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Population and Education
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Since 2007, the statistics has been prepared on the same date source. In general the statistics is therefore comparable during time.

Some of the published data are not available for all years.

No international comparable statistics are available.

Comparability - geographical

Several countries produce recidivism statistics. However, methods and definitions varies and hence directly comparable statistics are not available.

Comparability over time

Since 2007, the statistics has been prepared on the same date source. In general the statistics is therefore comparable during time. As from 2008 the statistics are supplied with information on educational level and as from 2009 furthermore with information on previous criminality. As a consequence of law amendments or wishes for more information on specific kind of offences the division of type of offences can be altered during the years. Fines for violation of the road traffic act below DKK 2,500 are not included in the statistics as from 2012. Earlier the limit was DKK 1,500.

By studying the development in the number of persons with decisions (typical fines) for violation of the road traffic act and other special laws as police regulation and euphoriants act it has to be considered that the activity of the police in the form of e.g. speed controls or special efforts in the night life by itself can affect the number of convicted persons. An increase in the number of persons with decisions in these areas does not necessarily reflect an increase in the number of persons committed this kind of crimes but can also reflect that a greater proportion are discovered and registered.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics on Recidivism build on the same data source as the statistics on convictions. The unit in convictions is the conviction while it in Recidivism is persons who have been released after serving in jail or have received a guilty decision during a calendar year.

Convictions include all convictions while Recidivism only include persons who have been found guilty.

Only persons who have been resident in Denmark through the entire follow-up period are included in the statistics. That implies, that persons who have died or emigrated during the follow-up period are excluded from the statistics.

Furthermore Recidivism only include persons resident in Denmark through the entire follow-up period. Convictions also include persons subsequently emigrated or died as well as tourists and others without a Danish personal identification number.

Coherence - internal

Data are internally consistent.