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Statistical presentation

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Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults

The statistics are a quarterly summary of selected services in the Act on Social Services, provided to adults with disability or marginalized adults. The statistics contain information on how many services are provided, either per quarters or years, as well as the number of recipients, based on their background and living conditions. Furthermore, information about the recipients' target groups (i.e. type of disability or vulnerability) is included.

Data description

The statistics contain data on selected services in the Act on Social Services, provided to adults with disability or marginalized adults. The following types of services are included in the statistics. Where no other law is mentioned in the text below, the law referred to is the Act on Social Services. Please note that the symbol § is used for sections, which is customary in Danish legislation.

1) Activity and social life offers (§ 104) 2) Treatment (§ 102) 3) Sheltered employment (§ 103) 4) Lengthy stay in housing with care and support, §§ 83, 85 (§ 108) 5) Temporary stay in housing with care and support, §§ 83, 85 (§ 107) 6) Social pedagogical support in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated in § 85 , covered by the act Lov om socialtilsyn § 4, stk. 1, nr. 3, for instance housing facilities in accordance with the §§ 105 and 115 in the act* lov om almene boliger mv. * 7) Social pedagogical support not given in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated in § 85, but, for instance, in the person's home 8) Self-managed personal assistance (§ 96) 9) Contact person for deaf-blind people (§ 98) 10) Attendant scheme (§ 97) 11) Subsidies in cash to hire an assistant under § 83,84 (§ 95) 12) Offer of group-based assistance and support (§ 82 a). In effect from 1th July 2020. 13) Offers of individual, temporary socio-pedagogical assistance and support (§ 82 b). In effect from 1th July 2020.

Offer of group-based assistance and support (§ 82 a) is not mandatory to report but can be reported:

For each service in the statistics there is information about: Who has received the service, which municipality has referred the person to the service, and which period, with a start date and an end date. When housing service is included in the service (see 4, 5 and 6 above), there is also information about the place that provides the housing. The statistics also also contain information about the recipient's target group, i.e. physical impairment, cognitive impairment or mental illness. The individual service may be provided based on of several different target groups. In StatBank Denmark data are presented as the number of recipients or the number of full-time services. Full-time services are calculated either per quarter or per year. For instance, if a service has been provided for 2 out of 3 months in a quarter, it will count as 0.67 full-time services in the specific quarter. If a service has been provided for 2 months in a year, it will count as 0.17 full-time services in that year.

Classification system

The selected types of services refer to sections in the Act on Social Services. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing has decided which type of services that are to be reported to the statistics in the Consolidated Act Bekendtgørelse om dataindberetninger på socialområdet. The target groups are derived from the Adult Assessment Method (VUM 2.0). VUM is a method and a set of concepts, developed by The National Board of Social Services, for assessment and case work in relation to adults.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Disability service: A service is the specific support provided to adults with disability or marginalized adults. For instance housing services, attendant scheme or socio-pedagogical assistance. All services in these statistics are provided in accordance with the Act on Social Services. All services have a start date and possibly an end date.

Statistical unit

Recipients and services.

Statistical population

Recipients of services in accordance with the following sections in the Act on Social Services: §85, §95, §96, §97, §98, §102, §103, §104, §107, §108. § 82 a and § 82 b.

Reference area


Time coverage

These statistics cover the period from the 1st quarter of 2015 to the 4th quarter of 2023 inclusive.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The unit of measurement can be the number of persons or the number of services.

Reference period


Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

The act Lov om retssikkerhed og administration på det sociale område § 82-84.

Cost and burden

Ideally, there is no direct reporting burden associated with these statistics as they consist of administrative data. Most municipalities use system-to-system solutions that automatically report data to Statistics Denmark every month. However, some municipalities experience technical difficulties with the setup of their system-to-system solutions and, consequently, report all or a part of the data via Statistics Denmark's online reporting service.


More information can be found on the subject page of the statistics Disability and marginalized adults or can be required by contacting Statistics Denmark.