Statistical processing
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Population and EducationIben Birgitte Pedersen
+45 23 60 37 11
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The source to the statistics are data from other statistical registers operated by Statistics Denmark. Data from the registers are delivered yearly via System-to-system-transmission. Data are already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year. Data about decisions, charges and admissions to prisons from Statistics Denmark's criminal statistical registers are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's register of the population's highest level of education and Statistics Denmark's register of Populations Statistics.
Source data
A number of Statistics Denmark's criminal statistical registers (decisions, charges and admissions to prisons). Data to this registers originate from the Central Criminal Register operated by the National Commissioner of the Danish Police. Furthermore data from Statistics Denmark's register of the population's highest level of education and Statistics Denmark's Register of Population Statistics.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data validation
The statistics are based on data from other statistical registers in Statistics Denmark and therefore already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year. Explanations of possible big deflections in the distribution of key variables are looked for. E.g. changes in the legislation or in the administrative praxis may cause fluctuations in the distributions.
Data compilation
Data about decisions, charges and admissions to prisons from Statistics Denmark's criminal statistical registers are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's register of Population Statistics. he population's highest level of education and Statistics Denmark's register of Populations Statistics. Only persons who have been resident in Denmark through the entire follow-up period are included in the statistics. That implies, that persons who have died or emigrated during the follow-up period are excluded from the statistics. Information from Statistics Denmark's register on the populations highest level of education as at October 1 the year before the reference year are linked to the defined population. For each person, variables telling how many new crimes the person has committed during the follow-up period, are calculated. Also variables telling which type of crimes the person has committed and which kind of penalty the person has received, are calculated. Finally, the number of decisions during the last five years before the reference year, are calculated.
No further corrections of data than mentioned in "Data validation" and "Data compilation" are done.