etc. The variable GodkendtPeriode states whether the municipality has approved data.

**98 municipalities (Tårnby approves on behalf of Dragør) have approved all reported services for the period 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2023 inclusive.

The following 74 municipalities have approved all the reported services for the entire period from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 inclusive (Ja):

147 Frederiksberg, 151 Ballerup, 153 Brøndby, 157 Gentofte, 159 Gladsaxe, 161 Glostrup, 163 Herlev, 165 Albertslund, 167 Hvidovre, 169 Høje-Taastrup, 175 Rødovre, 185 Tårnby (inkl. 155 Dragør), 201 Allerød, 210 Fredensborg, 217 Helsingør, 219 Hillerød, 223 Hørsholm, 230 Rudersdal, 250 Frederikssund, 260 Halsnæs, 265 Roskilde, 269 Solrød, 306 Odsherred, 316 Holbæk, 320 Faxe, 326 Kalundborg, 336 Stevns, 350 Lejre, 360 Lolland, 370 Næstved, 376 Guldborgsund, 390 Vordingborg, 400 Bornholm, 410 Middelfart, 420 Assens, 430 Faaborg-Midtfyn, 440 Kerteminde, 461 Odense, 479 Svendborg, 480 Nordfyn, 492 Ærø, 530 Billund, 561 Esbjerg, 563 Fanø, 573 Varde, 575 Vejen, 580 Aabenraa, 615 Horsens, 621 Kolding, 657 Herning, 661 Holstebro, 665 Lemvig, 671 Struer, 706 Syddjurs, 707 Norddjurs, 710 Favrskov, 727 Odder, 730 Randers, 746, Skanderborg, 751 Århus, 756 Ikast-Brande, 760 Ringkøbing-Skjern, 766 Hedensted, 773 Morsø, 791 Viborg, 813 Frederikshavn, 820 Vesthimmerlands, 825 Læsø, 840 Rebild, 846 Mariagerfjord, 849 Jammerbugt, 851 Aalborg, 860 Hjørring.

The following municipality has approved the entire period from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 inclusive, but not all services (Jauyd):

187 Vallensbæk (excluding §§: 104, 103, 102, 108, 107, 85-, 85-, 97, 98, 82 a + 82 b (2020Q3-2021Q4)). These services have been reported and approved by Ishøj on behalf of Vallensbæk from 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2021 inclusive. From the first quarter of 2022 Vallensbæk has reported and approved the previous mentioned sections itself. However, as to § 95 and § 96 Vallensbæk has reported and approved data itself for the entire period Q1 2015 to Q4 2023 inclusive.

The following 23 municipalities have approved all services, but only part of the period from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 inclusive (Delvist):

101 København has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2023

173 Lyngby-Taarbæk has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 85-, 108 and 107 (2015Q1-2015Q4))

183 Ishøj has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2023

190 Furesø has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 85- + 85- + 104 + 103 and 107 (2015Q1-2016Q4))

240 Egedal has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 85- and 104 (2015Q1-2015Q2))

253 Greve has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 104 + 85- + 103 + 108 (2015Q1))

259 Køge has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2023

270 Gribskov has approved all data from 3th quarter of 2016 to 4th quarter of 202

329 Ringsted has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2023

330 Slagelse has approved all data from the 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2023

340 Sorø has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2016 to 4th quarter of 2023

450 Nyborg has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2018 to 4th quarter of 2023

482 Langeland has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 104 (2015Q1-2015Q4), 85-1.12.01 (2015Q1-2017Q4), 85- (2015Q1-2016Q1))

510 Haderslev has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 85- (2015Q1-2017Q1))

540 Sønderborg has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2016 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 85- and 108 (2016Q1-2017Q4))

550 Tønder has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2017 to 4th quarter of 2023

607 Fredericia has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2017 to 4th quarter of 2023

630 Vejle has approved all data from 4th quarter of 2016 to 4th quarter of 2023

740 Silkeborg has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §§: 85- + 85- (2015Q1-2015Q4), 97, 98 + 108 (2015Q1-2016Q1), 96 (2015Q1-2016Q2), 107 (2015Q1-2016Q4), 103 (2015Q1-2017Q4))

