Accuracy and reliability
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The number of audiences, concerts and concert organizers is estimated on the basis of several data sources, including billing data for holding live concerts. This does not give the exact number of audiences and concerts, but is considered to give a true picture of the actual scope. The statistics are still under development, which is why there will be minor revisions of the published information in the first years of publication. We work continuously to ensure a high quality.
Overall accuracy
There is a certain underestimation of the number of audiences and concerts held and concert organizers, as they are estimated on the basis of data, which contains both concerts held during the calendar year which is the counting year and concerts held in other years. Calculations based on the data base for 2018 and 2019 show that the underestimation for both concerts and audiences in 2018 was less than 1 per cent.
Some concerts may be missing as it is not possible to quantify whether the musicians are actually remunerated for their performance. On the other hand, the assumption that all festival guests attend all concerts means that the number of audiences is overestimated, but it is unknown how much.
The accuracy of the statistics can be assessed by comparing selected results from the survey with relevant data from other statistics. For example, there is an overall correlation between the number of festival visitors in the Cultural Habits Survey and the estimation of the number of festival guests in the statistics on live music.
Sampling error
Not relevant for these statistics.
Non-sampling error
Some of the invoices contain information about how many concerts and audiences the invoicing relates to, and others do not. The number of audiences for the latter concerts is therefore estimated by dividing the average price per. the audience with the invoiced amount and is therefore associated with a degree of uncertainty, which at present is not possible to quantify. In addition, there are variations in the registration practices for the invoices, which can be a source of additional uncertainty.
Another uncertainty is that data, which contains both concerts held in the census year and concerts held in other years, are used to estimate the number of concerts held in the census year.
Some information about concerts is not true. For example, there may be an invoicing with an incorrect amount that will result in an incorrect estimate of the number of audiences. Error posting of the organizations that are invoiced the rights amounts can be another source of error just as incorrect industry code in the company statistics is another possible source of error.
The statistics are based on the following two model assumptions, both of which are sources of uncertainty: One assumption is that concerts invoiced for during a census year are a good estimate of the number of concerts held in the census year. The second assumption is that it is possible to estimate the number of audiences by dividing the average price per audience. audience pr. concert with the amount that the concert organizer must pay to KODA for the holding of the concert.
Quality management
Statistics Denmark follows the recommendations on organisation and management of quality given in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and the implementation guidelines given in the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF). A Working Group on Quality and a central quality assurance function have been established to continuously carry through control of products and processes.
Quality assurance
Statistics Denmark follows the principles in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and uses the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF) for the implementation of the principles. This involves continuous decentralized and central control of products and processes based on documentation following international standards. The central quality assurance function reports to the Working Group on Quality. Reports include suggestions for improvement that are assessed, decided and subsequently implemented.
Quality assessment
These statistics are based on central and well-known authoritative sources, which help to ensure the quality of the results. On the other hand the statistics also has a number of sources of inaccuracy. These are described under chapter 3.5. No actual quality assessment of the statistics’ final results has been made beyond the quality assurance described under data validation.
Data revision - policy
Statistics Denmark revises published figures in accordance with the Revision Policy for Statistics Denmark. The common procedures and principles of the Revision Policy are for some statistics supplemented by a specific revision practice.
Data revision practice
The statistics are initially compiled for the reference year 2018 and the calculation method is still under development. The statistics are therefore subject to possible future revision. The calculation method for calculating the audience and concerts has been specified in connection to the publication of 2019 results. This has led to minor revisions in the statistics for 2018. This is partly due to clarification of the category descriptions for concert organizers and music associations, as well as revised figures for individual music festivals.