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Statistical processing

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Government Finances
Ulla Ryder Jørgensen
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Regional Accounts

The statistics are based on regional versions of the national accounts' sources, where this is possible. The main sources are Accounting Statistics for Non-agricultural Private Sector and General Government Finances Statistics. The sources are used either directly or as a distribution key. The regional accounts are revised in line with the publication rhythm of the national accounts. The final figures for the regional accounts are therefore not available until three years after the end of the reference period.

Source data

The statistics are mainly based on regional statements of the national accounts' sources.

The sources for calculating regional gross value added and gross fixed capital formation are mainly Accounting Statistics for Non-agricultural Private Sector, General Government Finances Statistics. Economic Accounts for Agriculture by region, Business Enterprise Research and Development, Employment in Businesses and Purchases and sales by enterprises. In cases where the data is collected at company level, and where companies have more than one local unit, a distribution of the company's accounting figures is made on the basis of information on the number of fulltime equivalents per local unit. In addition to the aforementioned sources, a number of quantitative indicators, which are closely related to the transactions to be allocated, are used. These are used as a regional distribution key in industries where direct regional information is not available or where there are special principles for regional allocation.

The sources for the compilation of regional figures for wages, employment and hours worked are Employment in Businesses and Register-Based Labor Force Statistics.

The source for the compilation of household incomes is Income Statistics.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Sources are mainly collected internally from other units at Statistics Denmark.

Data validation

In addition to the data validation carried out in the primary statistics, a number of other data validation procedures are carried out. Among other things validation procedures that ensure that a correct economic interpretation of the results can be made.

Data compilation

The regional figures for gross value added, employment, hours worked, compensation of employees, gross fixed capital formation and other taxes and subsidies on production are calculated on the national accounts' 117 aggregation level, and the calculation procedures vary from industry to industry. In some industries, the regional information can be used directly, while in other industries it is used as a distribution key.

Gross value added and gross fixed capital formation

The most important source for the calculation of gross value added and gross fixed capital formation is the Accounting statistics for the Non-agricultural Private sector, which covers the industries manufacturing, information and communication, real estate and rental of commercial properties as well as parts of the industries business services and trade and transport etc. and manufacture and distribution of gas. Accounting statistics are collected mainly at company level. In cases where a company has more than one local unit, a distribution of the company's accounting figures is made on the basis of information on the number of fulltime equivalents per local unit. The distribution between local units is described in more detail in Documentation of Statistics for Non-agricultural Private Sector. In addition to the accounting statistics, information on own-produced and purchased research and development from the statistics Business Enterprise Research and Development is used. The aforementioned sources are not available for the first calculation of the regional accounts, which is compiled one year after the end of the reference period. Therefore, the distribution from the previous year is used. Industries engaged in non-market activities are primarily covered by a regionally distributed version of the General Government Finances Statistics. These are mainly the industries public administration, education and health, non-market research and development (part of the industry other business services) and part of the industry arts, entertainment and other services. Generally, there is accounting information at local unit level in the central government accounts data and in the municipal accounts data. In the case of the regions, a distribution of the regions' accounting information between local units is made on the basis of the number of employed. The source is supplemented with accounting information for non-profit institutions serving households, which is regionalized the basis of the number of employed. The remaining part of the industry arts, entertainment and other services that are market producers are regionalized using wages and salary and employment data. The industry financial and insurance is regionalized using wages and salaries. The Economic Accounts of agriculture by region is the source for the calculation of the industry agriculture and horticulture. It is supplemented with various quantitative indicators from the Agricultural and Horticultural Census, which is used to distribute the regional figures to between provinces. Each of these indicators is weighted by the production value of the individual agricultural and horticultural products from the national accounts. The statistics Purchases and sales by enterprices are used as a source for the industry fishing. The calculation of gross value added in construction is based on quantitative indicators rather than accounting information, as larger construction sites are considered as local kind-of-activity units (workplaces), which does not always coincide with the address of the executing construction company. For *construction of new buildings, the gross value added is distributed on the basis of information on the number of completed square meters from the statistics Construction census. For the civil engineering, the gross value added is distributed on the basis of information on the geographical location of various civil engineering projects. Repair and maintenance of buildings is distributed with information about the building stock in square meters from the census of Buildings. Information on the number of traveling passengers and transported goods from the counts Railway transport and Aviation are used as the main source for the distribution of gross value added in the industries air transport, passenger rail transport, interurban and transport by suburban trains, buses and taxi operations etc. In the industries production and distribution of electricity and steam and hot water supply, figures for quantities of electricity and heat (including production onshore and offshore windmills) produced by the Danish Energy Agency are used as a source of distribution. The production at offshore windmills is allocated to the region "Outside regions". The industries extraction of oil and gas and mining support activities are allocated to the region "Outside regions".


GDP is calculated in the regional accounts only from the production side. The regional GDP is therefore calculated as the sum of the gross value added plus product taxes and minus product subsidies. Product taxes and subsidies are by convention distributed regionally proportional to gross value added.

Compensation of employees, employment and hours worked

The compilation of regional figures for compensation of employees, employment in persons and hours worked is based on the statistics Employment in Business, Register-based Labor Force Statistics and General Government Finance Statistics. In the industries construction, air transport, extraction of oil and gas and mining support service activities, the same indicators are used as are used to distribute gross value added. Employment in Business contains information on compensation of employees and the number of employees in fulltime equivalents. This information is used as a source for compiling compensation of employees and hours worked for employees. Employment in persons is distributed on the basis of number of employed persons at the end of November from the Register-Based Labor Force Statistics. Hours worked for the self-employed are distributed according to the number of self-employed excl. leave. Regionalized figures of General Government Finances Statistics are used as a source of compensation of employees in public non-market industries.

Other taxes and subsidies on production

As there are no regional figures for other production taxes and subsidies, these are generally distributed proportionally to gross value added. However, regional information on COVID-19 aid packages for 2020 and 2021 will be collected and incorporated as these are classified as other subsidies on production.

Constant prices

Because no regional price indices are available the calculation of production, intermediate consumption and gross fixed capital formation in constant prices is done by applying the national price indices for each industry.

Household income

The regionally distribution of household income is mainly based on the Income Statistics. As the national accounts use other sources for the household accounts at national level, this is a pure top-down method. The only exception is interest paid, where income statistics are also the source for the national calculations.


No corrections of data are made besides the earlier mentioned corrections under "data validation" and "data compilation".