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The figures in these statistics are relevant, among other things, in connection with political decisions in the environmental field, environmental economic analyses and international comparisons of the individual EU countries' environmental efforts. The most obvious users of the statistics are various ministries, agencies and organizations, as well as media and research institutions. Statistics Denmark receives information about the users' needs and satisfaction via the Contact Committee for Environmental Economic Accounts and Statistics.
User Needs
These statistics establish a link between public sector expenditure and revenue and the same sector's environmental and resource activities. The link is made by dividing expenditure and revenue by both environmental and national accounting categories. In this capacity, the statistics are largely aimed at professionals and analysts. Professionals who use the statistics will often be employed in ministries such as the Ministry of the Environment and Food, the Ministry of Finance or in organizations such as Eurostat and the OECD. The analysts will often sit in councils and boards - such as the Environmental Economic Council or the Climate Council. The relatively high level of detail in national accounting categories may constitute a barrier to more generally interested users of the statistics.
User Satisfaction
Statistics Denmark Committee for Environmental Economic Accounts and Statistics hosts at least one meeting per year. All or part of the committee's meetings take the form of seminars, where there may be several participants from the institutions represented on the committee. User satisfaction information is not collected separately, but users' needs and satisfaction are discussed in the Committee.
Data completeness rate
All published data meets the current requirements under EU legislation and guidelines in this area.