741 Samsø has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2023 (excluding §: 85- (2015Q1-2017Q1))

779 Skive has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2017 to 4th quarter of 2023

787 Thisted has approved all data from 1st quarter of 2016 to 4th quarter of 2023

810 Brønderslev has approved all data from 2th quarter of 2016 to 4th quarter of 2023


Due to challenges with reporting of data, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing has granted dispensation for reporting of data data for these municipalities/periods/services (§§):

101 København: Q1 2015 to 4Q 2017

173 Lyngby-Taarbæk: Q1 2015 to Q4 2015: § 85-, § 108, § 107

190 Furesø: Q1 2015 to Q4 2016: §85 ( +, § 103, § 104 and § 107

240 Egedal: Q1 2015 to Q2 2015: § 85- and § 104

253 Greve: Q1 2015: § 104, § 85-, § 103, § 108

270 Gribskov: Q1 2015 to Q2 2016

329 Ringsted: Q1 2015 to Q4 2017

330 Slagelse: Q1 2015 to Q4 2017

340 Sorø: Q1 2015 to Q4 2015

450 Nyborg: Q1 2015 to Q4 2017

482 Langeland: Q1 2015 to Q4 2015: § 104 + Q1 2015 - Q4 2017: § 85- + Q1 2015 – Q1 2016: § 85-

540 Sønderborg: Q1 2015 to Q4 2015 + 1. Q1 2016 to Q4 2017: § 85- + § 108

550 Tønder: Q1 2015 to Q4 2016

607 Fredericia: Q1 2015 to Q4 2016

630 Vejle: Q1 2015 to Q3 2016

741 Samsø: Q1 2015 to Q1 2017: § 85-

779 Skive: Q1 2015 to Q4 2016

787 Thisted: Q1 2015 to Q4 2015

810 Brønderslev: Q1 2015 to Q1 2016

After approval of the data, Roskilde Municipality has found incorrect registrations regarding section 85 - Social pedagogical support in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated (§ 85 in the Act of Social Services ) and section 85 - Social pedagogical support not given in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated (§ 85 in the Act of Social Services. for the years 2018-2023. There may therefore be inaccuracies, so that the number of people who receive Social pedagogical support in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated (§ 85 in the Act of Social Services )may be too high, and conversely, the number who receive Social pedagogical support not given in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated (§ 85 in the Act of Social Services) may be too low. The inaccuracy is expected to be corrected by the next release.

Data compilation

When Statistics Denmark has processed the data , invalid data are removed from the municipalities reports. This can be services reported with invalid service codes. In such instances, it cannot be determined which type of service the individual recipient has received and the service is therefore removed from the data. Furthermore, services that contain invalid start and end dates are removed (e.g. when a service's end date is before the start date) The reported data are compared to Statistics Denmark's register of dead citizens. If a service is granted to a recipient who is dead, the person's date of death is used as the end date of the service.

The statistics cover services for adults, i.e. persons who are 18 years or older. Previously, services where the start date is prior to the year where the recipient turns 17 were removed so that they were not included in the statistics. However as a practice, some municipalities set fictional start dates for old services, started before the beginning of the statistics in 2015. This meant that some of the services where incorrectly excluded from the statistics because the fictional start date is prior to the recipient's 17th birthday. This is now changed so that services where the start date is prior to the year the recipients turn 17 are included if the service's start date is on or before the 1st of January 2015. The start date is set to the 1st January in the year the person turns 18. If the service is commenced later than 1st January 2015, the service is still excluded from the statistics.

Target groups (Målgrupper) are checked to ensure that only target groups that are part of a specific set categoric variables are included. Target group values that do not fall within the value set will be deleted. However, there are a few exceptions:

-If the service code is associated with corresponds to § 82 a or § 82 b, invalid target groups will be converted to target group 10: unspecified target group or -If the target group field contains blank characters – "whitespace" – the blank fields will be deleted, and the remaining value will be included in the data if it matches the value set

Finally, data are adjusted for different varieties of overlapping courses. For instance, if a person receives the same type of service several times during the same period, data are adjusted so that the recipient appears with one course in the period per type of service. In addition, it is checked whether a person receives services in the same period that are mutually exclusive. An example of this may be that a recipient cannot receive lengthy stay in a housing while the person receives temporary stay in housing.


No corrections of data are made, other than the ones described in the section Data compilation.