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Regional Accounts

Regional accounts describe the geographical dimension of production and income conditions as these are compiled in the national accounts using the production approach. The regional allocation aims at adding production etc. to the region where production takes place.

Regional accounts contain information on GDP, gross value added, gross fixed capital formation, compensation of employees and employment. Moreover the household sector's incomes are compiled. The regional allocation of the household income is based on the residence of the households and not where the incomes are earned.

Data description

Regional accounts describe the geographical dimension of production and income conditions as these are compiled in the national accounts using the production approach. The regional allocation aims at adding output and value added etc. to the region in which production takes place, mainly the residences of production or local kind-of-activity units.. Regional accounts contain information on output, intermediate consumption and gross value added in both current and chained 2020-prices as well as other taxes less subsidies on production, compensation of employees, and gross operating surplus and mixed income in current prices. Moreover information on the number of employees and total employment is compiled. GDP by region is published both in total and per capita terms. Moreover the household sector's incomes at regional level are compiled. The regional allocation of the household income is based on the residence of the households and not where the incomes are earned. The household income contains information on gross operating surplus, compensation of employees, property income and primary income. The statistics also show how the distribution of social benefits, income taxes and contributions to social schemes (pension savings) are distributed geographically. The incomes are calculated both in absolute numbers and in per. capita terms.

In this documentation sources and methods for regional accounts are described. Documentation of the functional national accounts, compensation of employees and employment and the institutional sector accounts is available in the following documentations:

Classification system

Geographical classification

Geographical classification follow the EU's NUTS-classification (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics). Besides the 5 regions and the 11 provinces the NUTS-classification includes the region outside regions where activities which cannot be attributed to a single region are allocated. In Denmark these activities include only extraction of oil and gas in the North sea and activities which take place in Danish embassies abroad


The industry classification in the national accounts is based on Dansk Branchekode (DB07). In the national accounts, the following levels of aggregation are used for industries: 10a3, 19a2, 36a2, 69 and 117. The regional accounts are calculated on the 117-aggregation level of the national accounts, but are only published on the 10a3-aggregation level.

Sector coverage

The national accounts cover all sectors of the economy.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Gross Domestic Product (GDP): A meassure of the size of a country's economy. GDP can be calculated in three ways:

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) in market prices is calculated from the production side by subtracting from production at market prices the total value of intermediate consumption at buyer prices.
  • It can also be calculated from the income side as compensation of employees plus the surplus of production and mixed income plus taxes on production, net.
  • Finally it can be calculated from the application side as the sum of all final uses in buyer prices minus the import of goods and services

Gross Value Added (GVA): Gross domestic product at base prices. GVA is calculated for the individual business types as production at base prices minus intermediate consumption at buyer prices and is thus, also equal to the sum of other production taxes (net), compensation of employee, and surplus of production and mixed income. For society as a whole, gross value added can also be calculated as the gross domestic product at market prices minus net product taxes.

Constant prices: Current prices adjusted for inflation. Calculation of fixed prices is necessary to make comparisons over time where the effect of price developments needs to be eliminated. Fixed prices are calculated using the prices from the previous year, and these form the basis for calculating the chained values. In addition, fixed prices with a fixed base year (e.g. year 2000) are also calculated.

Current prices: Prices or price level that applies to goods and services in the current period. The opposite of current prices is fixed prices.

Chained values: Periodic changes (e.g. years) that are chained to create comparability over longer periods of time.

Supply balance: A compilation of the national accounts which shows both the supply of goods and services in a country over a period of time as well as the use of these goods. By definition, supply and use are always the same. The components of the supply balance are GDP and imports of goods and services on the supply side and consumption, gross investments and exports of goods and services on the usage side.

Residential unit: An entity is a resident of a country or a region if it is located within the economic territory of that country or region and conducts or intends to conduct economic activities and transactions to a significant extent for a period of at least one year.

Residential unit primary income: The income that resident entities receive through their direct participation in the production process and the income that the owner of a financial asset or natural capital receives in return for providing capital or natural capital to another institutional entity.

Economic area: The geographical area managed by a government within which persons, goods and services, and capital move freely. Includes duty-free zones, national airspace, territorial waters and the part of the continental shelf that lies within the international waters under the sovereignty of the country. Also includes territorial enclaves (e.g. Danish embassies and consulates abroad), deposits of oil, natural gas, etc. in international waters outside the country's continental shelf, which are utilized by resident entities.

Economic area outside regions: The part of an economic area which cannot be allocated to a single region. This includes national airspace, territorial waters, and the part of the continental shelf that lies within the international waters under the sovereignty of the country, territorial enclaves (e.g. Danish embassies and consulates abroad), deposits of oil, natural gas, etc. in international waters outside the country's continental shelf, which are utilized by resident entities.

Statistical unit

For the compilation of output, intermediate consumption, taxes linked to production and subsidies, wages and salaries, employment, fixed capital formation and depreciation, the statistical unit is the local kind-of-activity unit. For the compilation of distributive and financial transactions, which cannot be divided up unambiguously among the individual kind-of-activity units belonging to a decision making unit (enterprise), the unit is the larger institutional unit, which in most cases will be the same as the legal unit which is the enterprise.

Statistical population

All units generating Danish economic activity

Reference area

Denmark excl. Greenland and Faroe Islands.

Time coverage

The statistics cover the period from 1993 onwards.

Base period

Chained values are calculated with 2020 as the reference year.

Unit of measure

  • GDP, production, gross fixed capital formation etc. are published in mill. DKK
  • Per. capital values are published in 1000 DKK.
  • Employment and average population are published in number of persons.
  • Hours worked are published in 1000 hours.

Reference period

The reference period for the economic flows of the regional accounts is equivalent to the national accounts being the year in which the economic activity occurs. Information on employment is annual averages.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

The legal authority to collect data is provided by the Act on Statistics Denmark, section 8-12, as subsequently amended (most recently by Act no. 610 of may 30th, 2018).

Council Regulation (EC) No 549/2013 of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community (ENS 2010) (EFT L 174 26.06.2013, p. 1) - ESA2010.

Cost and burden

There is no direct burden of response since data are collected by other offices in Statistics Denmark.


Further information can be found at the subject page on Regional accounts or by contacting Statistics Denmark directly.