Statistical presentation
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The statistics on live music are an annual statement of the number of concert organizers, concerts and audiences divided by organizer type, sector, industry and region.
Data description
The statistics are an annual statement of the activity around live music, which sheds light on the companies and organizations that arrange and / or hold concerts and the audience that participates in them. Concert organizers, concerts and audiences are in paragraph.
Concerts are limited to concerts with public access, where the musicians are remunerated for the performance of the musical works, and where the concerts are the main purpose of the audience's presence. Charity concerts where the musicians do not receive a direct payment are covered by the definition, as the musicians' fees are assumed to be their contribution to the purpose of the concert. Concerts broadcast on television and radio are covered if there is public physical access to the concert. Events such as school concerts and concerts at company parties where there is no public access are not included in the statistics. Concerts held at restaurants, bars and discos, where the main purpose of the audience's presence is the consumption of food and drink, are also not included.
Concert organizers are the companies and organizations that arrange and / or hold concerts. The statistics distinguish between different types of organizers, eg professional concert organizers, churches and venues.
Classification system
The statistics are grouped according to the following groupings:
Concert size, organizer type, regions, sector and industry.
Concert organizer type
- National church
- Cultural organizations
- Orchestras
- Music festival
- Music society
- Regional music venue
- Music venue
- Professional organizer
- Other organizer
** Concert size **
- Less than 200 people
- 200-499 people
- 500-999 people
- 1,000-4,999 people
- 5000-9.999 people
- 10,000-29,999 people
- More than 30,000 people
State Municipal Private
Sector coverage
Sector of Culture
Statistical concepts and definitions
Live music: Concerts with public access is in these statistics defined as concerts where the musicians are paid for the performance of the musical works. Charity concerts where the musicians do not receive a direct payment are covered by this definition, as the musicians' fees are assumed to be their contribution to the purpose of the concert. Concerts transmitted on TV and by radio are covered if there is public physical access to the concert. The audience will include those who attend the concert in real life.
Statistical unit
Statistical population
Concerts where the musicians are remunerated for the performance of the musical works, and where the concerts are the main purpose of the audiences presence.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics cover the time period 2018-2023.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Reference period
The statistics refer to the calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
These statistics are not covered by any EU regulation.
Cost and burden
These statistics are based on administrative and already collected data. There is thus no direct response burden, in relation to the compilation of these statistics.
Other information can be found on the statistics' Culture page or available by contacting Statistics Denmark.